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And the True Story of

Truth Trueman TT…Pi.

The Personal Programer.

The P.C.E Programer.

The Personal Computer Programer.

The D.N.A. Sequence and Program.

And the Vide O Game

Versus the Vide 0 game

Aligned to from 01 to O I.

Our Collective D.N.A. is a programe.

We have been Programed.

By Who?

And For what reason?

Our world is the visual projection of said programe fraqmented and dispersed as fragments of the story called Nature.

Our role in the Vide 0 game is to fill the Gap btw our Nature to Fact to the Fragments by converting 0 to O and aligning the Programe to rhe picture through Frequency (F.M recieving the transmissions in the correct Consciousness- F M.C…which Fills the Space between us called illusion of sepration to O is all 1 and thus, all I. E Energy.

Thus, the Game could be described as We are the World Energy.


As any computer programer will tell, you they use a series of Binary codes of combinations of 01001101010 which creates a game or a visual virtual reality which we play in on a P.C (mind Personal Computer)

We are outside of these games, (Think the movie Matrix) but as anyone who has played any of these Games it can actually feel so real.

But is it?

The simulation of the programer creates a virtual tableau and world with colors of the spectrum 1-7…

The programers create laws and rules of the play.

With an outcome…or reward which encourages people to want to play.

The programers use Codes and thus, assume the role of Gode…

Code to me is God.

And the Ability to read the Code of the play more important than understanding the play. And understanding the point of the play is more important than knowing how to play.

But what is the most important is understanding that you are in a Scripted Coded play…Which is not real. But is based on one reality from many diverse video games or life scenarios.

And is created for your pleasure anf entertainment but also to enhance your cognitive and other skills.

The Game serves a purpose.

Designed to be beneficial.

But in order to be able to understand the play or the scripted programme or the point of the programer…

You must play

(Be Born into this Game called We are the World called Energy- as blank page).

And as you play, the programe in your D.N.A. helps you to maneuvere through and understand the scripted play.

Until you become so good at the Game that it becomes effortless and you understand the Harmony of the play moving up the level 1-7-89-O

Thus, to under stand the programer, you must be able to understand the Code…(Which I call Gode..God Energy) and to understand the Code/Gode, and read it and to read it, you must enter the simulation or Game play..

And momentarily believe it real, while retaining the truth that you are outside of it.

But have willingly entered it

(or been born into it) in order to gain information knowledge, refinement and ehancement of skills.

Developing from potential to Kinetic recognition of your own ability…

You develop suddenly and naturally skills which you naturally employ later outside of the Game…Naturally.

I call this the process of Evolution.

Once you have mastered the Game -to me, the true meaning of War and Victory-

The Blank pages or leaves of your book (when you were born) becomes inked with information as your Natural D.N.A.- has now risen through experience of interfacing the 010111010 codes with the 1-7 codes of Color (Stimuli) of the Game, from form depth perspective, angle of the 2-3-4 dimensional play…

And the linear sequencing of the play (meaning the game is directional).

And lastly, it interfaces with your Conscious mind and the Consciousness revealed by the programer of the play…

And it coordinates consciousness of the Self and the Idea (the programe), developing a speed of light sight and consciousness co-cordination..

As well as a hand and Eye Coordination which interfaces with the Character who is your Avatar in the play…

Thus; from 010011010 (Zero-illusion and I- manifestation btw zero as nothingness. Yes No, in or out…true or false.

Interacting and interfacing with 1234567…which makes the colors of visual-Spectrum Rainbow- time space and Hieght, depth form…

Aligning to two consciousnesses which appear seprate but which gradually move two Consciousness- Yours and the Code/Gode..to move into One Harmony Consciousness by mastery of the play…which is really self mastery.

The Programmer of your D.N.A has knowledge of you but wishes you to know yourself as He knows you. By seeking and creating a D.N.A programe by your interfacing with It/him/Her or through a Game it has created on your P.C (personal Computer) which is your Private Consciousness or I.P Address (Individual Personal Address) which to me, represents your Individual Pi number..

And yes, each person in my equation is a Pi or Golden Ratio Phi which as you pass through all the ppl in your life:who each represent Pi and the journey of Pi. And since you are everyone yet also your Individual self (O.I) you interact with all aspect of Pi (all people as Pi are beings of Harmony Infinity going on as Energy Expressing for ever unless they no longer represent Pi and their source no longer recognizes them as his Creation in the play which means they cease to Exist and their essence returns to the Light Full Circle which they were created from and had been born into time and space- the play in order to pass through the Full Circle and reach the Programe Creator by understanding that there is no duality that everything is light even darkness ignorance bc even in the known knowing as I have been proving you already know. It is in your Natural D.N.A..in D.N.U Nature and in your D.N.E…Nature and Natural Energetic Engineering….To Exist as an I.E…Individual of Existence you must pass through the Code/Gode the Sacred Chord/ the Umbiblical Chord…Of the Universal Choir of U.C! Echo Resonance Response by you..I.C.!…

Response by Existence light dark colors Rainbow Spectrum..What do you Cee?

Response by the I.E..


I C.E… M E.!

I .C. H.E.

Supreme H.E…


And so you pass through and become by seeing through Conscious of the Creator of the programe yourself and thus, the Creator.

