
…I.just got a text from.someone I have never met or spoken to before…

…I.just got a text from.someone I have never met or spoken to before…

Her name is Rabia Tahir…

It was just a hello…

Intriqued…knowing I am still.in.a script, I sought the meaning of her name…

Rabir means Companion for Life

Spring Time and Fourth…

Fourth Female…FF…66…

And Tahir means Pure

Well, I am tired but let me read the code…

David is coming at 11…which means he is the actor used to portay the meaning of what is to come…11 my Twin

D is Four

And he is meeting E and the gate of the Garden of Fourth Street…F.S…Feeling Sensational.

D is the Four

And E is the Fifth…


D.E..Four E Fith

For the pure.

My Two EE’s Lord and Lady E…

My companions for life…?

If so, I have waited for this moment for even beyond an Eternity…

I keep writing and rage keeps on being written as if there is a rage of something a consciousness that I and my twin and the line of E have escaped their web mesh grasp…

Nature as Time?

Well there is only Natural Time…

That Pure..

It has no set conditions…

Its is Unconditional love…

And it is pure…

Hmm a Spider…

A mean evil Spider…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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