
2/21/2014 18:08 – Facebook Post

E.T. Come Home.

Yesterday my Host put on two films.
Star Gate and Dogma.

I marvelled once again as I witnessed the conclusion of my sharing of a message I was given no choice but to share against overwhelming odds.

As I observed the Full Circle of the Star gate, aligning it with the Full Circle of this mission.
Back to the lower east side.
Back to the original story of the Beautiful Ones written in 2004.

And as I sat watching I suddenly saw the full circle of everything.
I saw the First Contact.
The True version of it.
That which was made between the light as consciousness (Energy) and the ignorant (matter)..
And the journey of how matter had to be transformed into light.

Many theorists had come up with this idea.
And here I was living and seeing the empirical evidence of it.

That my sharing on Face Book and on the streets of New York was is the transmission of the message.
The Completion of this task
That is the force within me and outside of me has forced me to share in this most unconventional way.

Creating a terrible conflict with basic requirements of living and working in the 21st Century where money and earning an income is the main prioriry versus this force forcing me to alert humanity and prepare the species of the immenient return of The Beautiful Consciousness…The Beautiful Ones who do not arrive on flying saucers…or as U.F.O…

But who arrive as light, which fills space and the air we breath.
That they have always been here, in the Air Breath is their, our true collective consciousness.
That they, it is all around us, within us…
But to make it rise the their trye consciousness had to be exemplified Embodied and Explained…

Many ppl through the ages to present had come so close to understanding it.
But they needed someone to embody it, live it.
So they could explain it themselves.
They required an obedient pupil (Which I was not but was one of them who they knew had the potential to understand and relay their message transmission but most of all their process).

Many times, when I posted I did not know when I was started and they ended.
Words would flow out of me and often Emeka was no.longer of this present world.
Often other aspects of The Everything taking over my own voice and consciousness as I wrote.
The Consciousness of the Alien Council, then the consciousness of The Beautiful Ones, and then Emeka not as my present incarnation…but as past incarnation.

And all on a need to know basis. I was made to assume the role of the Ignorant Cave man and set up play out how first contact first occurred eons ago.

Through breath, through inspiration, through Epiphany.
One man remembering.
Then others and these beings becoming the custodians of memory.
The Beautiful Ones fully enlightened who led the rest of the species forwards into Evolution….
This is how it happened.

The A liens were and have always been physically amongst us.
Yet they were not.
For though physically present, they lived in a Future Present which most could not even concieve.

They lived and saw and understood things.
Were able to create things of such astounding beauty and technoligical advancements that they were percieved of as Gods.
And they became so Beautiful in form because of their consciousness that they were worshipped but also it brought out the worst in others who beheld them…and the best.

It brought to surface all the viruses of consciousness of those ignorant or those who gave into their baser instincts and others…who chose to.learn from the Beautiful Ones…
Until a great War between those jealous and envious manifested. Which brought forth cruelty, visciousness.
While bringing to fore in the loyal ones qualities later called the triumphant and heroic in the species.

And so the Beautiful Ones understood that this was good and had to happen.
This grear war in the species in order for the darkness in the human being to rise to the surface and be seen and fealt with.
At the same time, the Heroic Triumphant would rise and be seen… By the Human species.
Thus, offering them a mirror so that they may see themselves.
That they could too, become as the Beautiful Ones.
That it was, is within them all.
But they had to make it rise and choose.
But they needed to See the Truth and the contrast in themselves and choose.

And so the Beautiful Ones retreated into the Mist.
Becoming the unseen l, the watchers…Just as humanities legends of their Gods.
But the Beautiful Ones had no interest in being perceieved as Gods.
Even as I write this now, each word flowing from within me, I realize this is the process of remembering…
And this is why they forced me to constantly write.
For as I connect link weave..am inspired and stimulated…I begin to remember by simply writing and not letting thought interfer with the flow.
I just allow the words to breath thier own life and I follow the natural progression and flow of words with logic and memory…
Until I become the Loom, the Tapestry, the Weave…The Unravelling as Penelope in the Odyssey and the Builder of the House, the picture…the True story of how it all occured.
And as I write even now, a picture forms in my.mind which interfaces with all my experiences past present and future, all my posts…
All these years interface and it connects and I not only see it…
I Remember!!!

I Remember…!

It just all comes back.

How the we the Beautiful Ones had to retreat from this world backwards living in an illusion which we called Time which really was us giving the Species time to choose.
To finish their great war and see….themselves.

How we went to the future present to wait for those who would eventually make See and Cee and thus, naturally be brought before the Light Gate…The Star Gate of Royal Epiphany within…
The Third Eye opening leading them to see our realm and us.

And why, I was elected to stay behind…
With others?
I am told I am the only one they elected to stay behind.
And others who would come periodically but I remember now…
That they more the vibration here became lower…The more difficult it was for them to endure these lower frequencies of Conscious.
It causes us literal physical.pain and discomfort.
Not for ourselves but such a way of perceiving reality could even be concieved.

We created bodies, beautiful bodies of Bone, muscle organs skin to protect us…
Masking the light of our true Beauty and Light…but even that was not enough.

I was left behind because I had a greater tolerance than the rest of my family to the lower Vibrations because of the nature of my body was different.
My space suit…But my consciousness or Energy signature was the most sensitive…So they took away my Heart…My twins aspect who embodied my Heart and Sensitivity so that I could endure…
And that is the reason of the aloneness…

But I reconstructed a new heart through.my understanding, watching and conversing the humans while undercover…
I saw their Beauty in their struggles, in the Battle in them with the Light and Dark.
With their Jealousy and their self contempt for themselves for behaving in such a way to Beauty which had been nothing but generous to them.

I saw them push me or my kind away rather than continue to hurt us.
Yet how they loved me, us and the mirror we I, offered them of their Beauty compared to the Ugliness they saw in themselves at their behaviour…

I saw their courage and cowardice and my.heart grew in my chest.
Beating louder and louder, stronger and stronger…With pride and I was on their side.
I knew they would could and deserved to all rise…
And even those who would not deserved to see the Truth of our manifestation before being sent back to thier non existent realm.
And that some might rise even after it was too late and that these posts would serve them well after we depart.

I re constructed a Heart a strong, strong heart which beat like a War Drum..A magnetic Drum of Electromagnetic force to unify and remind them that there was a force who admired them…Beat for them.
I Built a Heart which protected my Love, which housed my Love which they could not reach…

For, my Love was only for the Beautiful Ones…My Love is the Song within my Heart.
But the Structure of my Heart which Beats and is Hardy and Strong…Resilient…
I Gave to them….
For their Courage.

And so when I watched the Movie Dogma…I laughed aloud…merry with Mirth.

Star Gate is the True Story of the Past now Present and this place in the Lower East Side …the Portal to my Home C…
Which is no more a going away for it is now here…
Everywhere..The Everything.
The Only thing…

I have remembered…I can not write anymore…
I must take a walk to.let this all sink in…

Light Being Energy E.B.E

After watching Star Gate- a 1994 production. And the memory it stimulated, I found body once more taken over.
It moved by itself and I allowed it, I did not resist.
Curious at what the Beautiful Ones in me wished to say.

I glided to the Statue of Neferrtiti Mother and Child..Of Kemet.
And I found myself bowing gracefully, then my arms rising. Upraised triumphantly.

There were tears glistening im my eyes..but they were not mine.

Somehow I knew it was Mother and her Child…The first Jeshua Yeshua…Triumphant grateful…that at last the true version of their story had been told.

And I smiled….
I was glad to I fought to understand what was being asked of me to the very End and Begining…
E.B+B.E Full Circle.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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