
Just got on my lap top…

Just got on my lap top…

So just saw that F.B.F at 166…

So strange, that is of course me, and have not been able to get on my Black or Silver Lap top for a some days…

Using my Gala XY phone…

Just got on the Silver G4..74.

All Gifts.

Wanted to simply let people know, that there is nothing personal in this play, its all been an evolution of an Arithmetical Mathematical Equation…

Using Experience Individual Memory, Collective Memory, History Story Telling then breaking down the Story (Light reaching is in Hindsight, or after the fact)

through breaking down the Story into a science, (Fragmentation), then using the Universal numbering system 0-O1-9

and finally to I.

The O.

It has been narrowing itself down as both an Art and Expression and Science

A.E.S..of Harmony A.H.

My Host Intials A.E.S.


IEASHA is the Name of my Mother immediately younger sister

mother of Ndidi…

The one I met in 1971 as a Child…

and then again in 1974… Who was my other Muse (My mother was my first Muse)

and who heard about the Book I wrote at 8-9 of an E.T.Consciousness Being I called Father Mother plus I, dropping me off here in this realm.

She took the Book with her saying she was going to get it published.

but she started me writing to the Silence and never let me forget about the Misson.

Michelle Lobsinger the brilliant True Seer (ET consciousness) where I wrote the story of 1O,family who was born 80% Deaf, but could move through realms alerted me in a email about 4 years ago about the Awakening taking place in the world…

and the last stages of the journey before It landed.

She had seen my Star Trek- walk through the Heavens, where I paused for a while to speak to two women….. My Grandmother Ojugo Lucy..Dawn… And Iesha…



Before finally making my way to the Notre Dame in France, then across the Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart), then over a Bridge and finally here in New York where I was in a room where I refused to come out as the world…

Hummm… I think I am beginning to understand…

And Story turned into an equation which narrowed down to finally the one…who told the Truth.

The Creator is a man.

today the number sixth was Everywhere… my host me my phone..

Sit H thy A.m E E NA…

Wow… its true, its done…Riddlle of Existence

was to Equate.

It is written and now it has ben Re Solved.

Conflict and Resolution- the third day in my piece of theater piece for The Festival of Paylasmak, I had created in 1999 in Istanbul on the Black Hills of the Island Rock- Karada…Kar Ada…

My Aunt crossing over in 2000, was the real reason I eventually knew I had to complete the mission…

And then my Grandmother in 2008…

they were watching me, the whole time.

my grandmother, of course being the third muse 123…



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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