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I was given a T shirt with the words Affliction

Written.on it- (nothing to wear, my things are still in the Forest on the outskirts of Pelham Bay Park and with David Philipe Gil…I am still wearing only the cloths I came for one night)

I knew why I was given the T shirt.

It symbolizes that affliction which is coming to cut out all those who are not real, or whom are sitting in a story.of lifes.

The story, I have recounted, the E Harmony story which is not a story…but the Truth of how all came to.be…

Which are beyond your human stories of Creation.or your Earth Science.

But a true telling of how you come from beyond, and how the children came from First Light of this Universe (the first universe came into.Existence)

But it does matter which story you chose to.live in religious scientific, fantasy, Pagan as long you are existing in it, in its alignment to the Truth my twin Existence and lady Echo First Universal Manifestarion informed (information) went to all this trouble to.make me align it to.the Truth of E…

I know most of you will not listen or take what I am saying until.it is really late, so I won’t bother going too.much into.depth except to say two things…

Your bodies are radios..

The more you.tune it the more it will.move you, telling you and directing you to what you wish to do.

And never lie to.it…it is your source…and for now you are just either its reflection or worse projection.

But you are not the source nor are you the director…and if you think you are, I guarantee it will prove to you that you are a lie, and you will die with the most terrible afflictions.

If you like and relish pain suffering torture and torment, as you so proved to.me that you do…then I suggest you take me up on this challenge.

My.host sons I noticed, left a ball here which I only noticed after I put up.the post of the Earth and Universes Scientific age..

And after a conversation with.my former host in.how he channels the Earth and Universe freguencies…

I showed him.the ball…

His sons Royal and Reign had left…R=18..36O

It had on it the number 14

14 billion yrs.

He looked at it and said 41…instead of 14…

Then sought to correct himself…

‘No,no I said

Full Circle a Mirror…



Lands End…

End of the Universe of Physical.Manifestation..after all Lands End is simply Solid Wall of Sound…

Is that no what matter is…

And a guy showed me a card today…

Ocean-Grand it said.

I.looked up, a cab rolled by…

Lands End

So now I am walking on.Water….


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