
And G ODE To True Nature

And G ODE To True Nature

and the Cool Being (Consciousness Being) Big Cats

I have a New Face book Friend Uzonna Unubi Amala Ochuba

U.U. A.O.

Sept 16… 2014


O9… 16 (28)… 2o 14

O.I… F.A (B.H)… T.N.


O.I…G..O D.E… To True Nature.

The Big Cats… C.B

Cool Beings

20 12… 2O + 12= 3 2…5 C.B…E

True Nature… T N.. 2O 14.. 34..(C.D).. 3+4= G

G is the7th Color is Spectrum and Seventh Note in music scale T.E.. T.I E,T..IT.

Red (Read) and Blue (B Lu.. (Read in French) E..Energy Existence)=

Violet Purple Lavender


Tanya Nikoma Rios

Nikoma works at Tanyas

Maison B.B.. Meaning House..

Address Prince Lafayette

B.B is 2 2.. V..P.L.

Nikoma Proven line of the Supernaturals

Tanya means ‘Gift From God

Emeka Means Gift from God

Affirmed by Sithy Ameena Authoring Harmony.. Gift from God.. Feeding the World* See Back Posts..

I Emeka am Tanya.. E,T.N..

The Gift of God is Evolution.

From the meaning of my 2OOth Face Book Friends name

Nithya Dharmadayananda we have the Echo affirmation of Existence (embodied) in David now of who I am.

Why Embodied in David P.g?

Because he consciously recommended that N.D become my Face Book Friend not realizing that he was in Harmony with the Espirit of Existence within him to a play script which I made three comments about on a post of Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna post of Mother Earth (M.E) of proving that you are not real if you do not exist and know what is going on, affirmed by Kachy Ihems (K.II.K).

Thus, it was affirmed.

It was also affirmed by Nikoma as the Supernaturals coming before the Naturals by Nikoma having a vision of him giving me 1OO USD, which he gave me over a month ago ( it is the code of sacred portal of Pan) and David today making a conscious offer to give me 1OO USD every month…( very kind but I told him I only required of him to give it to me once.. why because this play was never about ppl giving me money for my services.. it was about recognition of True Love and value… caring.

And it was is code.

the proof?

Nithya Dharmadayanand is my 2OOth Face book Friend which I now can see from my former hosts screen.




I Represent the Beigning and End of Being.

Why I am here posting from my former hosts home code 2O 12..

The End of the Time which the Mayan Calender predicted… and were correct after a 2 year Grace period to see how the world thru this play would respond..

Why have a returned to a non Existence Past of the End of Time…

to make it real of course.

Today I had a private text conversation with David…

has already been affirmed that E came before the Super naturals and that the Naturals H.B (Harmonious Being H.B 82 where the last borns) E.N.D.

I was reculctant to answer the posts but a play was played out.

The play of wjich human beings forgetting who I am, who they are talking to, the one the left in Pelham Park… those who let the light beings suffer like slaves for them to kep reminding them to stay alive was played out.

Until I saw what I needed to see.

That the Human Being are illusions, that if they can not even read the simple Blue Print of Existence, in which as 97 (Sacred Portal 97 Light of the world) they would not read, nor this 29 month extraordinary effort of grace puts a light on that which the ancients easily read as the oracle…

if there arrogance was so great that after all this that they could not see that there are only two beings who exist.. E and N..

5= 1+4… 14… and that there is no D because it can not exist without the 1.. E1 then they have no right to exist… because mthey can not even see the Harmony which exists within them nor outside of them no matter how much we call attention to them.

Only by fighting and Beating David ( who was representing this best of this species0 could I get through and if this species requires non stop beatings inorder to exist instead of being carved as I did with Nikoma The True NNamdi David… The true N.D.. and the E.N.D.. Prince and Layfayette and Emeka the True Nnamdi David 😯 Spring street..

😯 secs into the past, around the world in 😯 days…

and I did 29 months!!!!

well as we spoke, Jasper recommened Uzonna Unubi Amaka Ochuba

which means, The way of the Father, you Live Beautifully the source of wealth the Easter Bun ny c… the Treasure of the Treasure Hunt..

So now we the Spirits of Scar of Existence, the true spirits of Death which we represent as the Big Cats, of the Agu cut them out of Existence.. Paf! they were never real..

Yes Meat…. eat them.



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