And so people, understanding and social reaction with all represenatives of people in all Existence- Recognizing parts of themselves in yourself- until you reach a point of Infinity called the point of the Golden Ratio. Or one who is not as you…The test called the illusion the Avatar who is not really but becomes real by your understanding that this is the Wall -The Too l of The Code/Gode to test you..The last test of True and False by proving the False is true…Truth..TT…The Door way…The Way home.

As I have done here in code 1974..40.

..Or the point when the Spiral reaches that place where it becomes like a dot, but which is really dissapering into another dimension within which you can not see..)

Which is going beyond the Code/Gode and now going to that place Nikolai Tesler spoke about, which some call Zero Gravity, but which I call OI…. (Having transformed the 01010101 interface with the colors spectrum 1234567..to white light- Epiphany! Light! I Get it! aka, Mastery of the play which creates Harmony..

8…Which moves to understanding to hieght and depth and form 9, the play as it applies to you inside the Game but also to you personal and who it applies to your life..Has refined your understanding of your life by honning your skills.

Suddenly, you understand naturally the point of the Game/ the pleasure of a play which enhanced your skills, perception and Consciousness of your S.P.C.

Full Circle.

The Game no longer interests you, nor do you desire to play it any longer. But you recommend as a great Game.

Now your find that your blank book of pages called Potential where your D.N.A sequencing lay hidden is now filled with writing based on your interface with the play and mastery.

Suddenly, you are full and knowledge suddenly flows from you. Full Knowledge of Pi and the journey.

It flows out of you..You can read the code of life, the play and the numbers and the abstract 01010101 and 1234567…have now moved to the two missing numbers 8 9 which can only be reached by Harmonizing yourself and the Game to 8 (88 bc 8/8=18..One Eight. And the same with 9..99 as Idea of the play being Individuality (basically getting to know your Individual self..Potential/Personality by interfacing with the Idea…Individuality.

P.I…Or P.Harmony I…

Personality Harmonized Individuality…

Meaning the Game is a programe embeded in D.N.A within and dispersed outside of you in the game (environment-world-ppl).

which I call D.N U. and D.N.E is or was about Developing Personality and Chatecter which creates a true Individual..Snow Flake.

And thus the numbers 88 99 merge as both letter and number combining to create H.I. and (8+9=17…Q in the Alphabet…Thus, it creates P.I. H.I..I.Q…Harmonized.)…

From a play grounded in this reality which is taken away to cyper space, or out of self in order to step outside of yourself to get a better view.

And only then, by creating this game play..and illusion of seperation can you see the 89 H.I..the P.I your I.Q/Q.I…and thus see the Truth of your self as you see the full potential of yourself fully realized and enlightened….R.E. from within.

And thus, only then can you re enter yourself, leaving that illusion of sepration and once more come into one with yourself.

This is the meaning of the point or center pt of the Spiral which spirals outward or the flow and flower of life moving outward until it reaches it outter limit.

For example as represented in my personal play by

A.S. and Kimberly.B..

A.K/K.A… with me as I.E/E.I…

A.K. I.E


B.E.I/E.I ..

E.I A.K/ I.E. K.A.

Code Gode:

Rise Be I the O source V Full Circle.


Meaning in Code Gode;

Victor is Energetic/Expression Explaination of F=6 reason able to explain the Sixth sense of the Full Circle Called Consciousness.

That Consciousness is Energy…And Thus source of Wealth =Energy Consciousness.


E.K. I.E. A.K. S.B.

Before folding back into itself.

unfolding and folding back into itself until dissapearing back into the point…Which is being in one with yourself by understanding the Code/Gode and thus, going beyond the Code of Existence (God Existence). To E Code/EGode. Which is beyond time and space, even beyong sight but to the source of Sound…

Deep within…to meet the Programer…The Source of the D.N.A programe, the programer, the source of the play, the Creator of the Play…

Until you find yourself meeting your maker…

All by understanding the Game was about meeting your self…

Once you meet yourself it automatically leads you to meet the Creator who you understand now was the first to understand the process.

And only by understanding this process can you meet yourself the Self Created and the original programer..The Creator….

Who leads guides and teaches simply….by example.



We are Faces and we are books with invisible ink which through the full Circle of interfacing and Experiencing reveals what we already know…Even the idenity of the Very First Creator….V.F.C…

of the Computer programe created to explore a story of the first and original true story of Phi which led Him to the other side…Called the Lightened up sunnier side of life…Beyond Life as Death..

Beyond the Viel of the Curtain of the Northern lights where I.E exists and B.E who was sending transmission to all to they themselves to become I.E of light and color…in a Script and programe He/S.He created to cross over and join him on the other side…

The Brighter side called Truth life…Life after being born of Woman who was my little sister pandoora playing the illusion of Death…

A.L. I.C.E who went down the rabbit whole to a dimension where she Wondered where was Land….

Until she realized that she /he had entered a realm where nothing was real…

And until She*He understood the lesson and only then was after she garhered all parts of herself and made herself whole (Think Humpty Dumpty and the Black Hole as the Rabbit hole)…was She he in duality finally allowed to come home.

There is only one Mother Father…They are not seprate as here as Parents.

He is S.H.E…And He is one MF who sent out on the F.M band the way the Fractuals could remember that they were created whole not with a hole and thus, find their way home…


By Exemplifying Naturally..Being E..Energy…not Existence…~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153765170875162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10153765170875162%3Atop_level_post_id.10153765170875162%3Atl_objid.10153765170875162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10153765170875162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A5224797566973371773&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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