
2/20/2014 0:44 – Facebook Post

There is a New Consciousness now in the world.

Called Harmony.

It is beyond the Harmony of Nature.
It is beyond the Harmony of Universe.
It is even beyond the consciousness of Naturalness.

It is the E Harmony of Being in Existence.
Harmony Existence.

Yet without these four above listed Natural Laws of Harmony and understanding them one can not realize nor see or read the Fifth Element Harmony.

Sithy Ameena identified that truth I have been doing.
Authoring Harmony.
And later others identified that I was proving the Unified Field O of the Full Circle by proving we are in a script.

Of course, everyone wished to see Evolution and Awakening of the Species.
And believe me…it shall manifest to all…
I am not crazy enough to put myself and through such a story giving up a great life I had planned and worked hard for a “possibility”.

But I am proudest of the fact that my contribution was the proving of Harmony- the synchronicity, sequencing, patterning and ordering of the foyr dimensions of Harmony can be understood by being seated on the hearts expression Courage (not Cou “throat” in french” rage…raging expression)
and I Fun Nnanya…I.C.

Harmony and the full circle I call Father work in tandem.
To see the Full Circle means through reflective hindsight of how you got there you have reached the consciousness of Harmony because it leads a trail which you can follow.

There is no doubt that I have been quietly stunned by the muted response which some have expressed recognition of I feel is a singular scientic achievement.
As if it meant so little unless it gave people what they yearned or asked for on demand.

My incredulity on this will never end.
Because the benefit of we as a species being able to read reality is beyond priceless and such noble research should have been supported and sponsored as Billy Hung did for a year…

Of course, there was interference by the Alien Council but still…
Just the fact that so much evidence was provided that Harmony and the Full Circle can be explained.
That each meeting has a purpose.
That life is a literal Equation Riddle of I Fun nnanya should have made people sit up and pay attention.

Not because of.me; but because of the benefit it could bring to the whole species.

Instead I experience peoples Need to assert themselves and others so readily to tear me down or simply do nothing.

Some calling this my personal journey.
Good luck on your journey when offended by my pointing out the social respinsibility after being gifted with so much by being acknowledged by this consciousness and this play.

How can something people call so priceless be treated so shabbily.
Is it the scripted play.
That the play was scripted to those “they” knew would not do anyrhing to support this work.

Even though they recognize its value…but to only.themselves personally.

I know there are dimensions who would acknowledge what has been accomplished.
But I have stood speechless with others as me who have witnessed this phenomena of this work and discovery being so ignored.

They as well as I were astounded stunned.
And it caused them doubt, fear and rage for our society.
But I said this is not real.
People are sleeping not dead…right?


Authoring Harmony.
Explaining the O.
Decoding the C.O.D.E of G.O.D.E.
Explaining the Social Physical Science.
And the Raising Energy to Morphing and Transformation of people through Beautiful Expression called I Fun Nnanya Truth. I.T.

I guess, after all this and only manifest power is more important than all this…
Then I rest my case, something is either seriously wrong with the world.
Or the ones who led me down this path to play this all out on F B, set this all up to give me the illusion that I had failed in my.mission and that that which some identified as priceless…As an astounding 25 year achievement of mapping investigation and anaylsis of Existence was meant to give me the impression that it was worth nil…
Not even the care of concern for well being of I and I.
Even after such a contribution….

I am reminded of Heath Woods…
David Enke…

This is not the real world.

This is not Natural.

Love light and Laughter

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