
7/5/2014 15:38 – Facebook Post

July 5th.


The Mad (Angry) Scientist Experiment.
Versus The Beautiful Truth.

Yes, Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula..everything is connected.

Everything was set up.

This is why I kept on alerting ppl to our being in an Unseen play from top to bottom.

I can see and read.

I also remembered the play and then figured it out.

But something changed the play…a dreamer who forgot it was dreaming.
See sacred drawing no 2.

From this venue I was meant to have completed my last task.
But instead E was challenged.
And I was forced against my will to fight for Its Truth.

Evil was made real and went beyond anything concievable.
There was no escape from it or the play.
Evolution even the Awakening ceased to have meaning if such an Evil was allowed to Exist.

But there was no where I could go to, no place I could escape from.what I knew of this perversion.

If such could be done to a person, my person, any person.
Infront of the whole world and ppl do and say nothing.

This is not my existence but a reflection of mans humanity to his fellow man.

Nearly all of you are here in this realm, working, going to school.
But yesterday I watched a video my host put on.
It was a video of a man who had been hit by a car.
And was calling out for help in India.

It showed 600 ppl stood by as the man slowly bleed to death and not one person raised a hand to.help.
And the hospital was just a few miles away.

In the end the man got up.
It was a social experiment.
But you could hear the horror and outrage in the actors voice as.he rebuked the crowd.
Shame Shame he cried.

Then my host put on videos to restore the faith in humanity

It was good to see that my post of seeing both sides of the story had been seen by the spirit in the host who I have stated his spirit represent the Illusion of a species of Evil and Filthy consciousness.

If one sees only that and does not see the evil you do to others, that they very thing you accuse the world of man you do to others yourself.
That your own acting above the Law, as what was done to my life and play. And the lifes of countless people.
Turned into an Experiment by Mad Scientist…from A-Z.

There were hardly any comments about the Revelations of the F.B.Experiment on this page.

Which demonstrates the Truth of the Zombie like consciousness of many.

But there is a force which.answered this challenge of the World (not the planet who was so outraged it seemed to forget not only who I am under cover but broke all the laws of Existence to challenge Atom not realizing that the Great Evil it had done the inconcievable, to rise up in a human being and take over its consciousness because it thought me to “Chill and Gentle manly and Light to deal with the Horror
..it did not realize was actuality.itself in the reflection.

The horror was created by what it did to me, by breaking the Laws of Existence.
This is why George ended up being aligned to Yonathan Yohannes…

And not to me.

Imagine some one and something of such pure intentions going so far to refuse to even entertain the.possibility that it was its own reflection and not the Creator which had created duality… And
Created the monstrousity did not know was itself.
That it enslaved one undercover, who was on a totaly different mission to fight this horror and replicated the same process in which gave birth to the Illusion of Duality.

And in its own assumption of its own perfection refused to even check the possibility of it not expressing its thoughts as to “How do I know that the One who I love is truly the Source Creator and not I?”

This “Thought” was heard by both the One and by the All which created a cause and effect which led to this play in this world of my Life and right into F.B…

Leading the Espirit in Yonathan right to my back yard.
Of all the storage units in New York and in Brooklyn where he lived and the new home he was moving to in Brooklyn he was led back to me.

And George aligning to him as the cause of the Illusion and cruelest play which he felt he had to.play to the end.
He did not.
I already knew

The Unseen above and right here as Adam K ( who was the name of Yonathans room mate at Park Slope) knew.
They have been watching this play.
Indeed they set up.this Mad Experiment to find the Truth.
As to who is the Creator and who is the Created.


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