
Hello my 172 F.B F…

Hello my 172 F.B F…

172 is code A.G.B.





Chybest Ezeh…


Cause Effect.



ChyBest Eze.H.


Welcome to this Chill Cool Sacred page.

I have been demonstrating how one mans vision is the vision revealed hidden in all humanity.

Of how humanity are about to evolve to thier the true intention of the Creator called Hue Men Beings…

But we had to prove it ourselves while all being undercover in forgetfullness except me…I had to stay awake my whole life to play the most awful role called the Reminder…

Chy is a stylized version of Chi…if I am not mistaken…

Chi is the personal Energy and Spirit.

See code Edward Eceinco and Siththy Ameena..


S is 19th letter

+ E =5…

19+5= 24 X.

J in X

The J or the 1.O..

A.O is IN X…

Generation X Gardens.

Chi also.is the Term IP man the teacher of Bruce Lee Martial Arts as Energy Wind from within and outside.

An Infinite source of Energy which huemans Natural – SuperNatural generate.

The Infinte Re Source is Hue manity.

*Billy Hung was in search of an Infinite Source of Energy.

Which I have been exemplifying.

He saw it existed in my equation of being this is why he sponsored my work for a year…

But to me this Energy Source and Re source one must be aligned to the Vibration of Infunnanya..

The ability to see..Cee.

Then Truth Love Harmonized

Then Consciousness and Being Unified.

Till reaching…E.

Which I reached last year then I had to do it all over again but this time not through the affirmation of my E line but of the Nikolai…thru

Victory of and for the people.

As you can see…I wish the H.B ppl the best but this was such a cruel test that from here till the end of this realm…I will only trust the line of E…

Ezeh means King H in O.I Nri Igbo

But in the code Chy Best Eze H

The Personal Spirit Inner Will is the Best it is King of Harmony.

Remember my last post

20 12 Truth Love..

32 Consciousness Being

5.. E

C.B is the equation I did yesterday



And this is how my twin self and family of E speak to me and converse and this is real.

E The-Real One.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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