
A Brief note…

A Brief note…

I left 9th st.

I saw Giancarlo Thiago… And my body responded.

He was the one who led to to 9th street.

I stated that he had read my posts and how deep they were..

I could not stop myself..

The words flowed from me…

(not again)

Yet he understood it… Everything.

I knew that his Energy had led him to me.

He went inside saying he wished to speak more.

I wanted to leave.

I had not even been able to buy a coffee…for the first time meaning this is the end..

Because that is how this play works..

But I did not see him again.

It could have been that he just forgot or his human side just did not wish to deal with these truths.

I did not care.

But my body this energy in my body wished to reach him..

Next was Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula through texts speaking abt straps he had invented and wealth.

He calls me Beloved bt I walk the streets with an alien consciousness he posted as evidence in me.

I warned him of the danger..

Some texts later weary I completed what I needed to get through to him.

Then I walked thinking I am done… Need to find food and..

Then I saw a fresh peach I picked it up and the bottom had begun to rot.

I look up to see a sign on a T shirt..C ray.. I am too tired.

I thought of J.Stern of Lovina Silver..

Then I saw the number 13..

No, it can’t be but the presence in my body reigned me in as if I am a horse..

I walked towards 2nd and 3rd..

There he was.

My frustration tiredness..

I knew I was rescuing all aspects of my Fathers Truth

David was meant to be the last to get to Nnamdi..

My Father is here

I Joseph asked me to sit and the number 14 passed by indicating to get to N I had to pass thru this 13..

He began to speak of his heart and loss of this realm.

I was so tired.

We spoke and I told him that how once more codes..but he already knew.

I am representing a ray of the archytpe..

C ray…

He tells me he is waiting to speak to a worker in Indonesia where he is building a house.

The guy with the number 14 walks by again turns and sits a bench away.. Signifying that to reach 14..I must pass through 13..J.S

A Miracle took place! he states

He tells me strides have been made with his problem.

I remind him that it is bc of this work.

He takes it in bt not really.

I think of Nikoma Rios no response..

It was not in the harmony for us to meet.

Joseph quotes a passage from a piece on his phone giving the code of why I was dragged back here.

Choice of which consciousness he wishes to live in..

Why I wonder is he being given so many chances.

Why must I be put in such a situation 13.6 yrs..

They all chose here apart from David and Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna at least in this end play.

We speak he takes a ciggarrette.

I ask him to buy me a coffee.

I am so tired that I must extract this last ray from him by making sure that he is aware.

He is aware but blaze..

They are all so blaze even with my body energies rising as evidence almost pleading with each to take heed.

His code was simple but blame is always laid with others..

Even though each was given a treasure to guard.

A treasure a blessing of consciousness I had never betrayed.

Each using it for their own benefit. Yet each getting so.much mercy.

I had spent a life time studying.

13.6 years defending humanity, warning them pleading screaming going against my nature to alert them…

Providing non stop energy expression evidence exemplification… To what all.already knew.

My journey imposed upon me by the Dreamer who turned me into some maschochistic Christ to alert ppl to a play I knew they would never respect.

I had lived in this world.

I knew nothing but force could move ppl.

Some are moved by love but so few.

And not the ones I was sent to and especially not in this guise of The Elegant Pauper with no money..

Who has to remind ppl that bc of my condition and mission I can not work in the system.

Each time knowing the value the purity the effort which every word I utter is worth and has the power to do.

They prefer to see people with power who do not require their power to give him food to eat.

Not even a Miracle is worth something… Not even a Miracle a promise to cure the illusion of a Broken Heart.

I have to stop.living in the Gap.. he said.

That is the correct code.. Page. There is no E Gap I said and you all know it.

David Philipe Gil..D.P.G..

Beloveds Page on F.B filled the illusion of the Gap by putting words to that illusion.

David is the proof.

You are all one Energy inside each moved by a Harmony within.

But he already knew..

Yet they prefer the illusions.

We are entering a new page in Hueman History and end to stories a Matrix..

But he knew that too…

Some just prefer the lie and slavery..

I have been made a slave…

Yet I am Freedom and remain so.

Father David Brother Sister!

What further proof do you need..

They know exactly what they do!

Release me..please.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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