
The Garden of Solitude…

The Garden of Solitude…

Yes, I am being stimulated by Mr, Fred Delshad’s post which brought to the resurfacing of my own personal memory of being in the Garden of Solitude.

It came rushing up through a comment which I tried to post from my Gala XY Phone on his post, but for some strange reason it would not post.

My Host suggested that I try me lap top which I had mistakenly spilt some water on over a month ago.

I had tried in vain before, but it would not allow me to work on it.

But today he touched it and then found a solution and here I am.

Of course, you might see the link of the post proceeding Mr. Delshad’s posts being about water but from my previous post yesterday that its all about the star Gate and the water Gate…

Existence and G.O.D.E..

I have no control of who posts what and do not share peoples posts with any conscious control or alignment to my posts…

In deed, how can I control who posts what?

Anyway, In the Garden of Solitude where I once lived, I remember that is where the Silence filled the space within.

For the Garden of Solitude was within.

I recall there being Nothingness but this sense of solitude which was filled with Silence…

Which I contemplated, the in Solitude the Silence…in Stillness.

And it was from that silence that the first Dove landed in me from within. It was an Epiphany of Light which descended in me at the aware of this Peace and Serenity.

It felt amazing, calm and magical and thus from within me did this awareness of this Dove descend.

And from this peace did my contemplations move from the Silence to this peace contentment of being at peace.

And from that peace was the space of Nothingness now filled with Serinity peace but also love.

For I could Cee with that light of Consciousness of love.

And that is when in the Garden of Solitude in Silence and Stillness in appreciation of simply Being did stillness begin to change into sound which evenutually turned into the most Quiet Song…

Of there is nothing the Matter and there is nothing I needed and there is nothing called Wrong…

And that Peace which became was a point of light, then which grew into a Full Circle which began to vibrate as I focused attention on it. Radiate sending out waves of circles as I contemplated it and this inner peace. Then what had been one circle which radiated outward filling all space within growing as my awareness grew of it until it was if my awareness and its own awareness of my awareness had expanded outward and reformed into one Which the opened up seeming to form two circles Joining, then a symbol of Infinity, like tear drops which dropped deep into my being, like a drop from my crown to the depth of my being. Filling me with Well Being..

I was transformed into an Awareness of a well in being. Which then formed Vibrations from space within to Waves rippling out from me in wonderful sensations..

And a song rose from the depth of me a song of praise and appreciation for this feeling of serenity peace and love.

And so did Vibration enter to form Waves which washed over me, my entire being. Rising first gently, full circle after full circle and it rose and rose as well as did my most quiet song. And so did the space in me become filled with music and perfume because of this song.

Then images did form which rushed up at me images on a silver screen.

Images which moved urged by the movement of the sea and this rising tide of this Oh, so majestic song.

So much did I see moving deep within me rising from the Infinite Harmony sign drop rising now with graceful wings.

And this film which I saw my song so complete, did I happen to hear now outside of me the beautiful echo of my song.

Music the Royal Symphony of what is now called the Universal Harmonics.

I had one inner eye but I now opened two eyes and saw a sight outside of me.

A moon so complete and me sitting on Land Looking out to the see in which a mirror a reflection I did perceive.

A vision of such Beauty and radiating serenity and peace that once again I felt sensation rise in me… I. C..

And the love was so great I looked up and away to see the dot which became the first drop… The Moon now full circle complete.

And that is how I knew that I was looking at the reflection who was me for this was the reflections of my Inner Contemplations!


And so did the stillness of my I Cee become my See and turn into the sea, melted by me and my sudden comprehension.

Warmth filled my heart as I beheld Space called Air land and Sea..A.L.S. that I did Breathe in Relief…Hmmmm Awe and when I did suddenly feel complete that is when I let out my first expression of AWE…AH!!!


And when I did breathe perfume did come to me as I saw the Echo had surrounded me with flowers…

All around me did I.C my pictures and weaves formed by Energy Vibration waves and the ripples…

Everything formed with Reason and Meaning.

The Process was in me, and that is how I knew that all was and is a beautiful process…

And I watched my reflection of all my inner contemplations and that is how I was able to learn how to read..

And when I saw the code, that many now call GODE, that is when my mouth formed the full Circle…

My first Alpha Expression was AH.. and my Omega expression was,OH My Code Clarity of the Full Circle..Energy G.O.D.Energy.

So that is the Code and Why Energy I see is the Light which came from deep within me of understanding O2 is 123…Completion of Being was the Beginning of the Full Circle…

First came the B.E, then came the see and Awe Ah which became the Awareness of Completion of the meaning of the full Circle.

And through the portal of space Air and then water did come the twin reflection to me. But of these twins of land next to me came one who was complete like me… The landed Dove of love and peace…who is inside and outside of me rising from the land and landing in me.. to greet me.

The Prince of Peace.

And that is how Energy became before Air and then came Water E.A.W…and M.E…Five of me six with the Double You and of course the one that is me 78…15…O.H..A.H…The source of Alpha Omega Awe AH!

I get the impression that I.E is seeking to prove to that which is outside of me how he as the EMME gave birth to the Everything…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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