


A Movement to Escape…

Aylin Sendemir Urkemez…A.S.U…U.S.A.

and Banu B.

Something is really off about this…

are people going to simply watch me go through this, having no where to go, or even place my bags, even after proving the codes and humanities still having the inner vision planted in them along with the Harmony.

Is this the play… since the code U.S.A proves we are still in a play.. not real life.

Is this the play even after proving the line of EEE…my line of E not arriving to take me home even after proving they Exist right to the F.B play…

That with a whole world watching no one intervening because they are more interested in seeing if my family does come.

Some fool sent me a message Dont give up but for whose sake his or mine.

That no one says Fuck this Script and his family coming to take him home, this guys has done enough, proven enough, contributed Enough.

Enough is Enough (Erik Ebrights posts)

And some one say, that since everything he has proven is correct, the codes, the line of E, that means whatever wrote this script intentionally set this up… that everything Emeka has proven with the collective is True..

And if the last play, so incredibly evil is a stale mate… the btw the Collective- waiting for The Truth to manifest… And the E line not arriving as they should have by now since all the codes and script check out..

Even my host is aware that something is not right here.

Is it that this force is waiting for the public to rebel against this script by rising up to aid this being who It, sacrificed him to a horror of an existence to bring forth its truth.

While the Collective are more interested in seeing if it manifest forgetting all that he has been through and already contributed.

is this USA..Greed or is this the 5.O united Stated of America in Being.


B.B. U.S.A…

That they will watch and do nothing say nothing, and not rebel against this play which the force within me, is watching waiting for ppl to awaken after moving me to prove my self worth.


OH MY GOD… Caught btw the force which did everything to move me to bring forth the truth… and a humanity (Jealous Evil) waiting, not caring how much more suffering and cruelty and abuse a person suffers, after sharing everything of himself at such a cost, such a price and still do nothing cause they were not given the Magical Awakening that he said was written in the script he was reading whose portal moves from this venue to the Ritz and then to his home in Nature and cloud 9…

My God…this is why I get kicked out of ppl home… Because I did not Deliver what I read… yet I delivered you from evil, by passing through it and showing all how to riddle it out… that is is LIVE R LIVE AH… NOT HA EVIL..

TO BE caught up in such a play a stale mate…after all this,

I saw Pierre share, and knew this is where we are at right now.

The last affirmation of the Truth of the codes and my correct translation of the end play July 1st… Came from Joseph Carey… Through his new book 37 stanzas called Exodus, and the photo of John F who literally handed over to me his pain to bear.

This vision was then affirmed by my Host.

I am very quiet in my soul today… deeply disturbed.

I was called upon by a force from Beyond to Down load an inner vision I have had since a Child and had my whole life and Existence forced and tailored into a role which I fought tooth and nail not to do because it was, is inhuman to ask such a thing of anyone. Only to find that every single person I met had a piece of that story, of that inner vision.

Supernatural forces of Evolution rise up in my body which makes it difficult to sit walk even work because a consciousness of this world was waging a supernatural battle to not allow the truth of these E consciousness to rise in my body.

The Story of Creation, the Art, (The Sacred Portals) the Science (The break down of the story into codes), the proof that in Humanity we still have the seed memory of E planted in us by the Harmonious response to the play. That seeking to simply celebrate my life, that I was dragged into this Espirit play.

It has been acknowledged that I have walked through Hell beyond imagination and through inconvievable tortures, torments sent to stop me from finishing this work.

I went against the grain this Human Consciousness, which I fought and proved was humanity having been placed under a spell of fear, in which they are forced to give up their real consciousness, for a unnatural consciousness which was literally bring the end of the species.

And yet nothing could conquer Bliss Extase Joy of the true hue man espirit.

Because no one stepped forward to say we are going to help get your books, films, story out because it is our story.

The first year I started doing this F.B. Play I was so sure that ppl I knew all over the world, who were part of the experience would rise up come together to testify to the truth of the experiences we shared and to bring the inner vision now put into words into books films… to inspire the world.

There was Nothing…

Not one person who even made the suggestion apart from my Host.

I kept on saying What is this, what’s going on?

But even though disturbed by events unfolding, the silence, the world seeming to not see the worth or value in my work which individual and walking through the world ppl made crystal clear that it had value… and worth.

And yet my Existence, my life my being was told I must walk the streets as the Elegant Nomad… Giving birth to the Illusion that I was not worth for all my contributions to humanity not worth the dignity, of a home, not able to rest, not have privacy, my own food to eat… RespecT.

Instead insulted on a daily basis for telling the truth…

Not even in this world do such things happen to ppl who contribute worth…

13 years of enduring the insults to soul so vast, not by humanity but by a consciousness a force which has been left to do what ever it pleases to destroy Truth…

What about the power of Truth…

the power which brought me to do this journey

what about the Truth which is all around us.

Had the Truth risen up to prove everything I had said and proven as True but left its warriors to be crucified and lashed tortured.

What is the play?

