
2/15/2014 17:52 – Facebook Post

New Update
Manifestation Victorious C.O.D.EG.O.D.E.
The Big Apple
The Apple Store
15 Feb… 215…B.A.E…B.O
14 Feb…. 214 B.A.D… B.N.

Yeah…I know the forever Long Good bye…

Genetic Manipulation… and Corruption of the D.N.A. Programming of the Creator and the Manipulation of the encoded program of Evolution of the species interrupted by using discordant sound Vibrations, to create mutation, fear and delay, detour the natural D.N.A program of Manifest Existence Truth…

I have understood that the Genetic Manipulation of the D.N.A intentional and unintentional has a cause an effect which created unbelievable consequences on the human plan created by the Original Programme Creator…
In which the Planet E.T of the natural Evolution of consciousness and the raising of the frequency so people could “hear” the source within of the plan and proof and evidence of Evolution and not go into fear was interrupted by man playing GodeCode instead of seeking to Understand the C.O.D.EGODE, and being able to read the plan, the sequencing, (In which the whole plan, story and direction is revealed), arrogantly ignored that there was and is a program already written into everything in Existence and Creation.

And that for 23 months I have been downloading, by correcting the D.N.A E.T link which grounds us, to the truth and lands through us the Dove peace on Earth.
I have been readjusting, re aligning the distortion done to the D.N.A by not only combating the Genetic manipulation and mutation G.M
7 13… Which reveals the E. Truth but also the IP address redirected from P.i to a different address other than to where it is meant to be.

I have thus been translating from 001010 to 123456789 O moving Numbers to letters, and then through the codes into words… and thus a story and thus meaning.
In to recaliberate through sound and words vibration, those reading these words to come back to their senses after being led astray by sound vibrations through film. expression, news spread distorted and amplified and repeated again and again to create fear…
Re aligning the DISCHORDANT CHORDS back to the sacred Chords the 4th the 5th which pleased the lord… Which of course is the sound of the hum of conversation in harmony. Which is the music of the Universal Harmonics and of course the original intention of the program which was and is to create Harmony.

I was in a great WAR and yesterday I saw the Code of V for vendetta placed on my Cup on my alter by my host who is the twin in my codes of Danny Vincent…
And I found a Rose… The rose thrown at the one cut to bits in that OSHO Story…
I was not cut to bits but in one of the Movies my harmony directed me to see watch yesterday- which is always to reveal the play I had accomplished… I witnessed with a smile Gerald Butler playing a warped version of my Darker side….
That part of me which will go to the end for the truth and for Justice to manifest… even while given the illusion that I was trapped in a cell…

The Brain washing of Humanity and the evil down to the IMMortal Cup (see the Movie)… and to me as Dorian Grey (47)… the illusion of my true self trapped in the other side and my body and face distorted…( Yes in my case it is the opposite, where behind the mirror, or in the reflection is my true Face, and this face as a Book, ( in this case you can judge the Book by the Cover) being distorted to try to make me look like a demon, so that people would call me a demon for portraying the truth.
For portraying the truth, the sought to turn me and my kind into demons, ugly so no one would believe us, be sacred of us and that how could we be the beautiful ones…?

A Portrait of Dorian Grey… D.G. (4.7)
the Law Abiding Citizen… Director.. Mr. Gray..
White and Black merged=Grey..
Grey Matter and the Mr. Brainwash

Yesterday, I found myself, updating a post of the Poem-Prose piece about Snow… Acknowledged by Kimberly and Seble… Rare Autumn Harvest…
I had made a mental note on posting it before that it was not complete and that I would get back to it..
Instead I found myself receiving a last code and a message transmission…
I sighed, but I could not stop my curiosity to investigation.

The Moment I finished the code… The Internet went off.
I knew I had been in a War with a P.C.. Computer versus an Abacus…
The Abacus was victorious.

In this “play” Nothing is my coincidence and nothing is intended to Harm… or cause Inconvience..
Rather it is a play, in which one must see only through the positive in order for it to reveal itself…

I sat with my host (covering a quivering rage which made Gerad Butlers Character in the film the Law Abiding Citizen,.. L.A…C!.. the La or note of the Creator-seem like a wild man child) when all of a sudden, all the meaning of the play came to fore, when a manifest Voice… Not a code, manifested from within me which I clearly heard…

I felt a Bit of awe…I head heard this phenomena happen to me before, ( not to be confused with voices in the head.. it is clear and distinct and rises from a being within and yet separate… ) but it had been a long while…

I had missed it.. and have been speaking or it had been speaking to me through codes for the last 5-9 years…
It was Nnamdi, me, on the other side of the mirror, the barrier, the Movie Frequency.. the Northern Lights…
My Darkest Light side.. and here I was Emeka in this world as my lightest Dark side… but all Are Light…

I told my host, and he spoke and affirmed through his own code understanding the same truth.

It had been a great power play…
Power and Communication…

Deliberate distortion of the natural D.N.A. Sequencing through Sound and Intention Vibration to create rot, break down and decay…
Anything, to make sure the Truth does now come out.
Does not manifest…
And why…?

My light side is Beautiful Ifunnanya.. B.I.. (Meaning Life in OINRI Igbo) and my Darkest side is Justice Consequence… J.C….
Energy Truth…
Because it manifests….

V IS for (4 D) Vendetta.

A debt for those who screwed with the Creators Programe.
Who showed such Lack of Respect, appreciation and Praise for the D.N.A. D.N.U. D.N.E CODE OF GODE is light of the Beautiful 1..I


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