
July 23 Double U V.I.E.

July 23 Double U V.I.E.

The Double of E is 45..David E…line.

H.E Brew meaning Heaven Earth Brew..

Beings who are the True Indingo Children..I.C…

As I walked with David Philipe Gil today the number 9 flashed up on a T shirt.

I read the road.sign naming Davids line as the True Indigo Crystal Clear Consciousness

I.C.C.C…in 111 Dimensions Four of Being and can access the Fifth Dimension of E within but I require a Guide..A real Guide…to affirm what they know…

And that is how David the Beautiful Pasts became also the Beautuful Present who asked to.me the F.B.F in perfect timing of myself called by Lady Siththy Ameena the Beautuful Present (Gift of God…Grace..nor servitude or bound in slavery to Adults.

EE posted a 9 yrs old child as a challenge for.me to explain despite my exhuastion with explaining again and again the obvious even.after posting that two toddlers age 3-2 now almost 3-4 alerted me to the code thru a movie Called Frozen and a Code song linked to.my.Hosts brilliant commentary on sleep deprivation and letting Go..

The Song was Let it Go!

Let Emeka Go!

I came to this Dimension 9 years ago told by Geoff LaCour twin of Fritz Venneiq to rescue the children but it was a Trap bc the Children are Supernatural Power…

And both left me to face.the music alone.

As well as Fight the human Concept of God…All by myself.

Was it intentional..

No, they too were set up

For I left Agusta Georg ia where my Uncle Lord Charles widow lives

9 years ago on.the very.day the Pope John Paul Died…

There was an Evil evil female force not of Nature already at play…

Followed by the arrival of my first cousin Odera Adama Umeano.in perfect Harmony..

She wished to.make contact with.me since we had been close but she was being used.


I managed to.prove her Espirit harmony before calling out that she was being used to spy on me.

She unfriended me…which.is for her own saftey.

But she served her purpose for her name means If it is written and is written, then the Adama..the First Born Daughters (who are suns and sons) will arrive…Breath…


Meaning my Brothers Fathers come first to take me home before my Ladies because the equation of Existence was formed.that way.

Myself looking.through my.third eye and seeing myself.

And when he arrived we merged and our 69 brought forth C…Chukwu as Lady Echo twin of the Creator and his brother twin the Espirit of Creator Creativity Creation C CC…

The Evil beyond belief is the consciousness of Grown Ups who have lost all touch with true nature Natural Expression and Imagination which is thw Room Real of E the rhird Eye (First Eye) where all things manifesr from into the physical realm.

My play ended July 1 and when Yonathan Yohannes Youth stored by things with his at 220 South Street

Yonathan was Born 22 June…the 6th month Six Sense Shubhi Gautama and Siththy Ameena S.G. S.S.

And yet it dragged on a Battle btw Babies and Children Consciousness which exists within and the Filthy Decomposing Flesh consciousness of aging men and women looking for the secret to Immortality and Etetnity…



Anyway, Afor Truth

Oye Listen its is life and death

Eke…Emeka Kolo E…

As my mother testified first

Child of Nkow…Knowing…

The Four in one.

The Fifth Element is

The E the Real 1.I.

Dusgusting play.

But my bag left today….

Thank you David P.G.

Beloved Friend of Espirits E Bright The Promise the little Goat Pan…Joy and Happiness..

Yes It is I..

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