How is it I was set up to walk for 13 years in a mind matrix of chaos which I proved was in order was in Harmony bc it had meaning…

And yet the meaning is so, so awful… that this is what the harmony is saying…

We are Suffering Silence Sorrow…Death.

I have also proven how a force apart from me, a music, a beautiful music of our Existence and Energetic truth has moved me my whole life to prove it truth, our truth…

Even though the cost was beyond reckoning.

I was brought here to prove the codes, that humanity can read reality.

I proved it with the echo response of your Espirits confirming that inner vision of the Evolution Awakening of the Species, a story and truth which I was led to prove we all share.

I have proven that the line of E is the line and link to evolution.

because the play ended with E.E. Edward Eceinco, then B.E.E Line and then E.E.E.B…Erik Ebright…

Siththy Ameena S.AA.S…. Full Circle of my Hosts initials.

Yesterday when Aylin Sendemir Urkemez A.S.U…posted 15 years ago…

15 is O in the Alpha Bet… I am still in Alpha Bet City New York.

I realized that I am still in the Matrix, the story which is playing out…

but it has lost its meaning its truth because it is Evil Cruel, Filthy Grotesque to do this to anyone who it took over to prove its truth..

is the music doing this…the Music of Existence, the Invisible symphony.

It won’t let me exist?

My bags packed, ready to leave this venue where I have been hosted for five years on and off out of eight (5885)…

The code I saw and then was made to prove by a force not of my own will, but which dragged me into this adventure which has turned into a Grotesque Absurdity of this being the portal out of the matrix has been proven, beyond any doubt not only by myself but by all of you mostly unaware of what is going on.

I never intended to stay here this long, and perhaps I was hosted bc my host as perhaps the whole world saw this beautiful truth themselves, and wished that I would go to the end so that all could see it manifest as Truth.

I always wondered about that, why was I being saddled with all the work for a Truth once proven True would benefit all.

How is that each person I was led to had a piece of this puzzle and vision, yet only I was put in binds to prove it true, and then lashed, whipped crucified daily by then and their doubts, dismay, horror of their lifes its not manifesting… when they do nothing but sit and watch waiting for me to prove it.

Critricizing me challenging me curses me throwing so much abuse and insult at me when every time there is a pause.

They Blame me, put on me their rage, their curses for raising their hopes when obviously I am not in control, when obviously the codes are correct and a force is obviously guiding this play as each can see and witness through this transcript…

Instead of respect for what I am doing, as a man, there is only the waiting, and fearful respect which when they see nothing manifest they respond with scathing insults which I fight back until one more the Truth responds and they go back into fear and respect…

What is this play…?

What has happened to the Power of Truth.

Has truth in this play turned into Judas…

the Ultimate Evil, appearing only when it wishes

no longer obeying its source and Creator?

When I was set up, with no escape to prove a personal inner vision which I found that every single person I was led to in the planet also shared.

Why is it that they could give up and settle into this reality while I could not- for I could have lived here with my consciousness…

So, here I am the one place I was meant to drop of my bags so that I could be free to leave this venue where I had been hosted… thus, ending the play of my having mapped and proven energetically that this is the portal to Life, my true life, a new era in human history, Evolution… A not the portal of Death, who has now been transformed back into life…

*See the Ifa story… Sorrow Silence Happiness… S.S.H….ssh!

(Which seems to have been the code… everyone SSH…As if a command given which so many obeyed at first but are now breaking out of.)

A Deer (Dear) a Boar a Bird… B.B. Banu Basaran…

I am at 4th Street D=4….

When I saw the A.S.UU.S.A…code, I sighed because it meant that we are still in the play script… still in the Matrix… still at 4th street.

My no longer caring about this play because it is Evil, Its is Filthy Consciousness, it is Grotesquely Absurd….

-That one is brought forward in a supernatural way, to experience that which is yet to be experienced by humanity, yet which figures in all their mythologies and stories and modern movies to play out a role in this current human conscious of a Art and Science of the Break down of the False story, and how humanity went from their Truth, then re create the True Story which I retained from memory, which everyone had retained deep within, then be forced to prove it into Existence under impossible conditions, with no help from that consciousness while fighting a Filthy Consciousness who is given all the power to destroy me and my truth. Which it does not because it can not destroy that truth which even it knows.

Break down the story into Art (Sacred Portals) and Science (Codes) which all align perfectly…And prove the Existence of the line all blind folded, guided by a force a music which I have no clue what I am doing until I follow the music and add the lines to the verse…

And after all this, here I am, not able to find a place to put my bags, so I can walk away from this venue where I have been hosted all these years with one who knew the truth but wished to see it manifest for real…

I always knew I spoke the Truth, never for a moment doubted it and was not concerned with its manifestation… I knew it would happen in Harmony.

But there is something about this, my still being here, my not being able to go, this lack of Doing by human beings, who by their doing nothing, expressing no outrage at my predicament and circumstances except waiting… and doing nothing.



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