
Natural Law Of E.

Natural Law Of E.

When A Storm approaches, you do not stand in its path arguing with it that you had scheduled a brunch and it is inconvenient of it to arrive uninvited.

When you go to a Forest you can.not convince a Black.Mamba that you are the Top.of the Food Chain…Masters of the Universe.

And you can not cheat Death…

Or even when you will have your first period or when semen will begin to form

I think this is humanities greatest misconception and the cause of all this mad state of affairs and this insanity created from trying to.control others and nature.

This Idea that you can.dictate your laws and conditions to Existence Creation Nature.

You were brought.here to learn It-His-Her Laws…University.

This Extraordinary Illusion Delusions which.has infected Humanity (even though they know better) to.cheat, lie, think they.can delude or create simulations of Control and dictate the laws simply bc the created Citiies they.forgot was based on.a blue Print of Natural creative Expressions Law…

Whose foundation was Nature… Around you and it electric current common.sense… Is that which.has increased the Illusiin Delusion..

Is that which.:is missing.

The Gap

That you were not put here to.Dictate…

But to.Learn.Natural.Law…

Which.is indifferent to.your opinion or point of view… Until you.graduate…

With flying colors…

Degree in Harmony Existence

Natural Law.


Siththy Ameena is studying Law…

In every dimension…

P.S. And yes this was a Real Epic Battle btw God Existence and Expression Existence E Harmony…

God did not stand a chance…

One was made by.man in delusion distortion of reality only pieces of the puzxle mosylu.lost.in translation twisted perverted to Create an Obscenity. which took over the World..

Mad God and Mad Scientists and Indifference…

What I did not know was it would turn into.a Con Test to.test I and I…

And made Real…even though it ain’t


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