
Facebook Post..

Proof of the Existence of The One True Gode is Alive and Well…

Proven by I.E.Existence the one within me.

My Host and I just watched the Movie After Life…

with Christine Ricci…

It is so amazing how I write on F.B and he, having no idea what I have written responds with a movie in which Existence Responds.

The Movie After Life

A.L./L.A..H…was the perfect response…That G.O.D.E is alive in my Host.

Who has been speaking to me through him…affirming Each truth which Existence stimulates within me to post.

This, is to me after 7 years in which I had to cross through Death itself (Axel Anderson may recall my passage), and 62 days living elegantly on in an Alley on the streets of New York with a Map- A painting of my brother Nnamdi drawn from the subconscious of Sean Bono before I even met him. Which he generously gifted to me along with the Map..A painting of the pyramids of Egypt Kemet…

And the last I.D papers of my Canadian Nationality papers (my British English ones were the first to go) and the last of my remaining elegant clothing all which had been stolen…

*I learnt quite early that nothing is really Lost.

When all those things were stolen I knew they were taken away in order for them to manifest.

(Gotta let go for it to manifest…dont get too attached or such loses will traumatize you).

A Rat crawling up trousers and nestling by my unsuspecting trousers all night without any damage.

And another rat which I magically killed before that..

(I knew that I was going beyond death and where I was going there was one Rat Tar..Supreme Tar/Rat who was meant to be destroyed and another who was pure.

Tar in my code as in Tar used to Tar a road..One my final journey home under cover I was going to meet one Rat (family member) under cover who had to be destroyed (abuse of our powerful consciousness), While the other was a Star undercover…

As in A Black Whole that power tecently discovered which actually gives birth to Stars and is the Black board in which the Universe C.O.D.E is written upon…

Did I ever mention the name of the first two characters I met on the 62 day…

One was Ishmael and the other Isaac.

Sitting in the steps with an old man called Sage.

Of course, this had little to do with the people themselves but rather the names they represented. In which through the Vibration and universal Idenification of those names I had travelled back in time to get the true version of the Abraham Lot…Sarah Hagar..Isaac Ishmael story of Inand I ..9 9 the 9th Door Gate before the Full Circle Star Gate..opened yesterday.

(Isaac means the one who Laughed..but both actually listened in my experience but only one heard)

story which its distortion had plunged this world in seven thousand years of war, hatred bigorty and enslavement.

After all how could the enslavement of the minds and souls of the American people and then the world be achieved without travelling back in time to the Slave pens…(pens) of Royal Egypt And Kemet..E.K.

With a Pit stop at Ancient Rome Greece, R G. Persia and Sumeria?

Before Entering the Heart of Africa and The Original Hebrew. (Marina Tom John Luke Lisa Luke…Akil Evan Tim, Beyond, Rachel, Rachel Savanah)

And then Ancient India and China (Rav and then Billy Hung)…

To.get the whole story and the whole Truth…

After all Time is but a straight line of A.B.C…and truth a Full Circle of Ah Be Ce!

And so..I did.

I once made a claim in the very begining of my posting over 23 months ago, that one of my tasks was to prove truth of the Existence of Gode..whom my.Mother simply calls Energy.

And my young Uncle Nduka called his medium Water…

I am glad to announce that Gode/Goddess is alive and well…And obviously as witnessed through.my hosts..Responds.

And S.He resides within. And Responds to Truth…

And responds especially to Existence.

Who came before G.O.D.E…

because Gode I have witnessed is the Everything Manifest…It is Quiet but so loud and clear if only you.listen.and pay attention.

S.He also speaks through movies…Which makes sense. Since movies are stills..Moving images of Manifest Imagination called Consciousness.

I.C.C…Chukwu Chineke..

Thus, Gode/Code is Everything…and not only does the True Gode have a sense of Humor…But is also the Magic Mirror, the Reflective pool..

The Silver screen..think a true Water Gate. Still and full of Waves…Sine Cinema…

It is the Talking Mirror which if you are like water..in Harmony with the two full Circles..H.2O it will melt and becomes as water and let you pass through.

But if you are hard it will be come as Glass and reflect back at you…that which you had failed to see in your expression…Or it can become as Cold as I.C.E…

Me Cool to the Touch or stick to you until it tears your skin off.

But Behind its Star Gate is E..Energy of Harmonious Universal Existence…The Original Beings and Retainers of the original vibration song and memory of first Existence…

Who manifested Everything.

As you all might have noticed in this Play of Existence and Gode..and who Created who…

The Everything Responds to Existence.

I posts and then my Hosts I.A Affirns responds and the I.C echoes.

One from within I called True and the Other from outside Truth. TT.

To the One Being E.

within me.




Who I Call I Fun Nnaya

Open see same me Star of the Sea Gate…Beloved Loved and it was a journey Bitter and sweet.

Lets go home…but no good bye..not just yet.


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