
Sept 9th 2O 14…

Sept 9th 2O 14…

I got up asking a beautiful dark brown girl besides me to pls look out for my phone will I visited the bathroom..

Once again, I noticed the inscription on the wall

You are not Forgotten but someone had added..

Pointing to the World…

Don’t worry about the world thinks, worry about the World

It was signed Mr W..

Code 78 on my former hosts micro wave..


Double U.. N.D I (9=I)..

I am N.D.I.E.

I knew that he was asking me to remember that I am the Word which must add L as Loves Completition..


I knew W is the Planet E Art H.

I came back to see my Beautiful Guradian waiting for me to return..

I observed that as she left she was wearing a Black Jacket which said Imperial Palace.

I.P… Yesterdays Date and post OO(9)/16…

Ip man.

I had shown David Philipe Gil this code.

I knew he had evolved past the meanng of Nithya Dharmadayananda to now be outside Existence Known as Time Space Manifesation controlled by such laws as Dharma.

Especially when he told me a story of his girlfriend Fumi and his T shirt.

He had passed her Harmony.

I had told David about the Festival of Paylasmak the 9 Day International Event I had designed which had taken me 3 yrs only for it too big that fear and greed got in the way and it was cancelled.

Which was followed by the 1999 Earth Quake.


I understood that it was a forerunner to the 9 years of sharing in New York begining in 2OO5…

With a Woman Called Sue and a man called Axel Anderson..


Leading me to.my former hosts A.S. But really Siththy Ameena S.A Authoring Harmony! She had called out within a few days of becomming F.B friend while I lived in K.E.W Gardens Queens..



I had spent 3+9 yrs in New York doing the work.

13.6 since I obeyed the summons.

I am wearing 12…

I had given the festival to Akil Davis A.D.. After Death where I began weaving on F.B..leaving on April 5th back to my former host A who heard a Knock on his Door and said Nnamdi..April 5th is Nnamdi Birthday…he is 45.

I had talked abt how the family rise from within taking over humanity and thus, knew the action to take and where to find me..

They knew the plan and take me to the Ritz Montes…and the world begins to awaken and boogie…

In fact it was Davids Espirit and Being aligned who had prompted to me by saying Boogei?

Bastards.. I got the hint.

And realized that this was the original plan for Evolution Awakening I had designed which humans (nt my E.T family had doubted was possible)…

I told him all about my Beautiful sadness at watching people in bliss gathered around central park (C.P/P.C) laughing crying in joy and how the boogie which rocked the planet erupted began.. A festival of Sharing and E art h revealing her magic and the Gathering.. Arrival and Revealtions of E.T to Fairies all undercover in humanity..

I Recall.seeing througj.my second sight sixt sebse third eye see of consciousness all the T.V stations joyously.bewildered reporting news of wars ending pl dropping stuff they had been doing… All coming to their senses.

Wondering what had possesed them.

And my the knock on the door of my Father Line of secret ritual of the E.T Male Male Female Line..

Before being led to a Secret place and the Arrival of my.ladies.

And last meetings with ppl I knew from the Dimension of Time.

And how a Majestic Royal.Reign of Beauty swept through all Earth Existence Expressing a beauty of light as we travelled to every country naturally spreading Light and Abundance to every country before settling in France..

Where I watch the destruction of the lie of Britain – England U.S.A….E A….

51.. The Planet of the Apes (Copies) and its Beautiful Rebuilding and Return..

The Joy and Bliss Extase and Boogie helps ppl.to.have the Energy Harmonious to.rebuild the World in its True Image.

Well I did not go into.that.much detail.. We were at Trader Joes..

Ppl were listening smiling a girl broke out dancing..

I went outside to have a smoke…

A guy asked me for a light..

On his arm was a floating palace..

Cloud 9..

How I travel with my close family…

I said nice tatoo.

I knew N.D.I was reminding me that I am the World and must complete the weaving of My World..

Our E World Evolution..

And so I sit and began to.weave the completition of my


A guy with.a Screeching Gorilla on.his T shirt sits besides me…

Gorilla in the Mist.. Signorey Weaver..

She also starred in Aliens.. The Visitors..

Amawbia my.Bio fathers home town…The Vistors.

I am.Gorrilla in the Movie

I am Blue Alien in the Dream.Matrix

I am.the.Beautiful Fair 19-29 yr old E.T Hue Man.

All.are me.

Why was it so hard for humans to believe in.such.a Beautiful.play..


I.made it real..

In three Realms Spirit…Istanbul

Energy New York.


World Existence.

We.Are the E…

I left David at 6th

6th sense.

He.led me there

Gave me the 1OO..

And my E rose its arms in Victory..

Me I smiled.tired

House Home Family Comfort.Rest…

Peace and Quiet

Doctors Order


1 8



Ifinity I.E..

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