
4:24 A.M.

4:24 A.M.


Its snowing in New York…

A light and sheer kind of snow.

Gentle, miniscule soft shards of light…

Yes, Light.

Because as I peer out of the window I can see how the wind swirls and curls the snow- unfolding, undulating, that the snow gleams like soft..

-Oh so soft light…which flash before me like the twinkle of mischief fun which reflects the light in my eyes.

It is as if before they land, gracefully deposited on the landscape of what was a concrete jungle of man made mess…

They wink at me before covering everything in pure white blanket

– The promise of a fresh new leaf in a story already written but yet to be made visible to those who can only see with the naked eye…

This is my Secret Power,

this powder which really is light.

First light, which made first Contact with the Dark night which then landed on the brown Earth…My Skin.

Light which landed on me.

Light from the First light of Energy Wow! coming into Time and Space- called the reflections of the past,

but which man calls Unuverse Existence.

Not knowing that this light travelled from far beyond illusion of time and space.

But from the Creator of the Program, the Programer..

As Light, which when it entered this dimension,

it exploded in a gentle sigh of release..

Refracting, from its oneness into gazillions of fragments, fragments of the one same idea…Individuality, expressed in so many Individually differing ways…

Snow, the Creator as the artists Poetic rendition of the story of Royal Reign, is a love letter from the Creator, the Programer..of Light.

Light fragmented but still whole.

A message, which when read, which lands and touches the brown Earth, my brown skin, it melts and is absorbed by me…

The message..of Awe and Ahhh!!! Relief.

Snow Flakes of Cold touching Heat, melting my being to become water. Running on me, in me, through me…

Water Snow flakes a love letter flowing within, containing the the sum total of knowledge, information codes..all I need to know..

-The Colors of the Programers plan lightened up for me/us, to see the Hues of Spectrum Ah-Tom-sphere the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis Stars waves sine song…the gateway home.

Out of time and space

And I sigh…

O I..

-Through the full Circle, the portal O.H! where sits the Creator Programer on the point, on his heart, Crowned with shimmering reflections of Silver Snow flakes (for no thorns pierces his brow just Silver Dancing lights and red read roses.

From which comes this message from the 1 which had travelled so far…

From the place of Infinite Eternal I, through the portal O of this dimension called Time and Space- the lesson Individuality for the human race to understand his grace which the I brings All back to One.

Individuality is Snowflake

and Consciousness is Snow.

I.C.Supreme Scupluters Now

of I.E…Exemplified Examples of his-her grace.

I.C.E. Sculptures of the Artists Carved into transparent being.

Rising in Stillness, from the Stillness of the Still Royal Blue evening light.

Transparent Ice Scupltures rising from the Snow.

Frozen in Awe of their transformation through experiencing the sword of the Creators skill in shaping into being potential made kinetic.. Now still, by delicate but immense will.

The Dove of Peace and Love has landed on us, in us…

No more movement, no more doing…

We pause, we are still…

Ice Sculptures transparent Waters beings, in framed my Royal blue skies, Majestic Snow below…


Now we Know his will…

His Skill.

And in Stillness we wait expectant

For his arrival…

In the Stillness if Snow Flakes falling on F-red-erick and Cle ments, C.Valentines

Knight..this night….


And so now you know my secret…

The secret that I see whenever I open my eyes..or close them un Spring Summer or Autumn before the Fall..of Snow.

Is that for 21 years since I saw that beautiful light which was a full circle in surrounded in majesty by Royal Blue Knight…

Have I seen constantly these fragments of light surrounding everything and filling space between us, where others see nothing at all.

All I have to do is look up, be it in night…better more clearlu seen in during the day…

And see speckles of light filling the Vide-O Game of life that is this play.

And so only in Winter time, when its snows as it does this day…

Can All see the whispering flecks of Energy of light containing light and hues of colors which the Creator of the programe sent from beyond…into this realm of time and space…

From the I through the portal of O, which explodes into fragments of so many 111111…all saying Yes!Yes!Yes! reminding us of the purity of the truth that with all our diversity..in truth we really are all One.

Ah..Snow Flakes H.I..

Infinity…A Promise from the One Beyond…

That Infinity and Eternity is in everything not just in the awareness of the sun.

D AYE Light…

Supreme U.N.E.

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