
2/18/2014 21:54 – Facebook Post

Yeah its me again.

But I find that I am compelled to come back to the Story written by myself. Down loaded through Awakened Memory and literal Energy Consciousness which rose up in me in 2004 on October 31st…And helped me remember and write this version of the Mission and how creation began.

The post shared below of Le Ah Ma’at..(makes me think of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Ma at of Justice and crossing over in the Egyptian Book of the Dead) was the source stimuli of this post.

The Manuscript which for 9 years, I have sought to publish and make a film.
Yet I was never allowed the circumstances to do so.
The Journey kept on moving me from place to place. Person to person.
And eventually to the 9-10 year journey of what I now see as all other stories challenging this version of what was really going on in the unseen world…

In 2004, after writing it..I felt that apart some editing, “that that was that!”
My journey was over now that I got the story… And what a story…!!
It could inspire scores of different version of the same story- all in different languages of consciousness or dimension of reality.
From Fantasy, Action, Drama,Documentary,thriller, mystery, avante garde, modern, mythological…It contained all Creation stories of humanity and more.
It was I.S Snow Flake and Snow but most if all it tild the story of Now. In an elegant and modern voice.

But everytime, I sought to work on it, edit it, another consciousness would interfer.
I had the skeketon story and knew exactly how to expand upon it to create a contemporary story, even a Graphic Novel and Comic book..
A publisher even appeared just like that.
Via taking a walk one evening and meeting Noel an aquaintance who passed by the front door of my host home…
And was walking with his gurlfriend who not only worked in a reputable publishing house but was immediately interested in the book.
But each time I sought to edit a simply elegant almost child like script of 150-80 pages.
Other consciousnesses kept on interfering.

It was most disconcerting, annoying and frustrating.
It was as if by my “Family” rising in me in 2004 had opened up a portal of a can of worms.
Nature and so.many other dimensions of consciousness had wished to have their say.
What started off as a simple but layered story became a 732 volumious tomb of rage..And my spirit whom I call the Silence, navigating all manners of Consciousness in Time and Space.

I could not be Emeka Kolo in what was now 2008 (Having already been led to my hosts home..) but lived in the Dimension of Spirit E one of the main Charecters in the manuscript who was literally taking me through all these dimensions where there was such a resistance by “Nature” and the Alien Council (See The Movie The Adjustment Bureau) that humanity did not deserve and Awakening.
While being put through such grueling tests by my hosts and the A lien council of pissed of Babies and Children.

I had such a beautiful story to tell but I was not being allowed to tell it…
Until perhaps now…
Since I find myself being led back to the story written back in 2004…
Almost 9 years and almost 4 months ago…
Which literally creates I.D.

My I.D. was stolen within thr first months of coming to New York.
Just before 911…
Which is I.K…My bio Fathers name, my “school Fathers” name in Boarding school sort of protector and brother and also my.name.
But to me now it means I the K..the 11.
Doppleganger in O.N.E.
as I.
The Individual.

Contd on next post.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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