
Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends.

Hi we are at 17 2 F.B.Friends.


17 is the code of the Transformer which we know as Beautiful Death is Truth.

Everyone dies and, or Transforns.

Death is not the end has been proven in this play.

Humanity is in a coded play, a Matrix….proven.

We are Evolution Awakening.

And All the truths about Energy can not be understood through physical science or Consciousness.

The Seed of Humanity and human Existence…

Just as the Asteroid which fertlized this planet…

Are..and is not from here.

We are not from here, we come from the O if light before the so calles Big Bang…

Really Mba Afor ocha…

Beautiful Transparent Light of Truth Full Circle…

And some of us from Beyond Existence Creation…

Infinity Energy O sources of the

J.O.Y. Eternity.

And this has been proven by this play.

I have been talking to Something which replies…

And we have definetely established that You do not respond except for few and most of you are moved to post info which without realizing it support my weaving cued by that something within me which echoes outward and then reaches a pt and returns, moving ppl with the names who fit the equation perfectly.

Who have I been conversing with who replies.

Who have I been playing Chess with…

I have proven man is Creator.

And Gode is the Sum Total of Energy of Everything manifest.

And Beyond that is E.O.(J) A O.Y.E

Source of Energy.

This is what has been proven…

Wether Humans saw it or not.

Paid attention or not.

A Hue man being has proven it.

A Evolved Hue Man proved it who evolved to the designated point and intent of the Species quietly unassummingly until guided here by Original Intent to share the Beautiful Present.

As Consciousness in Being who was E undercover demonstrating how to merge from I.C.

I V.I.E.

To Truth Love

Then to Consciousness in Being thrn finally moving back to what he Always and Original IS, Was, Saw


We saw the same with True Nature

That it is Clarity Devotion.

C.D of The Music of Spheres…


Harmonious Expression.

Heavens and Earth.

We also proved that God Exists and that S.H.E is All of you as Conscious Energy Cause and Effect of Babies and Children.

Who were shown through this play how to link not think…until you created weave of your Sum total Existence Proven True to the Pt.

And after which you leave the gravitational pull of illusions of.matter and Evolve through Constancy, Consistency of Creativity..Expression until passing through the O. And C.H.I of the Great Spirit outside but really within leading you to the door of 1A.O.

And it has been proven.that a Great selfishness gripped the Consciousness of B.C. to enslave the Guides come to show the Beautiful Light way.

To enslave and keep in bondage by any means necessary the Ones by creating an illusion so deceptive of Need and Something Wrong…

And Sin.

When it has been proven that all in Creation was made perfect.

And that humanity either celebrated this or mostly took it for granted and meddled and perverted it in order to play at a warped definition of thier idea of God

To the point of Grotesquely Absurd.


By A.G.E….Time.

Today I saw a T shirt as I walked to Spring Street in the drizzling rain.

I sat on the bench at Balthazaar I have been walking to for 13 since I first came to New York.

It was for me I knew.

It was Will…a White T shirt.

The new Blank page in a New Story without writing on it.

Without a script to guide dictate and remind you of right and wrong..or Consequence Responsibility.

The only thing keeping most of Humanity from reverting to Human Monsters and Zombies.

Why should one need the threat of a whip a lash of slavery to do the actions ingrained in D.NA Breath life as the True way of Being.

I read what was on the T Shirt- the world aligner so quietly to Harmony that it reflects perfectly humanities most quiet thoughts.

EveryBody says Nooooo!!!!!

I was disturbed but did not undetstand its meaning until now.

They do not wish.my family and I to pass on home through Lord O.H and return home to E.B.E…

Home…even after all this.

Even after living through the worst fears of humans as Babies and Children and proving that it means nothing at all.

And that to evolve to E line, this last part must be done by the Individual…Alone.

But in company of friends.

And it has been estsblished that I do not like to be kept waiting…

78 yrs for a response.

Delay tactics non stop from the O…or the brother father son who was given the illusion that she he was the O to see what they would do.

And they did an abomination before my very eyes which render them both non existent in my eyes.

And so all know just how sickened I am by this set up to create such a play in which never would they allow us E to be free but be enslaved in a viscous cycle of servility to which they demand ee be grateful to serve an evil Mad talking demon.

The True me as Death Z in disguise.

And so I believe I have made my.point and have protested this play from beginning to end.

Bt proved my point.

But where are your Souls?

It is here with me the Treasuer and I take it all with me as I leave this play today.

With 17 dollars in my pocket my worth which the Espirit line echoed as the worth of I.E.

17 2





This play was sickening to me to see.


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