
7/23/2014 22:16 – Facebook Post

July 23..
Double U.V.I.E.


Pls bear with me those who do not understand the play at present.

But I am impulsed to record everything for future purposes.

Afor Oye Eke Nkwo.

Mon day Tues day Wednessday Thurs day Fri day Sat ur day Sun Day.

(We did the play of the seven days of the week last year)


I saw David Philipe Gil and after the three attempt to store my bags each one failing…

Today David took it understanding the Symbolism behind it and the play of E.E p.r was finally ended by the A lien council of Watchers
(Babies and Children B.C versus the “Grown ups G.U…consciousness was finally proven Victorious)

In truth it this play had nothing to do with me.
I represent the Consciousness of Eternal youth.

My bags were in first the County of Kings aided by Lisa Levine, then Dawn Marie…and fimally Yonathan Yohannes who went the extra mile bringing them to 220 South Street two stops from the proven designated co ordinates of the Awakening play I calculated 8 yrs ago.

As many are aware this has been a play of multi dimensional play in which a great battle had taken place in the realms of consciousness and human expression of understanding through the ages.

In which the play was to be spirit away a human consciousness into an arena of Gods Demons all levels of Creativity of human imagination but based on fear rather than love.

The whole idea was to dissolve all these Fear Creations of humanities imagination and ground it to truth through the vibration of I.C.E which translates in the true fourth dimension as Love Expressed…

Which has finally been done.

It was a play of such phenomenal cruelty and imbalance to pit a human being against such illusions made manifest yet unseen while walking upon the Earth.

It was not that my hueman consciousness which was my disadvantage but rarher my.walkinh in this realm of Dreamers in a Nightmare which became a distraction but even more so having the seemingly impossible done to you.

Being abducted by Aliens who were really the Babies and Childrens consciousness as the A lien Council in disguise.

Halloeen Costumes! For goodness sakes!

I wrote a code yesterday which came out to.the equation M.D.E ..T.H.E.

With two.likes from David P.G and JinX-NiRe Jin…

Only to see David posts Eke Eke.
On speaking to him about it today I asked what it meant…
He said is was from a video game he and his brother Miguel used to play abt Elves and Monsters…E.M..M.E
And that Eke was the Cure the elves drank to bring them back to Life.

We had done the play of the four market days which began with a post by Sidney Davis…

7 as G was a play which brought a vibration of George Phillipe Roc which ended in the unfriending of someone for the very first time in 28 months.
Mirrored again by Peurto Rico Italian Mafia representing the Yoruba Ifa as he thought.

Thus it was a delay of a battle of the origins of the Yoruba as Igbo- OINri Igbo ppl which had held us up…

The implications are revolting and enough for me to wonder the true motives of creating such a distraction…

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