


We finished our equation at I A.

I.A is Intelligence Alpha…

Not A.I as defined by computer technology.

And I.T.

I.A is Intellience which creates an Echo Affirmative Response.

This is the True meaning of I.A..Intelligence Alpha…

The other is Artificial…not the meaning of intelligence at all…

Just being clever, smart. a com pute-r, slick and a copier….

True Intelligence is rare bc It brings forth the Universe to Testify…

And She Does.

Meaning that when you figure something out, the Universe Itself Echo Responds and reverberate resonates its manifest Response.

As witness by this F.B play on.my page and by those of you who say things or figure out things only for an echo affirmation in perfect harmony which leaves no doubt, that it is responding directly to you before anyone present or even the whole world.

That is Intelligence Alpha…

The intelligence in the begining which brought forth manifestation.

Physical matter, as we percieve and touch now, is that postive affirmative echo.

And now I.am doing it in inverse…

A Computer nor an I.T persons can manifest an equation which Universe Existence itself responds with a Resounding Yes before the whole word.

That is the Truth of Echo.

As for Narcissus

Emeka Nnamdi 669

With 69 my younger brother Nnamdi. (Who us really.myself which quite a few ppl had informed me of but which I have proven through Science and Art) who was born of Easter but as Spring Equinox and passed on Easter as Spring ..

Which created the confusion of his incarnating as Erie Nri Christ (E.N.C) and thus going backwards to.incarnate in 68.through David Nicholas instead of going fowards incarnating at 70…

Forwards Backwards F.B..(get it?)

Backwards Forwards…B.F.

In.Out Out In…Breath Umeano as we say in OI Nri Igbo.which eventually balances out at O..then I as manifestion.then 2 then back to 1 which is Completion.

Thus, creating the.illusion of moving.me to 65 when I am 66 who.moves to 67…And to the Eqyptian and Abraham story…

Instead of the First Contact story as the Earliest story because it was oral tradition lost or hidden.

And thus, the only story I was sent to was the Darwins Evolution story of my incarnating a King King Gorilla (1933 Film which Nnaemeka C.E and I have rendered null and Void) and of course the Cave man, Bush.man which I was forced to incarnate and correct by living in an alley and in the Forest…and as a useless Bum in Tompkins Square park.

All perceptions of the Black Man which.existed in the collective Psyche of Narcissus and Echo…

The Superior as well as the Inferior…

Who believed this nonsense.

Which makes me realize why a portal was opened for me in Istanbul than anywhere else bc they could see me and thus, reflecting.more tylhe Truth.if thier.perception of the Black Man

More than Nigeria, where I reached Fame and Celebrity at 19…but more for.my.Philosophy and Design and perception of Beauty.

While in Istanbul I became famous over.night, literally because I was filmed dancing the first night in a night.club.calles Pasha and the TV cameras relayed it…and the.next day I was famous… For my Dancing and my Liik as well as being a Tall handsome Black.Man…

But I knew I was not walking on my.own shoes but that of the perceptions of the Universal Mind and Consciousness of a fucked up perception of Reality and History.

Thus, by.the time I reached David Nnamdi in 2002 the (1968 version stuck in the wrong story but the correct consciousness), then 2006 (at 2 68…which is 2×68 136..M.F…Masculine Feminine…*See code play of Sunshine Rae below…E.M.F..and I Circle Filled…C.F…)

Where across the Street is 2 69…138..a Shelter 138…M.H…Manifest Harmony…A.C.H…the one Cee of Harmony…

In which both have been fullfilled.

45 is really 54…Masculine Feminine in One dancing in Universal Harmony.

Universal.Mind is Intelligence Alpha

Universal Heart is H.U.ES Man Alpha.







Alexander Emeka

Thus, I saw the Affirmation of Nnamdi Nicholas E having moved to where it was meant.to be 70 G.O



Fig Leaf False Modesty…Shame?

No 7O+67…137…M.G…End?

No A.C.G…

Lord A C G…

Cee Creator Gode…

See Sacred Post 1 37.

Thus since Nnamdi.now Alexander are I..

45-54…Is A.H…9=I.

I, the Individual Individual.



Emeka Alexander the Great.

A Legend made real and true to life and word.



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