
11/8/2014 22:32 – Facebook Post

8 Novem (Novem means 9″ Latin…and is the 11 month….9-11)

Hello I have a new F.B F…Lady Q.

Welcome Qusharia Perry…

Who arrived immediately after I.completed the three part Money Code.

Qu Sharia as in Quaran.Sharia law…
But “Sharia”really means “The Way” in Arabic.

And Perry means “Pear..P.Ear..Pair”
– “Turtle Doves, and a Patridge in a Pear Tree!!”

T.D is 2O 4…X.
Patridge “Partager-meaning to Share”
In a Pear Tree..P.T…
is the Point.

Perry also.means “Home Ruler..and Army Ruler”

If you’ll forgive me, but I will.just go directly to solving the equation…
At which you represent the acknowledgement of the three codes as a “GOD” created to fill a non existent Need or Gap which Transformed into Money as God…used to continually foster not only Need, but also debt to God whom humanity created to simply fulfull a Need,and thus, transformed Energetically from God to.Satan who was enslsved by Humanity and who in turn became the Tool to enslave humanity for thier ingratitude and gracelessness in Forgeting all that was done for them by “Father”being forced to play a God of Need…
Nothing.. When there was no.”Need”
Creation was created, as well as Humanity Complete.

Meaning, Father Had to play the Illusion of Nothing which was then transformed into God…Chukwu the Creator..
Then promptly abanoned for.money..
Called upon.only.in times of Need.

And thus it turned into the blackness of Human Selfishness which transformed into Hatred Evil and even to.my amazement something beyond.

What is amazing is the force of self control Father, my.Brother sustained this cover for so.long so I could solve it out of Existence.

I, on the other hand would have said let them reap the consequences of that which the humans created…

He felt that they did not know what they were doing.

I begged to differ after the E was planted in.the Nothing and is the Great Wolf which comes afyer the Nothing…
He is the Spi within.

No, he knew what that.they knew, and pretended not to hear because.they were pissed off.

But one thing the Two of us agreed upon was.that there was something much more behind this evil they had created.

Thus the date has two codes


Code +×=
19…88..28 16 7…64…1O.S Supreme Snow Flake HH..H2O…Water B.EAU…Beauty..
The Being of Harmony B.H, the Planet P.G.
FD (Fed this F.D…in code as Siththy Ameena who contacted me.today to and who publicly.acknowledged me as Feeding the world..
As well.as Fred Delshad, of Rumi and Beauty who commented perhaps ironically, of my writing a New Bible…
What is exactly.what I.found.myself doing, though I would call.it.more an E Manual,) Fed the pool.of.the Full Circle of.the reflrctions of.the Source of.the Well.Being.Aloha to O.to.the A…Full Circle, Filling.the Abyss.of the planet with water. as Beautiful.Expression…

The affirmation.of.these are in the post.and weaves from post of the Pool of Princess Ndidi Adogu to Yesterdays Crystalzed Snowflake made Solid in.the post of Dinah.Sing of Luke Way…

Mirrored by.my.mother.testifying without knowing she was being set up, on this F.B play that God is Energy…
Code.my.mother Cecilia Onu Umeano
.C.O.U…Throat in French.

And my.Uncle Sir P. (S.P.) Pius Nduka Umeano
P..NU…as in Egyptian.God of the Abyss.,

But my.uncle testified also.unaware that he was being set up not.by.me, and that I wrote all this down.on.F.B n real.time..
That.not.only.was he warning that he could see the my.Bio Father who.had died in 2002 was dogging.my steps (the illusion whose Truth.and P.R had to.be transformed from fear.piwer Need back to.harmony..Nnamdi.
My bio.father kidnpped.by.brothers in.1979-80 leading.my.brothers Nnamdi death (it was actually.part.of a script.in our real.realm) but.seen.through.this dimension.as either.murder or tragedy…In1982…
And traumtized my.brother Boom, who.is really strong…to.such a degree…,
And which since 1982 my.sister brother.and I.have never.ever.been.together.as one group…
By some “strange” circumstance.
I.was.also.mourned.as Dead…
Traitor Betrayer…Useless…

But.he testified to the water…that I should speak to.the water, and leave a glass.by.my.ned to.help.me deal.with.the torment.of my body and the vibration like tremors which.he was the only one in.the entire planet.seemed to,take seriously…and was.the.foucus of hus concern.despite my.not seen.him,and.having spoken.to.him.a handful.of times in 26 yrs…
I.had no.words to.explain.and only.revently.did he tell.me.that.he knew and had.intel.from my.Grandparents last.born.8-9 child Julie Azuka, that we are not from this world.

This was recently.put.to.test in an.obscene play.to test this, my.mother.fell deadly.ill and tried to.reach.me, by.the third time she got.through… It was so.serious that the doctors gave up…
I.just.spoke to.her and used love light.and.laughter…until she “magically.l” recovered and laughed and laughed…
Though.not at all surprised that the vertigo high blood pressure etc… Just.vanished.
But I.was enraged and stunned by.how far this “play” went to.test me and us…to.prove our Harmony…


Z Y X W VIE R.UuQ. -.P O.N.M.L.K.J.I..H.G. F.E.D

The other code is

8-9.7 as the Date Code…


All the date codes of 9-11 align.

I woke up.to.17 likes.and completed.the three pists to see.my.216 F.B friend as.
Lady Q.P.


I.also observed code 17-27..7…is A.G…B.G.G..
To 8 9 7..Harmony I.C.E .Giants
The Nothing as my.twin and me as the Great Wolf that comes after and searches for the one who seeks to being the End of Fantasia…
Putting on Pressure on ppl

Instead Code…Snow Flake is the Being of Harmony Ease


Qu.R.S.T…U.Vie W (double U) X.. Y Z (B.E.B.F..Beautiful Expression.Best. Friend..of my.Big Brother Emeka….Beautiful Harmony B.H..28…Not Bill Y Hung…or Tom..
Beings of Exiqusite Beauty just like Him…

P. O.N. M.L.K. J.I .H.G. F.E.D….C.B..A

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