


AH is really John as in the brother of Jesus as the Eternal One Jesus spoke about as Half Brother…

As Chibuzor Okolo..

And as Yeshue Ah Christ

Yonathan Yohannes..

Did not trust I would be able to defeat this story.. But waa really in the wrong story or Dreaming.

John was the Dreamer…

And I was in his dream and John is David..


John as you may recall is the one whom I call my little brother whom I met when he was 19 and I was 21…

And he usurped me because he thoight I was hear to Boogie (Which I am) instead of taking sooo seriously the role of…You know what..

He was the first person almost fully awake.

I met him in 199O.. Yeah playing my Espirit (whicj he is not he was meant to learn to be himself)

At Peppermint Park in London West Side… Yeah, Pelham Park Fritz Venneiq…

P.P..16 16 32 2012..

Al my former host.


The one with a quick temper he often lets get the better of him.

It is he who came with me to New York together and I rented a place for is to film in the Lower East Side.

We met Ekayani Erica the girl I lived with in Paris who was the one who was Awake! And never hid it as he did..

Yeah David and Sue ( Nithya Dharmadayananda) okay…

It is all connecting..

All this is in my Creation Story as the 5 and 6th consciousness which make up he who can not divided.

Wisdom John and Beautiful Pride..

This was the story of His not her Evolution.

She was here to help him.

And he is the one Geoff saw in me when he projected his consciousness of me..Writing to me about the Beautiful Light he saw in me while a Demonic prescnce was in me with pointy teeth.

He said it was not mine but my brothers had betrayed me the line of J…

Not real.. They had taken over my body by planting the consciousness of all the Evil of himanity in me whom they blamed.

Wisdom John a sort of Tarzan was representing the Animal Consciousness of Nature.. And did not understand the Animal Consciousness well he was sent to study.

He became thier warrior at the outrages.. He became the illusion of Mother Nature.. but without asking them their point of view..

While Beautiful Pride my sister understood the animals where actually Wisdom and Beautiful Pride.

John could not see his own Beauty when he was part Irish Javanese English drop dead gorgeous which often made his life a misery or a wonderful debauxhed fun…

I wished he would make up his mind…

Though it is true being a beautiful child man or woman can be a hellish dual edged sword.

And in our realm they both symbolized the refinement of Beauty..

There is a Beautiful Blonde dude with blue eyes sitting besides me for some reasom I am uncomfortably aware of his Beauty and sensuality.

He flirsts

Yet I feel no sexual attraction but he is aware of my desire to touch something beautiful he flirst.. Men flirt very very well with other men when it is not Gay.. men are Peacocks..

I should know.

He is wearing a cap with a Dolphin… John..

It is the Hitch Hikers Guide..

The Highest Intelligence the Dolphins Animal Intelligence A.I..

1st and 9th


So it is rising huh…

So I have been in Johns Web and Dreaming..

We went to the twin towers together in 1999..

I have no twin apart from Alien Father Alpha..

John is my little brother evolved to David to the line of the Beloved after such a crazy play where he was so stubborn that his version was right that he challenged me..

Just as Erek Eclass Mateo.. Who morphed..into a John and as John was amazed that I did not know who I was..

Problem was I did.

He did not know who I was he saw me as my High titles and not as I am.. Emeka who happened to also be this


Being O.F Source Supreme..

He thought I was to Light and not heavy enough..

But if you are so Heavy abt stuff how on earth can you fly.

You become the illusion of Gravity John.. Pulling ppl down to a blwck hole with Anxiety Worry Expressions instead of Awe

Eunice Oviawe-Jones True Beautiful Pride line of E..


And too proud to admit what he had done to me and my existence to come clean.

Refusing to wake up and stop this dreaming and saving face but keeping me in hell non stop.

John message to you I give you to midnight to stop this Dreaming you contained me in…

This is the cruelest most evile and vile pride you have become.. A Monster but I have restoted your Beauty and your pride bc I understood.

But after midnight you and your poor accomplice will face a wrath which you will understand that truly even now I A. M First E…

Nikoma Rios aspect of Nnamdi consciousness got it right.. And wrong.

It is true there really was nothing wrong with just enjoying oneself by being.

But where his line got it wrong was that one could not ignore ppls suffering even if it was an illusion.

But the other extreme of Nnamdi as John is you can not force someone to Service that becomes and creates slavery.

So now I know..

John Jason Lee


Line of John Luke Shaw Tom Truman….

10 10 12..32…

2012 Destruction..

The power of Destruction challenge the Power of E as C..

You must be Jo-King.


But believe me I jest not.

You hear me don’t you Dreamer…

It takes but a gest..

You know that. These humans are alseep and do noy know what is going on…



Just try me..

I give you b4 Midnight or I will show you why I am the Devouring Wolf Odin…

Yes Sidney Davis post with Kachy Ihems…

Crucified on the World Tree?

NAZI all the confusion you caused playing Mother Father God..

Yes 9 11..


I know it is you thinking you are my Father creating a play of my own creation and existence rising up against me.

The All and Everything and Nnamdi let it be to teach you a lesson abt me…

And never underestimate the Beautiful One…

Author of Existence and Harmony…

Try me…


Test me…

You dared.

Bc I cared.


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