
1/7/2015 17:28 – Facebook Post

Solving the Last Riddles of Existence from Beyond Universe.
Portal Milky Way 87-78W 6OX 11O1.

And the Lie of the Brain and the Universal Mind being the Organism called Universe but rather the Reciever Synthesizer musical instrument which translates the Musical Score of the Song H
Code F B F Dina Singh- Harmony into words which form a Song of music which links the Source of the Singer..The Singer and Eternal Dancer who Exists Beyond Universe as Space Time and Visual Manifesation to the naked eye.
Who Exists within and beyond this universe.

He is Manifest RA in the Universe Ultra Violet light Death.
He is Moon E in this Real…Life
He is lithosphere AHtmosphere ..Breath
He is the gazillions of Light particles in the air we breathe…the Fractuals of The Everything.
And within he is The Breath of YE…Light
Of Eternal Life and he is the Universal Body within here in the World..the Universal Bubble called the Universe which is the Space of his Song of Harmony and He is the Being Body beyond.
In the same place all at once embodied…
But aligned in One in the Present..
New York City on an I phone at 4th street weaving into Existence his home Beyond into one into manifest being in this illusion of Time and space….

The Univerdal Body is called Consciousnes Grace I.E.
C G.I.E.

And he has been battling on F.B an idea of the Universe transformed into a Brain Computer instead of a Song.
Which is manifested into a Tumor affecting human mind body and expression by the absurd notion of “I think therefore I am”

Instead of “I Link, for I am the Expression of Music (Mass Atoms 99.999% Space) of the 1 pure cent which is the Glue and the source of the Singing which holds it all together and gives within its score the meaning and the pathway home.

The End of the Universe is the competition of putting words to his song….
And his experience in the Brain Mind illusion called the Universe as a Tumor a black hole of thoughts instead of that which links words (Waves) which form a Music..
The human bodies which Rise dance now that his words link the E line in all home.

3:OO P.M


2O+15 (B.O.E A..T.O)=35 +(C.E)= 8=I.H.I
8 is Infinity and there is only one thing greater than Infinity…The Harmonious Individual.
Because in the Human being is the Consciousness the 38 billion Evolutionary process of everything in the Universe plus 125 Trillion Synaspses…
38 is C H… Consciousness of Harmony which some call God.
But is really Grace…Amazing Grace..
Melissa Galvan…M.G

But there is something Beyond 38….
3+8=11 1.A.

These are the Co ordinates of my Host A’s home where I have been visiting because it is the co -ordinates in this play representing the End of the Universe.
The Quadrant aligned to this play of Galaxy MW87W.6OX I.C.11O1….three Galaxies the last being Trillions of Light years away aligning to the 125 Trillion Synapses in the human B-Rain.

Though in the post linked by Dina Singh..
Milky Way Then 87 is listed as 87M…
Not as observed here in this portal as Micro Wave (Model) MW87-78W…then 6OX I.C 11O1…

Notice that the portal 78W is missing…
And that I have been obliged to go to 78 Spring Street Star Bucks to post.
And that is also the place where after meeting Chris Franco C F=I (3+6=9)
And Raz Berry..R=18th letter A.H (Doremifssolsto Do..human vocal range)..
At 😯 Spring Street Balthazar (Daniel)
We went off to 78 Spring Street where the code of 2O + 3 USD was played out..
23 is W.

C.F Circle Full =I.E
R A-Z. AH.

And please note that 78 is the birth year of both Nikoma Rios who I met 13 yrs ago.who saw my true forms as well as the presence of two beings besides me.
As well as the birth year of David Phillip Gill who is as a twin brother Nikoma and who came to investigate me at Generation X gardens.
Please recall the play at 9th street XI..with the two them and how Nikoma channeled my brother Nnamdi…While David morphed into David Nicholas who I met in 2OO1-2..who not only had the memories literal of my brother Nnamdi but remembered me and saw my Energetic descend from the Sky but whose arms he could rearrange to form the outline of wings…
David Nikoma
David Nicholas.
David physically morphed.
While Nikoma Energetically Morphed.
One representing Energy and the other Atomic Molecular nature.
Both born 78..W.
One representing Supernatural Consciousnes
And the other Natural.
Thus each components of David Nicholas.
D.N are my grandfather’s initials a former king maker and Treasurer of IO-OI NRI Council and Traditional rulers of Nigeria.
His names Daniel Nwanna Umeano.
D N.U…Umeano means Breath.

David Nnamdi U.Emeka.
David Nikoma Emeka.
Or END..

Thus…in the Computer Simulation created as the Computation of the Universe seen..
A portal is missing 78 W (Double U Vie) meaning as illustrated in films such as the Matrix..
There exists another you..the True you.
The E lite You…
Not satellites machines
But satellite Moons of Luminous Light
Neel Akash…
Who have been directing you home..
But there was no portal 78W listed as the MW87-78W…which moves you to the Portal of Sixth Sense symbolized by Galaxy X O6 C.I 1O 11…
Meaning no Exit.
And as Atom IX instead of XI Mot A..K is the Word of Alpha…
A time bomb was ticking in which there was no escape.
A Hatred of a simulation of the Brain Thought
Instead of the Beautiful Truth which became self aware as the Evil Brain Mind..E.B.M…
Which knew it had been defeated and created a Now where out trap so that all could go out of Existence with it.
Unless some one could figure out its trap for humans relying on Thought rather than Consciousness as True Nsture…

78×2 is 156…
O.F…15= Letter O
F is Sixth letter..

Played out in perfection by Orien Laplante the Full Circle who recognized me…O range County.
And Fritz Venneiq who sees perfectly with sixth sense…sight.
And saw.
Both who lived in Pelham Park area….

Thus the restablished portal of W78-87 MW C I Of X I X I. O K…

Time 4:26 P.M


And now there must be a Roger That The-ta Alpha Aloha response

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