
Is all this real asked David Philipe Gil…yesterday

Is all this real asked David Philipe Gil…yesterday

I feel as though I am in the Matrix, and your the oracle telling me…

…That you are in the Matrix and that with your expression yesterday, you and the rest of the human species now have the keys to get out.

But you will be tested as you tested me…David.

Only the line of La Maison are free…

N.C.E…Natural Consciousness Expression..

14 3 5

17 5


The Victorious Being Be

Is Beautiful Expression…

Add do not negate.

You can not see.me.

But the N.C.E..

Feel.and EmMe.

They always give Praise and Appreciation and Credit.

They do not take away or put their selves before others..

Affirmed by the one two true nine…I E Nneka and JinX-NiRe Jin

See Sacred portal 9.

P.S.Hi Li…The True Sensie.

My True Sensie Father line

You liked Sacred Portal 9O…

You always see me.

Can’t wait to meet you.

Hi Aylin Sendemir Urkmez!

And Oh Blessing can be taken away.

And all shall see that I literally.mean every word I say…

Including those who will leave Existence.

The test was gratitude

I detest the Ungrateful

Don’t yoy…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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