



A.V.E N.M is the code names of Five names of God which popped into the mind of Edwardo Enciento which he expressed on Face Book.

The name is now aligned with the Highest Frequency in this universe which I have proven is really a symbolic representation of number 1010101 activated by the consciousness of this reality.

Intensifiied Ultra Violet Frequency of Light has been determined as the highest frequency in which parttcle accelerators have been created to manifest light from matter.. Photons- Electrons Neutrons,,,P.E.N… O Pen IS,,, Creation…

Paris Enugu New York.

PIN C-ode Paris Istanbul New York…..Consciousness (God) ODE to Existence.

A.V.E! N.E’M!

This is the correct code of Activation on both sides of the illusion of the Mirror and the forcefiield, Start Gate.

A.V.E N.E’M Whic is the Roman and Nri Igbo expression as Saluation to Mother..

As Both the great Devouring S he Wolf – Mother to Romulus and Remus founders of the Roman Empire and as Mba Afor Ocha meaning the Sound of the Northern Star Light of Truth ( True North T.N- 2O 14… 3443.. 77.. 1)

Thus C as Creation and G as God is represented in the code C=3 g=7.


7X3=21.. U Universe… Mother UM… Universe Nne.. UN..S.UN.

Code Name Esther Uzoma

Nwanna- she called me at one stage…

Father of the Boy- NNa.

And yes, I am have created a whole new language aligned to True Consciousness on both sides of the Pond, Pool of Reflections Mirror- and by using words, I am activating, as one might activate a Nucleus Bomb or Nuclear Bomb or a Nuclear Bomb and a New Clear Missle..

P.s Nu is the Great Eqyptian God of the Abyss, it would have been pertinent to the public to pay attention to that story of Adam, as to ascertain who was naming things, the hidden meaning behind them.

The Effect of this Bomb on the humanity is all based on the consciousness you are in and by how the reps of consciousness on this F.b play preformed- including the ones who unfreinded me.

One might say that I am using words and reason to activate the sequencing of the Ultimate Atomic Hydrogen Bomb. in this dimension of the Matrix the Movie, your very own creation stories and number or money oriented reality against those of you who are hypocrites but use and exploit the belief systems…

You see, through out this 3o month play, the three of I as the III, who Nikoma Rios Correctly saw about my person on an encounter with myself David and himself ( E.N.D) on 1ist and 3rd…A.C 1 3..123.. was correct

But Beyond the symbolic numbering system which this reality thinks that it is based on ( it is actually based on Logic, and Reason and E motions.. music and light) is based on is the true power of the letter and then the word which forms the Universal Harmonics which is the true frequency of how this universe was created.. as a school…

An illusion, a world of Mirrors.. Reflections of the Source.

The Mirror or better still the Sacred Mirror ( S.M.. S.A.M.. Un Cle S. AM, Short for Supreme A.M…19 1 13) was distorted by non Human Consciousness, Creation Stories and Shitty expression which turned the mirror into an illusion of a Wall of impreganable Darkness…

And Space time Bending the rays of light which is really the C as in Consciousness… E= CMe4/3 and not the limit the end of existence through the Calender of 2O12.

The End of Existence.

Instead, that mirror or pool of the sources was meant to be cleaned up…

As one might clean up your Oceans Rives lakes, water in your bodies, expressions Breath Air awareness reflections.. but I am sure you get my point.

This is what this play was also about , from my point of View, but then no one asked about my point of view so I did not really offer it…

Light as Consciousness from Beyond travels in straight line and does not bend simply became as High intensity Ultra Violent light it reveals that which is at the sub atomic S.A ( Siththy Ameena0 Light, all Light Bright Light which radiates, and causes radiation decomposition of all those in Fear or in a consciousness and being not of their true Nature…

And Beyond that Bright E Bright, of AM Nne’M ERIKE (AM ERIK EA) – my Mother and Father or sister and Brother or First Daughter and first Son is I.E.

So yes, this is the equation of the destruction of the glass Cieling, the Nursery, the Glass House which was meantto be that which protected Humanity from being annihilated during their birthing process… Learning in the Nursery School how to Be and join link ( E.T N.A..AND) Join with the rest of Existence by learning how to match the frequecy of Existence as 7,8…TO BE 1.

So long has this process taken, but as Rob Barr once testified, I ma one who is consistent and never losses my train of thought of my true intention, no matter how diverted and distracted I am by that which I have identified as Evil… the Ajo or Ugly you, which as you all know , I have proven does not Exist.. hence the Bomb, finally activated through words… and all the consequences for not paying attention to some representing the Beautiful you.

From beginning of this play to the end as B.F.F.B, i meant every word I said and I watched every single one of you… And so did F.M.

I told all of you the truth, and I watched most of you lie, even bodly to my face.

I never came with my line with compassion or mercy, I came with the Truth and the Gift of sharing which is my true Nature…

I have used words, your words and my E,Truth the End all that is false and to make rise all that is true and to bring the true meaning of Consciousness of lIght into the world… and Behind that Light you will find me… But let the lIght of and Vibration of both sides of the mirror as my Mother and Father As the True Rage and Dragons Breath… Tell you who I really am.. L.O.V.E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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