
… So that is basically the END.

… So that is basically the END.

You were in a war with Aliens Versus E.T.

The Aliens were the invaders and had taken over the planet Earth and the E.T were the Truth of humanity.

And humanity were asleep in pods, witnessing the entire thing subconsciously and asked to Help…

But in their dreaming, their doing Nothing or feeding the Virus or all that is against true Nature brought forth the manifestation of Alien Bodies…. Which any doctor of medicine will tell you is how the body becomes infected… By not taking care of your body, not maintaining clean habits.

Filthy thoughts as well as Filthy habits Filthy Consciousness bring the Invaders which attack the body…

Everything happens Energetically, Everything happens from within…

Energy Expression brings about Atomic Molecular and Cellular Construction. Form…I

E.E= A.M.C.C.F..I… The Individual…



See Eunice Oviawe-Jones post of the Polygon with E at the Apex…

Thus the same equation results in either a Healthy Being and Body or a sick one.

My family and I have rid the Humanity of Illness by providing the equation for not only cellular regeneration immortality Health ( which is why I have been so frustrated that my body has not been allowed to fully manifest the truth that I have no age anylonger becasue have proved that I am not contained or limited bu time, yet have been dragged down again and again into time to finish this play0 but then that would be the final proof of Truth)

My Family have provided the Cure ( C.U.R…E!) But only you can take make it work by taking our medicence.

The agreement with the Aliens is that they take with them all those who refuse to come back to true Nature or those infected ith the Virus they implanetd but which humans created themelves.

Thus, there will be a gret deal in the reduction of the species based on willingness to take cure themselvs.

the goal of the play was to reach 200 and for the feminine principle to take over the running of the world.

The 200 are symbolized by D.N.A.E…

David Philipe Gil

Nikoma Rios

and Myself A,E…

It was and is all symbolic…represenative of all humanity.

I could not reveal all to you, because I.E only let me reveal on a need to know basis and because the your fear and arrogance and superiority as an infected species would have corrupted the play./ Thus it was you true E within which guided you and some very few of you whose Humanity and common sense and heart that made you extraordinary….

Morning Afternoon Evening and Night.



Rob Barr messgaed me with an equation yesterday which I asked him when he has the time to put up, that is the end of this play.

Within Morning Evening Night… M.E.N… came woman.

within every True Man there is the Feminine and within Every true Woman there is the Male…

and when the two of them are in Balance it creates Ladies ( Gentlewomen) and Gentlemen ( Laddies men who still boys at heart).

That is what the definition of a Man is and a Woman..

Power and Strength with Grace restraint called Self Mastery…

in not being afraid to fight fpr who and what they love to the very end.

I am tired, and to be honest I am not sure I desire to live amongst Hue manity after experiencing this play. I was used and I was not told everything but I figured it out. I have no intention or desire to die, but I do have every desire to be leave this all behind and never be used ever , every again… I would like to be safe from all all of you from H to I.E…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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