
9/2/2014 22:04 – Facebook Post

September 2nd



I Being.

A la Masion.
Prince and Layfayette.

There is a direct correlation with my living in the Forest outside of Pelham Park and by being here in a place called Maison B.B.L
(22 12..
V Complete…Body Being Complete since 12 is one full cycle of a year 365-6 days yet I am at 265..8A…

Nikoma Rios had a vision that he had to give me 100 dollars..Code of 1OO..
Sacred Portal 1Oo..

265+1OO…365 creating the equation of one full cycle..
One Full year.
Catherine Acholonu was born October 26..
10 26.
There is no 0 only 1 O.
One Full Circle
I is 9 and by adding 1 as O.N.E…the one 19.. Does it merge to 1.

The extra 1 is the 1 4…
Which we call a leap year.
Played out on 4th street my former host Al..but realky was the Tomb of Egypt where I was sent to awaken the Dead.

And now I am in Pelham Bay Park which aligns full Circle to Orien Laplante to Fritz Venneiq and to U..
Unified Field of the Full Circle to the True House of the Lord being not a converted apt 8A 265…F.B.E.
Face Book Emeka…
But Nature.

Which aligns to my True recounting of my memory of rising in Existence Creation to confront the Leviathan the Envious nature of the illusion of Nature which distorts truth and negates which has been played out by a usurper using the consciousness of Ed War D (David…my war with David as played out with a David Roman Nicholas incarnation of Nnamdi meaning Father who rose believing himself to be Christ and in the End David Philipe Gil who rose as the play if 101010…indecision duality..the Brain as the great Computer..
But one can not use numbers to compute or calculate true existence..
Existence key is naturalness where duality in Being does not exist.
Where Circumstancial Awareness C.A can not exist with you Being and thus, without Being, there can be no true Awareness or Consciusness or Gap.. Called forgetfullness..

Because the truth is without Being (Naturalness) you can not Exist.
And thus, those who think they exist are nothing more than illusions, puppets..at best Avatars moved by thier true selves as Energy in another realm…
Learning in a “Moving Painting by numbers” how to Exist…
How to Be.

And how to Be is what creates Awareness and Consciousness through watching observing your Naturalness which is really your E.E.T..Energetic Expression True being proven True by your exploring this “Painting Moving Still of numbers 01-9…until you reach O or dissapear into 0 Nothingness because you never existed anyway..
Not here at least..
Not in this video game of the illusion of 101010 descions..
That you an Illusion is in control.

E the Espirit which moves you is in control and the Energy in you asks you to “Read” your natural expression.
Read the cause and effect of being Natural and being false
And decide which is the True you.

That is the only descision you have to make..
Be or not to Be.
And to Be requires naturalness..
And Naturalness has no awareness of self except in hindsight..
After the fact.
After the Natural Expression.

It exists in the Pause to Reflect..
As I did in June 1992 which manifested June 22 (V.BB) the literal Being of Yonathan Yohannes…born on that date.

For that is how Conscioudness and Awareness become real and solif through being..
But realized made solid just as Creation universe created from Being but made Fact afterwards…
When the one being rose to explore his Creation- his reflections which he knew was real but he now had to make solid and F act..

F=6..Six sense
Act ion.
Which created the concept illusion called Time..
But which transforms to Harmony Perfect Timming when the Full Circle of his Exploration of Everything…
All his reflections are complete..

Emeka Nnamdi Yonathan (Grace) Christopher E Stephe N.

Energy Natural Yes Hue A.H. Christ O I E. Crown…Step H.E..N

The House of The Lord is not 265..
It is not the Forest of Pelham Park 365.
The Full Circlr
Where time was first created
It is the place of Nature called Nature Mort..
Where I came as Death to destory the Illusion of life
Being aloneness isolation.
Nor is it Bruce Lee House of Dragons David Dreaming…
Nor is it the wilderness where Adam and Eve where said to be Banished but were dreaming…

No, Nature was the First illusion the first challenger it was darkness..
And I am Li..
Meaning Light.
I am Lee Mincey..
The one whi came into.the Clearing to Heal the illusion of its Fear…
I am E. N.Y C. E
Not I N.R.I.
And I am of the Lord E.


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