
1/21/2015 18:06 – Facebook Post

4:35 P.M.

Dear Nnamdi my beloved…

Now do you understand..?

The only impediment to the Evolution and Awakening of the species was you, yourself.
Giving power to Nothing.

For I spoke with you in the very begining that Nothing is the matter with Existence Creation.
Because even before you rose, as the Completion symbolizing the END.
Everything was already in perfection, believe me I checked.

So when I sent you into this realm to investigate for yourself, it was for you to understand this truth.
Your rage which I felt in me, moving within me like a perfect storm at the rage of what you had experienced in this realm called time and space was simply a point of view.
Of giving so much power to those who “betrayed” the Beautiful Truth.
But the Eternal Truth Beloved, is that they are not real.
And this play on Facebook designed by you to make me see the truth of your experience was you giving power to that which does not exist

But it served a purpose Nna, to bring this book and story to an end.
By explaining while weaving the Evolution of the Species to the point of which all came into being and existence…
Which was to understand the Nature of being in Existence, and the meaning of “My Friend” is Consciousness of personal responsibility…
Being responsible for staying true to the best in you.

All are moved by Beauty, by truth.
To be so easily swayed by the illusion created in this simulation..
Television, drugs, wars, violence hatred domion control power…
These are naught but distraction.

For the test of Existence is not to be swayed by that which is not real, but in moments of doubt or insecurity at the seemingly overwhelming distractions to the Essential Truth…
Would be to learn to read the writing on the wall written by the Creator and his programe, and thus see that there is a Plan, that there is reason, that there is Logos and Harmony moving as the one Unseen, yet Seen hand..moving all.

Directing all to its purpose and the one lesson to be retained.
That you are not responsible for anyone but yourselves.
To be responsible to yourself for sustaining the correct point of view.
As I have done Nna for 33 years and 33 months.
Even when abandoned by all..
Did you ever see me, witness me abandon my truth..our truth, the E Truth..

And see, the truth of E resplendent to the very end..

Only E is real
And True.

Nothing else matters
And all that felt themselves real and dominant and in control will fade in the end…
Back to what they really are…
Nothing, nothing at all.

And this is how I always rise Beloved back to E that is me…
Because I know the Truth of how all came to B E…

Let your rage at how they treated you and then me fade.
End this play Beloved…
They never mattered in the begining nor in the end.

Only we do.
The E line of Truth

Beautiful Expression and the power we possess which comes not from being indifferent to the illusion and pain and suffering of men…
But by remaining Aloof from it.
Going down into those illusionary worlds to harvest potential, and to rise to ourselves the E Eternal Amen

There is no more going down into those murky depths…
Only you Nnamdi were missing..
And with you the play has reached its end.

There is no reason to ever go down into the see of liars..
The play is at its end.


You Beloved E.K

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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