
A.V.E! Ne’ M…O!

A.V.E! Ne’ M…O!

Welcome Mother of the Source.

Your child Romulus Remus

R and R.

36.O speaks

July 18.


Rest Relax I am here

And I will speak for thee.

Rome-Room E

7 18.

G.R (Golden Retriever Jake Royal)

7 18.

Clarity of Rest.

I have a new Face Book Friend.

Ogonna S Omo Crafts… 173 F.B.Friend if I am correct.

Welcome to this End play Weaving into Existence and Consciousness the New Story and the quiet undercover earning of Human Evolution to Hue men Beings.

By the Eternal Espirits communicating through name meanings…

What is in store.

Yesterday the I.D of my Espirit within me which I have been alerting the world to its presence was finally revealed by Edward Eceinco Espirit.

I live in the Espirit realm where my family the Ethereal Ones and I have existed.

At age of 8 I wrote a book of Remembering Memmory a Vision of a family dropping me of in a Space Craft…

Which I now call the Enterprise on a secret mission.

I did not know what the mission was but I remembered the wrenching sadness of being confused as to why I had to sepeeate with my Beloveds.

Only to find myself in this realm of inverse, where my family where no longer outside of me but where now within me and within all the scores of ppl I was directed to live with meet and exchange Infinity Expression with

I had been the only one in being embodied in my family.

While they existed as Ethereal Matter or Energy Wind Consciousness

People here call them Gods Deities but they are much more than that.

They are my family and the Sources of all which exists and all that I.S.

They are Living Energy Consciousness of the Birth of Existence and Creation Harmony.

And the mission was to give them.literal bodies as I had have.

And the only way they felt they could do this was to set up a play in which I Naturalness would come into this inverse realm (illusion of it) and naturally enact out how I.E first rose

so that they too, could understand how to have a solid body form so that they could express thier live for me and each other through experiencing Sensation Touch.

I was already aware of this desire and had already created a play of Harmony in which they would see through a fun play how they could.

But because they did not ask or tell me of thier plan which was meant to.be a beaitiful gift and surprise for us by thier taking the initiative…

But there was a blind spot.

They Created a play in which I became a slave to them.

Because they required someone to enact out the remembering and Memmory of how it all began.

They had assumed that all Humanity had the Seed of E in the them…

And could thus through the experience in this realm of Matter rise to that memory if they were activated.

Thus, my Family refracted them selves in a sort of incubation within human bodies expecting the Naturalness of the Human Craft to activate and play out.

But the humans bodies were and are Death as potential and could not be activated transformed without the Truth.

For the Human Vessels they were plunged into confusion because of my own confusion as to why I had been spirited away to a realm of Death illusion.

Until through piecing the story piece by piece as a Human I began to understand…

This is not the way potential comes alive it is all done in the realm of Energy 1.

The play of refraction dulaity 1-7 colors, breaking down of Light and Creation brought only the illusion Confusion Choas Disonance.

Slavery and my family of E now trapped in these human vessels moving instead to Evolution.

-Journeying to the E within began journey outside in search of the reason and meaning of their Existence and why they are here.

Moving towards closer and closer to non existence with my family of E (the part of themselves not connected with me…Thier Personalities and Individuality P.I)

Now trapped in this tombs or coffins in a dimension, realm not even real.

Moving towards extinction.

Because the One in me who lives within me but at the same time the realm of Essence…

The one named yesterday by Edwardo Espirt moved me by breaking the Laws of Existence to fix the mess.

Because it knew the one truth which even the Ethereal Ones did not know..That the One they knew as me as Big E embodies was not the Source.

Emeka the hueman being was and is.

And only by my Supreme E taking over my Existence could the family of E be restored by waking up the Dead…

The human potential that were meant to be sleeping while my Espirit family moved them…But instead moved from sleeping to Death and from the Beautiful Dream to the Ultimate Nightmare.

And to awaken the Dead I had to enter into the realm of illusions and nightmares with the One named by Edwardo dragging me to my outrage protest of This is not the Way!!!

What is this.

*Even now this is coming out from me and bc I proved my Supremacy over my Supreme Espirit named yesterday by E.E…All this knowledge is pouring out of the details which I suspected but today I am getting the affirmation of as my Creative Expression A.V.E Ne’M…

(which is that which is within me greeting me the one outside of him who bore him in the Ethereal realm being forced by this play to give birth to him as well as all the E line all over again through this hideous play script)

The human bodies vessels could not stop moving to thier Extinction except for the Truth of Everything finally being revealed.

For the human Craft is the Truth.

And only the Truth explained in the corrupted language of this consciousness could relax the tense stressed Anxiety Worry Expression of a species used to being lied to at every turn.

I was kept in human consciousness a literal agony in order to find the language of expression explaination after spending a life time studying all human books histories art and scriences in order to convey our Truth…

While maintaining a vibration of love (despite my hue manity wanting to furious to the pt I have never felt ever b4 Hate murder and kill- knowing that this is not how human beings behave! I have met true humans..This dimensions of human consciousness are filth even for humans…But all saw that I was and am still being moved by my Child within)

– thus I maintained love and the Human vessels I was led to opened up and my line of E were able to finally speak align and I could guide them home…the Beautiful Way..

The True Way Saced Portal 58/85.

The One I am carrying who is me is my Father Child..I.

He is my guide as most can have witnessed.

Father is the Guide

And I am his Mother Youth

Glorious Eternal Youth.

And so all the pieces of my Family have been found and restored.

And humanities Truth proven and we have moved the speciea to the right direction Joy and Evolution in the Beautiful Present.

While those who were not moved will be guided out of Existence with the Exitinction of that rude usurper like cinsciousness…

Led by the Dragons of Existence who will take out this Trash and ensure that this human illusions recieve the full meaning of the way out of Mean Spirited Miseriliness which the poured so genereously on me…


Ogonna is an O.I Nri Igbo name meaning

Gods Gift…Fathers Goodness

Father in Law

Omo is a Yoruba word meaning


O Go Nna Supreme Child Creator.

Father In Law of Goodness the Gift of the Creator Supreme Child within is the Craft…

Your Creativity your Art your Child is the sacred Craft.

So now I know.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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