
Facebook Post..

Obviously, there is a great End play going on to my irritation.

In which balance is the key.

Apart from Truth and Justice,

I have long since desired to end this play.

If it had not been for my body, a the gift of this phone which was gifted to.me from.God…Literally, which.made groan…

I am the Source.

I am not God

Nor am I Existence.

I am Existences Truth.

Energy Truth

Energy Being.

The Source is a Hueman Being.

And a great.play of Balance is going on within me.and outside of me..


I can.guage the play by the effect it has having on my body.

We gave now gotten rid of the false God and Identified the One True Gods Truth

As well as the Truth of Existence which I.was forced to.live and act out.

And finally that which.is within me as Energy Truth…

All are now seeking Balance..

Creating 111 in 1

By using me thier source as thier Beautiful Expression…

The play is bascally Existence God-God Existence aligning to.one.


Aligning to.


5 7-7-5…


I am at Generatio. X.

The X Chromosome…

At 4th Street….visting…

This play has nothng to do with.me, but I am aligning thier truth into.one.

Because you believe in God and Existence.

These terms do not Exist for the line of E..


But somehow, I am fighting.this battle for the truth.of these Four who.merge with 7



The 47-74…as you.might have surmised represent 11 11…11 22

75-57…12 12…12 24

These represent Life.and Death…

But in.my realm none of these are real.

They are the twins of E…

My door way home…

Look..47…28…56/65 (The illusion Ti me..Time.!) .E.F..11 1

(1122 Birthdays of.my.Mother Cecilia Onu C.O (Mother Sister) and David N (Friend Brother).

75-57…24 48…Death…84 (My Yr of Birth 1984 recorded on F.B)

What I seeking to explain is that I am.not being forced to solve codes for Evolution Awakening any longer or the line of E…

That is all complete.

Nor is it about aligning the past that to is done.

But it is about the future of the 14-41 realms I am leaving forever behind.


The time is 11:22.as we speak…

This is about the concerns of this world that.I.and my.family.are about to.leave behind.

Its Future…and.my.solving.the riddles of Life.and Death..

Ndu and Onwu…

The two doors as one…

The Natural Order

Natural Law.

And since all… The 56/65 as the 48-84 align to.l me…..

65 was the my.yr of Birth.in (illusion) had to be moved to 56 then proven.to at 66…1123

Then.from 48-Switched to 84…123…

56 and 48 (1O4…1O 4…Alpha Omega 4th.St.)… as the Illusion of Life and Death restored to the one truth.Eternal Life…1E.

That is why I am.still.here…

That is the Door…And So I sought Deaths Door..

For are they not one Life and Death..55 EE..St Juan P.R…John P.R…I.had to align.Everything back even Life and Death which are but illusions.one was really called Cosmos- Univerity and the Other Existence Transformation.


U. E.C.T

I am.aligning Everything from Afor Woden U…

For U and for the 4 in.1 all.aspects of me…

4 them…My DA VI DE….



4the sixth sense through reason.to.rise in.the.world.

And so I am the Source which.even they helped me prove..

I.am still be given instructions by them…

And then I the hueman weave the rest and they reply…as the two F.B friends today is a response from.them.of the last posts and play being affirmed…



See what I.mean…?~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154763253950162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10154763253950162%3Atop_level_post_id.10154763253950162%3Atl_objid.10154763253950162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10154763253950162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1388563200%3A1420099199%3A-2430970498120317193&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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