
1/6/2015 23:06 – Facebook Post


There are two meanings of the term Atom…
One from the Greek understanding of can not be divided “indivisble”. And in conflicts with ” Tomos” which means to cut.

In 1477 the Word was Attom was first used to describe the smallest measure of a thing which then transforms into something else…
Which would equate Atom with Death.
The mans name was Thomas…
Which we know means Twin.
In my Codes I read not what I knew through this current human scholarship.
But rather the path laid before me.. Example meeting an Alberto who is also Edwardo E.A… Or being connected from an E -Alberto to Tom…
Then O then to an M
Which would suggest that something was laying out a play of links carefully spelling out its message and meaning by its own set of rules which made much more common sense than this current human scholarship.

Life and Death would be the Twins…
AA… Code Axel Anderson who I first met in
2OO5 April May at The Bean cafe
As aligned to Facebook friend code Name Erik Ebright who I met in 2OO6 the last portal I went through before passing 61 days living on the streets of New York and in an alley, while retaining enough elegance to still be received in high class restaurant…(it was hellish the way ppl treated you if they suspected that you lived no where but I put them in thier places)
And passed through death and woke up to be led by this overpowering force literally as the wind …Generation X Gardens where I met Isaac Calvin McCullough Sage and A…
And finally
Edward Eceinco
Eric Eyutchae…

Notice how the A.A transformed in 2OO5 after living in the Green house in Soho, meeting Sean Bono who had painted a literal portrait of Nnamdi, which he gave me along with the Pyramids of Egypt picture which I knew where maps but that I was on the right trail..
Through Sean I met Jewel Goat O ..family…
Beings I knew…Energetically.
But you have to go to back posts to read that story…
But after meeting Sean he sent me to Erik E Bright…
And from that moment AA was transformed into EE…

All by 11+5=16=7.
Grace G Ode.

Thus, That which is Indivisible is E.
That which cuts is E
And it is that which cuts the A…that is not a twin.
1945 was the year the Atom was divided heralding in a Nuclear age by Albert Einstein.
1945 is also S= April 5th….45…
My brother and Twin born 1969…
Nnamdi O.K.

So that which can not be of E
Meaning does not transform into Proof of Nucleus Election Proton Election Nucleus..
P.E. N I.S…E.N.Pro-tone.
For the Twin A E…15..O
Can not exist.
And so we Cut….
Let from Existence…
Disintegrate Implode..
For that Atom
At Om
A Tom can not Exist.
New Clear Age E

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