
9/4/2014 17:54 – Facebook Post

Sept 4 2O 14

9 4 2O 14


I.D True Nature

Identification Truth

Cafe Bean 1st and 9th..

Affirmation Echo Existence affirmation that we have Entered the Line of E…

Through end play of Rachel McWilliams
Nikoma Rios and David Philipe Gil


Anne Rand (The Fountain Head…Lafonf)

David Roman Nicholas.

I have a new Face Book Friend…

Filipe Arkadiusz


Line of my Beautifil Cool Brother Father
Consciousness in Being of E line.

F.A is the 4th note..


I met Filipe over 12 years ago when I met David Roman Nucholas Naim…and Tanya and Xavier…

Last Night after the great play of Nikoma and David where David revealed a deja vu of standing before a the a window display…

As I testified that 12 yrs ago David fully recognizing me in in my Energetic Form (he had described how he saw me descend from the sky..*See my posts abt my self portrait in Paris with Dimensions of me and the Full Story of this script)
And had my younger brothers memory down to the hug he had given me the last time I had seen him alive at age 12 just before his birthday on Easter when he left…but not before coming to.my mother through a dream projection to say good bye…
Right to the looking me in the eye and saying that he had had mastered driving 18 wheelers…
* ref Chris Franco 18000 he had taken from his Mom and given away…
Ref 18 is the letter R
Author Harmony…

And the indescribable relief in meeting Filipe A on the street on Prince at 3:00 a.m.

Outside the Cafe a tall Beautiful rare class and grace line of the Royal Fairy Queens hail.
A young man walks up and sits on a Fire Hydrant..
On his T shirt are the words in large letters..

“You were always Happy and Enthusiastic!” Filipe had said last night.

I had did have the words to express my Joy but my warrior shield could not come down as we spoke.
All I could think as he talked was they dared to even fuck with my family the Line of E..

I had walked after leaving David and Nikoma and my last posts of solving the riddle of the last play of proof of our being in the living Dreamers Matrix..
Which had taken over woman thinking she was Mother Nature and Mother Supreme.

“Recall the song..Jeff Buckley singing Hall e Lu Jah…
..there was a secret code which David played which please the lord..
whicj goes like this the fourth the fifth…
David Nnamdi is 45 yrs old.

Recall the part when she took his crown…

Yes, humanity have been a movie in which all world affairs went around in circles as in the movie Dog Day..
While a great play movie was sey in motion with a Court which put me as I.E on Trial and sent me for 1O yrs into the pit of the greatest test and inferno to test me…
Mother Nature as the usurper seeking to discredit the Truth David who awakened as the Christ Memmory story that I was not who he knew I was…

Without my saying a word Filipe spoke about David…
Filipe had owned a shop right next door to the Bar Naim (who called himself Mr Happiness who was my hosts as well as Davids who had been a model with him in Paris and had come down from Windsor Canada the very same day Naim had met me at Balthazar through one of the most radiantly beaiitiful women I had ever met an Indian Model and famous personality Meghan…The woman I already knew was line of my lovers…)

He said, almost his Spirit had heard the whole play…

“I spoke David and what impressed me was how clear he was… But something would then cloud it there was a but…he was being influenced.. He was being influenced he said sadly by outsiders…
Creating doubt in the clarity he already had…”

I had heard a voice call out..
I saw this joyous Beautiful man with a dog…
He walked confidently joyously to me…
I knew him bt I was so exhausted after the play of David Nikoma and then Fritz..solvinh the code of the first tiny irresponsible action of my brother sister as the illusion of Nature who thought he was the one and had challenged me I.E as the Creator…

In which I.E had put him to sleep to experiene his being Existence so.he could understand the Truth of of everything came to be and thus evolve to E…
But instead he created the illusion called Death as the end for his quite challenge of my I.D.

Which resulted in a cause and effect which created pain and suffering all because in his innocent question not expressed as to how did he know that I was the soure…and not him.

Filipe Arkadiusz reminded me instsntly of Rob Barr Geoff La Cour and Phillipe whom if you recall was the last incarnation of David (meaning David Nnamdi consciousness coulf rise and morph through all these lines of his aspects…
David Phillipe…

Phillipe had kissed me and told me that he was not abandoning me bt I would one day understand as he left me at 268 forth street..
David was born 11 22 68 tge same day as my mother and Nnamdi April 5th..4/5 69.

I did not know my mother line as Harmony my little sister and my Brother Father line as David Nnamdi had set me up to pass through the portal of themselves as Egypt Kemet OINri to put me to the Ultimate test…

The test as the sacred web site I found a few months into my stay which explained that they were using my hosts (who was aware) to test me in the portal which stated only the one who was the One could pass these tests…
Or go horribly insane then painfully sent out of Existence for daring to ever suggest that he was the one.

I had been accussed of making David have a mental break down… Forcing him to go to Bellevue.
Naim had gently kicked me out of what had become my home all my stuff destroyed
Because Tanya a young woman and friend of Naim
(yes Nikoma was playing Naim and Tanya is his boss ala Maison where he works)

Tanyas and her mother were from Ecaudor and knew David was not of this world.
She had met him just moments before I had arrived in Naims house and I had been disturbed by her presrnce bc my codes knew that we were both meant to be single…

But David made his choice on all levels clear to Tanya that it was me.
For Christs sake we are brother father lovers sisters since the begining.

I sought to spare her feelings but David was very direct.

Naim bless him was more interested in this realm and caused a bit of a messs..

Filip had looked at me in suprise when I had mentioned Tanya..
He frowned ” That was just a casual sex thing…”

Not to her or her Mother..

The words to a Song I arrived to in this cafe was playing
“There is a New Mother Nature”

David told me everyrhing
About the power of Tanyas Mother and her claims..
I saw the doubt being gradually put in him.

I did not blame Tanya or her Mother..it was His test..
He should never have had an ahtom of doubt in me.
It turned me cold steel calm..
Then you had better walk the walk..
Because here I am 12 yrs through a Hell of which humans are unaware of the Supernaturals walking amongst them and the power the wield and they Banished me..took my E wings and three into the pit as Lucifer Anti Christs and planted their Demons in me and still I never beyrayed David.
Seeing him true to the E N.D


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