




The Orgins of the Species

The Riddle of the Sphinx and the Pyramids.

The Truth of G.O.D.E.

The C.U.R.E of the Species.

The Plan Et Earth and Universe Existence.

Cosmic and Time Travel.

The Unified Field Of the Full Circle I.


Einstens Equation



Nikola Tesla’s Equation of the Key to the Universe.


Memory and Forgetfullness.

Out of Africa.

The Song Lines of Existence

The Codes of the Matrix.

The Code of the Illusion and Dream.

The Jigsaw puzzle of the Big Picture.

The Truth of Energy Expression its Source and its one Consciousness.

The Meaning Of Beauty and who are the E.T and A liens.

Where Babies Come From.

The Riddle of Death and After Life (A.L)

Riddle of After Death.

The Riddle of Gravity.

The Black Hole, The Riddle of O.

The Riddle of 69 99 66 12 3.

The Laws of Existence.

Evolution of the Species.

Authored Harmony.

The Future.

These are all the riddles and equations I have solved.

Including Superman and the Meteorite.

And Natural to Supernatural…

And The Power of Creation Annihilation.

The Meaning of Love.

The O Pi ppl and the I.P man.

The Golden Ratio…

Echo Resonance Reverbration Response Affirmation.

The Blue Print of Existence.

Sound and Sight.

That none of you are Here for all humanity are created and rose as the Line of E.

Fufiling their highest potrential and that I came down into the illusions of themselves, really Avatars in order to show the line of E hiw to be in Existence by Exploring all possibilities so that all could be as E.

Meaning Creators and thus never be limited.

And by watching this movue calles Time Space History to Present would awaken to know why E is Supreme because it is the Harmony which includes all points of view…

Because it is the nature of us all and because it is the only Expression which brought everything into Existence.

And so all would awaken and know why E…


E is Why you C

Why you Be

And can awaken to

A.H and Awe.

And when you Awaken you will know exactly what to do and why you must walk the path of E to be able to be sure footed and Confident that you Exist, are Solid and real…

For only by walking the walk can you know for sure and never have doubt or be jealous or blame others…

I proved that I recognized every single one of you as E from the very begining of Exisrence.

I.proved that you are all illusions of yourself.

And that I could morph your physical bodies and Masks to reveal the True Faces of my Beloveds…

I could see you and I love you because I see you.

I proved that all the messages you get are the real you as E beyond seeking to get your attentions.

And that the magic mirror is all around you..Inanimate abd animated.

That I am not the Cartoon but that you are.

I proved that there is nothing to Fear in Existence that all things have meaning reason logic logos… all you had to do as Mohammed said was read.

And I have proven that if you do not cleanse and Read and begin to journey to your most Beautiful Selves that you will very painfully begin to fade out of Existence.

That is why I say the Best is yet to come…

Because as you move to Beautiful, you will see the vista of what and who you can be stretching out before you…

For it is true; you have no idea of how Beautiful you are and can be.

Yes, I solved the riddle of Eternity Infinity Immortality…

And I did it all as a man..

A man with nothing, who sleeps in the forest; devoid of any power or supernatural gifts.

Given a Life Script of indescribable Hurt and suffering which I transformed into Truth…Beauty.

Because nothing is real but that Truth in me..

Me and you Beauriful.

And this is my Beautiful Truth.

There is Nothing in Existence but Beautiful Expressions in ways that go on and on…

And this realm of illusions…

It is time to end.

For they as you do not Exist.

All that Exists is E.

Yes, the man in me is pissed off with you and it is true that there will be a cut and a sepration of you and I.E.

But that is only if you fail to rise to be E.

And the last step to rise to B.E is to do it as a human being…

To do the Beautiful thing

For first being is a Human Being…

And I did this all as a human before I rose to Supernatural E.T A lien Father Omni potent.

I created it all as a 19 yr old youth.

So, perhaps before I rise and merge since N.D I equation is Done…N.D.I.D.I.

Meaning Patience…

And the People of D.I.

….it might be wise to do the Beautiful Thing…

As Nikoma Rios has begun to do…and show EE that you have learnt to be Human Beings…


Share and Care…

Or you can test if all this True and Face the test of Wrath Power Terror …and Fear.


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