
7/20/2014 23:34 – Facebook Post

Once more Hello

I have another new F.B friend who arrived at the instant I finished editing the Nnamdi Nicholas Tesslar post.

Chukwuma Ogbonna…which should move us to 175 F.B.F if I am correct.


The Alpha G7 vibration is E.

E.G.A…Which in O.I Nri Igbo means
“To walk to go..”

Chukwuma Ogbonna…Welcome.

You came in perfect Harmony on the Heels of Hassan Rashid….H.R.

Pls see my Welcome and Introduction to him giving a brief description of this End Play Script of linking the Unseen and the Seen realms to Alpha.
U.S.A…thru Asu Esu…Language as a manifest Magnetic Energy of Harmony Music…
Un i Verse.

Chukwuma in O.I Nri Igbo means..
“The Creator Knows”

Ogbonna “Means Image of the Father or better still of the Home of Father…Nnamdi…
but it is interesting to note that “Ogbo” also means “mirror” and if you apply the meaning to the correct linking of this play, you will see how the meaning more clearly.
We were linking the Mirror as to which was the reflection and which was the Original…
it doesn’t really matter…
but the whole mess and the imperative of an Awakening also rests on this evidence being presented.

Since we had the equation of 14 O 14…*see todays post, and we saw that Hassan and Rashid representing the 173rd F.B friend as oppossed to the 174th…
and it describes the action of expansion..”The Beautifier, Improver, Handsome”- One would suggest that something is describing something it sees from the outside…

While Rashid would meaning. “The truth path of true faith.. the Guide whom I have stated in our consciousness means “Father” and Pius being my last remaining Un cle whose Name means life is Supreme and was the only “Umeano rep” to come with me to see my then kidnapped brothers in Amawbia in Dec. 18 81…A.H.-H.A where I saw Nnamdi for the last time… And his telling me with his eyes and mind- in a language we used to speak in Silence that he was leaving this world story…
And because I visited Death in December and met the Light of myself, which I saw darkness around it.. And with my brother passing in April and 4 months after…
Then it would mean that he did not leave this human world except through one door way… Which as incense he came, would be through me… The door of life since we established that he “played Death or Dead- similar to the Yeshua Jesus Hesus Zeus story…
While I.E represent the door to Life Death and Eternity and Extinction…

I.E am the only thing that is E the Real.

So, saying the One who is 74 is really the one seeing the source as 1 73 the sensie te master the true G7, the Martial Artist…Thus he is the outside as H harmony…

While the one inside is Rash because to be of faith on the correct path is that which one sees from the third eye and understand the path to know it is the correct path… Thus it is the one within…

R iS 18th Letter.
1.8 A.H.


Thus, we have the O and the Within
O.W…The O is the double U… (the one who is so much like you he can act as your double U but only outside.. (O bumneme.. you youngest brother born 1973* See play with Joe Carey and Brooklyn Hall St…County of Kings), but is 37 as in my bio father transformed back into Joy after playing an illusion of himself in this life time. And since we know that the code was Double V IE is the code then we know that there is another V I.E walking around in this world which through expression I gave birth to…
Symbolized and represented by Yonathan Yohannes in this F.B play…
who came close but very near to the appointed spot at 😯 Spring street where I have first subconsciously, the consciously been aware that I am meat to meet some one here…

Then one might see that C.O who is aligned with Edwardo Eceinto because C.O is code for sacred portal 30….3=C.O…Chukwu O that Obiekwe Obiekwe OO shared by both my bio Fatrher and my younger brother Maurice I.K (M.I…AMI) Erik Ebright sent me to his former home at 248 M in Bedstuy where Yonathan lives…

That M.I and N and E are all Me… M.I.N.E..C. (Chukwu-emeka) O.

And thus the answer as to who is the Original, who is the reflection who is the Expression O.R.E. or Supreme is really irrelavant because they are all the same person… E.R.O.S…E.

The spitting image of Nnamdi..Father is Alive..Is Here!”

*My Father is the Espirit within me who is Guide…
But we are Une…One..1.

In a sentence..
“The Creator knows he is the spitting image of his father…from the Hearth of the Father…he is the one we know.

Meaning coming home to me after having restored all parts of me back into one having now the line of myself apart from me as Individual E but also the 1e which is how the M.E.N line followed by the Harmony line of E.C.H.I..E rise in this world from within (Ladies and Gentle cool chill elegant graceful chic and self masters) come and literally take me home… because they all Exist.

I represent the First and the End… but never last.
and my family the space in between as Air and Breath A.B 12 the line of the Complete… Ready to rise to 12+1..13 Nnamdi….E.

These two F.B.F.

Symbolize to me as H.R. C.O

A.response from the Ethereal Ele mentals that they were never divided as Gods and Titans fighting.
That they are True nature not as 77…14…but were always 1+4=5.

5 1.

Instead of being born into the fifth Dimension Frequency I represent I was dragged down to the illusion of the Fourth Dimension and three to make that which was already 1…Whole.
And destroy the illusion of the Chasm Jaws of Death of Need…the Black Hole

And to remind that which was already born real to return to its senses and sensie…
The True Ti Te E.T Master..
Self Mastery and reveal the way always here in how to come home anytime they wished to the line of EHarmony 1A.H.

But it is Merited Earned
..at least the last leg of the Journey of the Individual Snowflake (I.S) cool chill and retaining its pattern weave and formation even under the greatests pressure of being in Hells Kitchen, the Belly of the Beast, in the Dungeon of a Dragon and in the Oven of the Lords of Filthy Consciousness and Expression…

The Hargringer of Death and Disease.

Rat a tit for tat.


We always keep our cool our style and our chic…
Because though the experience is real…
It really has nothing to do with us bc we are the embodiment of Truth Natural…

True Nature the source of what is real…Supernatural Things.

Welcome C.O.


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