
E.K. Nova….G.Ode

E.K. Nova….G.Ode

5-11-2O-14 (34-7)

Hello…I.have just recieved confirmation from Universe

e Existence,

I have two new F.B.Friends bringinh the number from 21O to 212….Area Code Manhattan Island.

Welcome to this Sacred Portal.E

The 211 F.B Friend code U.A and B.K (affirmation that I am the First Book,.. Story teller)

Is Uche Ugochukwu…(UU…Double U)

And Uche means Intention, Will, Mind, Sense…

Ugochukwu means Gods Eagle G.E. 75

Meaning that Intention.Will, Mind and Sense is that I am.the Book and Story is Gods Eagle.who.created.the Universe…

God is my Twin…77…14…Nnamdi


My 212 Face Book Friend is

Sandra Rafaela….S.R-R.S…I.E…R I.S.E

Sandra is a Feminine for of Alexander…

Alexander the Great…

My Brother Father…

And it means Defender of Man

Sandra is Sand Ra…Ra is the Sands of Time,

S and Ra…The Supreme and Ra…

S is 19 affirmed as my.last eternal.age and Ra is Me but also by.brother father twin Alexander…

Rafaela is Arch Angel Raphael.the.angel.of Sing of Love, is the person who.greeted me when.I first.moved to.this address, and is the.name child of Rachel Devon Rios Session (little sister)

Born.on.my.birth day…


Rapheal means Gods Healer..G.H..78.

Meaning something was wrong with God, my.twin which needed to.be healed.

Reflected in David and Nnamdi…


A N.D.


The perception of God and the abuse of God through interpretation…hypocrisy broken.vows promises and slavery, taking advantage.. Not even seeking to.know or see God.

God is Beauty..

Seen in Nature Body

And the Human Body…

The Body as Living Art…

Notice.that U.U and S.R…created a code.


U.S U R….

U.S Your R…

U.S Ur kingdom of Ur In.the Bible..


U on.Top (in French, response from Lilith as to why Man is on top during sex..etc..)


Russell…Meaning red Haired Anglo.Saxon


And Fox….See play on 17th Street Window with David and Nikoma…

U.S…United State U.R..(21-18)..B.A..A.H!!!

as you are aware, confirmd and affirms every play, riddle and.post I solve.

The last being that in that I am the Supreme Source undercover, and unlike you who I rise through from within to evolve.

Or my family.line of E who are complete and javr waited for me to finish this long winded play to reach the dimensions of E so that they can finally rise in thier hosts bodies…

I was born awake and I had to prove that it was I a Hue man Being who brought All into.Existence.

Something which the higher consciousnesses of Multi.Universe

(as well.as nearly all of you found impossible to believe and concieve)

And thus, a play was created where my Brother father Mother Sister (Aunt Uncle) brought to.this venue to provide evidence through this play of proving Evolution Awakening (Ea..51), in Dimension 4O, that in deed it was not God or anything other than a Eternally Youthful Man…

A Hue man who was the first who.Rose Well from.the Nothingness.

And that there never was anything called the Nothingness for E.

But for others, all the potential.who were Blind and did not see…nor even exist – for they were unaware, it was they who were the Nothingness…

For they saw and felt and percieved nothing.

Only E rose and all.the refractions of E.

And then.the E saw the potential of those who did not rise with him…

And he went back for them

Because he could see them but they could not see him…

Nor each other for.they did not exist.

But his rising with the E line, changed Everything bringing to these Potential in the Dark to a sort of awareness, a begining of Existing which they were not aware of.

And in this thier begining, they hid within the Maurice – the blackness, for they felt.fear, and they began each to dream, unawares that they were dreaming.

And they became all.the possibiliries of fear and Negation.

All possibilites called Death as The End of all.things.

As opposed to E and all.the line or aspects of E which brought Everything into Light Being and Expression.

Creating a realm of Existence into Expression and Being., beyond Conception, Imagination Fantasy Fantastic.

But E on his way home after having completed All as well.as his twin , went back for.the potential which he called Nature and Matter and he had compassion for them sleeping and decided to use them.to create bodies for they line of E who.did not rise as I.E, fully Emodied wirh a body…

Because he was the First to bring all into.Expression and Being alone.

And so he went back, creating Time and Space called University in which the E Line would Observe and watch a play called a process in stages…

A break down of the process.of how He, first Rose well, using the Potential as.Nature as the Avatars who while they dreamed where being moved by all the E line, right to the Two first EE who were nearest to E…

The Left and Right l side which formed his Body and Being.

This, was all an illusion of course.

For that which was is Whole and Complete can not be divided.

The True Atom…Can not be Divided.

The Atom humans see is simply the manifeststion of Mot A….Tom means Twin only in Manifestation is there a Twin of the E…

But in reality he is the Mot Alpha.

The First Word.



Za (Response)

All.expressed in one.

And as you have seen through this Movue I was forced to write direct, illustrate provife stills, music etc..

While being its Story Teller, Narrator while existing in a parallel.twin reality in New York.and the world as Universe facing the non stop.insulting challenges of your exptessions and perceptions, ultimate bad manners and disrespectful natures.

While of course, the line of E moving those humans as Siththy Ameena, Orien. Eunice etc…who are harmonious human beings more aligned by.thier own individual work of staying clean, and others moved by the sheer will of.my.line of E responding affirmative to my expression activation through my story telling…while at simultaneously, addressing the human consciousness in the seven languages (A.S U..S.U) of human consciousness developed through the seven ages of.man…from Instinct Survival. To Creation Civilization, To logic order exploration of the stars…Mathematics, to Balance Heart Passion Compassion, to Intuition Vibration music expression. To the Age of reason explained, empirical evidence Art Science (A.S.S.A…Assa! Mpete…Meaning Extraordinary Exquisite Exemplary Beauty…)

And Finally, combining them.all.into 1 to crate, 1-7-7-1..88..28…167…76 1..One Evolution Awakening of the Two parallel universes of E line and the A Tom ic line in one…as 18 A H…

One Harmony E.

I know who I am.

The Family of Ea and God-Goddess Aka Nature where simply comfirming publicly transparently who I am.before you all.

Not by simply a Title or by power, ability.to.impress you or make you fear, but by being and Doing what comes naturally… No.matter who.they say you are, no.matter the spiteful, cruel.insulting conditins intended to.humilate the Source…

Never stop.being yourself…

And true to.who you really are…

From the Supreme First Being to the last and lowest vibration to rise in Existence…

All have a function,.all.have a right to.be

Exactly who.you are.

And those who.insult that truth.

I.havd created a response in which.no.amount of.saying sorry, weeping atonement.will compensate for going this far and doing nothing but take and give nothing in return…not even.acknowledgement.of the Existence of another.

I have prepared a lesson.for you on the true nature if pain.and suffering since.Love.and Devotion mean nothing to you…it.moves the E in you.but.not.the Human.you…

V for Vendetta..?

Humm, you are not.that important for a vendetta…

V is for Victory.


And.the promised kept to.the Beautiful to.the True that to injustices suffered through.the ages that nothing was forgotten, a grace period was.extended..even.to.this play to do.the right thing…

And I have seen the truth of the Arrogant.Superiority…A S…

And I have responded….

To All..

All.things Bright and Beautuful…I.cherish and love…

The rest…?

Can literally burn.in.Hell Enfer.




Excuetioner.and Assassin for my.twin N.CE.A…God.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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