
7/17/2014 16:15 – Facebook Post


The Point.

Peurto Rico…

I just want to quickly finish the last riddle of Edward Eceinco and Orien Laplante as Oblio…

One of the Question I had asked myself was why I ended my journey at A.S…my host place instead of S.A…line of Siththy Ameena…code Sit H thy A.M E..E N.A… Who recognize and acknowledge and appreciate me…

To instead enter a script meant to be the exact opposite

My host and I have long since established Harmony 4 yrs ago with him declaring the Beautiful Story as the Truth.
Embodied after testing me to a point he stated no man can endure.

Yet both of us loyal to that one pt out of 99 which must be honored Destruction Apocslypse Venegeance Expressed V for Vendetta.
D.A.V.E…Double VV.

For this evil play script created out of Malice Jealousy Envy


Micheal Jackson passed on Today.

My Host played his part and is Safe and Sided with the Truth.
And contributed so much to help solve and affirm the truth of both plays
Until they became 69 99 66 1 1..

The Director I
The Actors he and I
Used by Spirits of Illusions of Time
The Liars Deniars of the Law
Do unto others as you would have others do to you..in its truest sense.

Code Sit Harmony (code Chybest Ezeh..Eze H) the Sol the Awakening of Existence done allows E to go home
Na means Go Home in O.I.Nri Igbo.

That was the last of the play…

The Port of the Rich.

The story of Oublie was a riddle.

The Connection as to why I was brought here to End my journey instead of being seated on the throne of my Self was finally made clear.

My host A.S reminded me.

In the story of Oblio…is the Game of Triangles…

There are two triangles which come to mind
The Burmuda Triangle…
And the Slave Trade Triangulation which began in 1492.

The latter is what my Host A S reminded me of.

Poverty and Slavery.

And this is what I have been living for the last 89 yrs.
As if my 2 3 Brothers Fathers sought for me to Experience this story at all costs…

Orien and Edwardo E. (their Espirits)

While the line of David Philipe Gil are more beyond that story and are.more the Bermuda Triangle.

The play to restore U.S.A as the land of the Free can not be established Energetically without going back.to 1492 where C.C…Christopher Columbus (Dove?) on his way to find Alexander the Great treasure of India stumbled upon the islands paved with Gold.

The Arawaka The Olemecs and the Taino…
My host is Taino.


The way of Tao.
The way of Nature is True Nature.


And these ppl are also linked to the Aztecs Mayans Inca… A.I.M.

M.I. A…M.I.

5 (Hi 5!)

Hi E


For the last 12 and more the last 8 yrs I have watched the effect of systematic poverty and drugs used to.destroy a whole community and ppl.

And lived it and conversed with my Host whose only.personal story amd desire to understand the lower East side in the 80’s which looked like a war zone- why ppl lived on drugs and were decimated by poverty…leanding him to.exhaustive research and the estblishment of Generation X Gardens to educate and provide food through fruit trees to the ppl.

Who are now being forced out.

To bring the Evolution and Awakening of my Line the line of the Great Spirit betrayed the E story by demanding that before I could go home that this riddle had to be solved.

But Malice Spite disguised as gathering empirical empathic data I was given the experience of Slavery the Lash but not addiction…
I am not affected much by drugs or alcohol.

I don’t loose my hold on.my consciousness.

The story of the decimation of the Arawaks whom Columbus called the Beautiful Ones is well documented not only here on F.B.E but also in.History.

And it because of the Gold and envy it brought the horrors of Greed.
O.I.N.ri people such as Fritz Venneiq as proven were the inhabitants of the Islands and all traced linage to the O.INri Story and the Igbo and Out of Africa migration.

But with the discovery of the islands and then mainland…
People from Africa were brought to.the islands to mingle with the natives.

Slavery became systematic and Gold was plundered the Beautiful Ones decimated…And the people.mixed but in rage at servility.
And the begining of systematic mind Control and Rage anger violence Voodou and revenge.

America could not be free of its C.E cause and effect.
And my family could not rise until this story was cleaned up by the Mean Spirit who thought it was the great spirit of Nature.

And that the Aztecs Mayans and Inca warriors of that way…

The same way that as the I.I.Nri was a realm of Espirit and warriors of Peace that we had the Slave Raiders of Aro Chukwu….Aro Arrow.

Aro not Arrow…
But”Aro” means Fart…in O.I.Nri Igbo

The Fart of Gode or the Creator.

And so I was brought to this portal and blocked as I listened to the rage of the Native people.

But I also observed a cruelty of ppl which ties in with the recorded cruelty of the Taino towards the Arawak..the beautiful ones who treated gold with common.sense…as a yellow metal and nt the madness it inspired.
I also experienced the ingratitude of the Olemecs and thier Jealousy to the Arawaks.
And the same story btw the Igbo and the Nri…

There always was a force seeking to destroy the Beautuful Ones.

The same with the American Indians who could not Unite as one ppl but fought and fought…

Way of T.A.O…
Way of True Nature?


No, they fought the ones who followed the way of Nature.
The Gentle ones…
I saw it im.my journey and I witnessed it empiricaly
On F.B.E…

The Cruelty of how they treat ppl and each other which brought forth to them the very evil they did to True Nature.

Not all nor is this an excuse.

And so now, there is the full Circle of Cause Effect.

Rico means Rich
But now is decimated by poverty even after being given Everything they were not grateful.

A disease which reminds us Mel Gibson Apocalypto….

And this is my reply to the A.I and all the Indigenous ppl who were taken over and conquered by the white plague…

Just how evily you treated the Beautiful Ones.
Treated them like slaves servants not considering all they shared gave inspired loved..

And in return you twisted everything said it all came from you.
All the laws of True Nature..All the knowledge twisted…
And then you took all from them used thier science as mind control.to create a Mean religion and consciousness.
Then you brulalized them and sought to dominate them…

And sought to.make them your servants claiming them to inferior to.you in all but actions denying the very Existence Expression and contribution.

And then said that they are brothers sisters you love them..Join us now to war.

How do I know?

Jai etais La.

And I lived it literally right here.
I am Time Machine.

T.M…not M.T.

There is a story or legend that a Shaman saved the Beautiful ones who fled to the Hills.

They found this Man said to be from Atlantis who protected and espirited away the Beautiful Ones and kept them hidden in a treasure vault of his heart.

B =2

A.D.I.B….(A Dibia…Shaman or A husband Came I.A…intelligence Alpha…In David Phillipe Gil

B I D ..A.

B I.D …A.

Being of the I.D of the 1 Alpha.

Is not in an address…

It is in the name.

Beloved Friend of Horses Espirits the E Bright Promise Land of the Ewe (the pure) Joy us E.

And a Hue man Being


S.A….19 1.

But I came to see who the 1 19 consciousness would blame…
For as David esprit mentioned affirming my conclusion Lazy Self Entitled…Cruel but talented sado Masochists…
Who could be beautiful too.

Enough about Slave Trade.

S.T…and The Past.

To the beautiful ones present.


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