
5:43 A.M

5:43 A.M

Personal Responsibility…

This will be brief…

The one thing which makes me smile, is not. only that I know that the future…

(I live there, it is present.here as.a consciousness beyond First Light)

(Though not ever realizing the price and cost for getting there would be so high..)

Is that every single person who was summoned into this play, stayed or left..

Contributed, or challenged or remained mute…

Will become famous.

Some loved, cherished and given such praise by Gode- meaning the arisen and awaken species.

While others…

There is nothing, no word, thought or deed, heroic or shitty which is forgotten.

Everything is logged in the memory of existence in this new Era.

This Face Book page will studied, analyzed by not only evolved huemanity, but by E.T and First Contsct Beings who will eventually rise from.within the human vessels, then arrive on Planet Earth on vessels.

Each Face Book Friends contribution will be analyzed and thier lifes will be compared to thier contribution, response and expression during this 31 month play.

To.see.and understand the justifiable correlation between thier lifes and existences after the manifestation and what.they contributed.

And what they said did and enacted out in their lifes during this play.

Everything is recorded.


On Air, Fire, water, Earth…the Logs

And all cause and effect of.what.manifests in consequence will be understood by this play.

Generations upon generations will study every text, every conversation, every posts.

Offer the species of the future a mirror of both the Beauty of the human species before thier subsequent evolution…and the horrors.

This becomes the mirror.

This gives future generations the facts of the consequences of taking.responsibility…that no one escapes personal responsibility…

No one.

And yes, this is one of the reason thst the falde ego of the Dead and the illusionists of the human species past to present did everything to make me fail in this task…

While the line of E in you fought to help me succeed. But it was hard for the E line in you to help me, and help bc of ppl buried thier true selves and thier true hearts so.deeply…

Think Davy Jones locker.

Think Pirates of the Caribbean

Think Slave trade routes

Think the Hatred of the Dead and.thier hatred for the living and the injustices so many suffered and all the secrets buried by the murdered innocents.

Think the present indifference of the world to the those whose.lives were a torment just so you could have come and.betray them.

Oh yes, the Dead wanted justice.

And the Dead, many watched you and turned into a.hatred for thier Kith.and Kin and the while world and wished to.see all suffer and the world to be no more…

Oh believe.me….

Such.a.hate I would.never have believed until. I experienced the.selfishness.and.those living who were capable of inspiring such hate.

No it was not.the Dead the sources who inspired such a hatred…

It was.the consciousness of certain ones living.

But even that is no excuse for.the Hatred of the Dead.to go this far…

For.they too, thier lifes…were a riddle to.be.solved.

Effect and Cause…


Everyone summoned will take personal and public responsibility for thier actions and.part in the elevation or destruction.

Not simply by your expression on.my.page, or on your pages but each of your lifes, which will.be brought out to.public scrutiny.. To fully.understand this story, which will.spread over galaxies, to all species about to incarmate.

This is the public record that will.be eternal.

Each person, whether they left or stayed will be studied as the world and universe awakens to piece together the horror story in which.the Exquisite Truth of the species prevailed.

I.take great heart.in this, and I.must admit.that it is one of the reasons which drove.me.to go.on..

That all.the excreable expressions said to.me, behind my.back, in secret or only.in.mind will be brought.out publicly…

Just as all.the expressions which.supported the Truth.

All reason for that which will.befall.some and elevate others will find.its reason from this play.

All.will.be revealed..

Everything.said uttered thought written..

Nothing.will.be hidden.

There will be a Transparency Supreme and consequences which.will echo and resonante endless for Eternity Infinity..

For this plays is about Supremacy of the Truth.

And thus, the Truth.of all of you is revealed

Films, book, stories which will.inspire a futute expansion and cautionary tales will find.the source of all future stories from this play.

The Heroesm the Fiends, the Entireity of every fragment of.each.og your lifes will expand outward as the greatest minds and hearts come together to.piece together this Travesty and Victory of this Drop.in the Ocean which.ended with 216 F.B play.

No.name shall.be forgotten.

No stone will.be left inturned in the quest to.understand the true depth and meaning…and reflection of this F.B.Page of E…

All shall famous…and all your names.shall.be uttered on the lips of beings from.her to beyond the streches of Being.in Existence.

This History and Hi Story of the Beautiful Truth revealed to you.

That there is Justice and Reward in Existence for be True…and False.

And the lesson of personal.responsibility.


And that some ones is watching…and that this public revealation will.bring.that.truth.so decisively home to you.

The Truth of you Beautiful and grotesque shall.be revealed and never, ever, ever go away…

This is the Never Ending Story…

The story which will.never go away…

And it is all sbout you…

and your Truth.

Revieled and Unvieled.Expressed.


The Perfume…and the Shit Stain and Stench

That will never wash away…

…A Lesson in personal responsibility and expression…

Be careful what you think and say…

Especially behind someones back,.

Everything is listening and wide awake..

Apart from you…

Now you will.be seen for Eternity…

Your immoralized forever…

I am the Future Present…

Believe I would not.have fought so hard for.so.many of you…especially.the ones I was sent…

I.saw your Futures…

And I came back so some could use the wings of my expression and my eyes to change tier fate and destination..

But in all things..,

There are Laws and rules which.must be obeyed.

The Beautiful Devil…Emeka Kolo.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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