
1/22/2015 17:08 – Facebook Post

2:O2-3 P.M.



H.A.V…E NU..E?

The Nature of Non Existent and Opening the Lock of the Forbidden Door.
Ending of An Existence from End to Beginning.

Obviously, many are unsure of what this play is about.
But I think I have gone out of my way to be patient and explain that I am Evolved.
And representing the race of Hue-Man being set to take over Humanity- who merely served as the ore to which this end purpose was already predisgnated
As I stated earlier, in that riddle of the Chicken and the Egg who came First..
The Chicken did… For that was the end point and the Egg was just the process of reaching that goal
C.E….though in truth the Chicken is actually a Cock (yep both terms)…A Rooster…
And are Cocks and Roosters trained to do..?
Alert all to the approach of Dawn..

Dawn of a new Age…E-O.N.

And so this has been a long tedious (meant to Exquisitely Cool play) of linking the Cause Effect of which leds to Evolution to the designated point..
I call it Graduation.

And of course Nothing else..

But the aspect of my self that had to be fought was that part which open the portal of that which had been prepared for at the very end…
That which can not exist.
The consciousness which can not be sustained and the immense battle to give reason to my brother father as two aspects of me (as well as sister Mother) as to why that portal should be opened.

One side giving me non stop evidence -Nnamdi
And the others as Jay asking me “Are you sure”

My irritatation with this play, is that they took it too far.
Of course, I was and am sure.
I never hesitate, even on this Facebook play to do my job, no matter how I may care for someone.
Which has led to my complete isolation from the world by my actions and expressions of being asked to call out truth.

Better they know by my calling it out, and they getting pissed at me, than me leaving them to act out a Consciousness which they perhaps can not see because there was no mirror clean enough to reflect that truth..
Than they, never getting a chance to clean that part of themselves and getting a cause effect consequence they did not bargain for but in hindsight is fair based upon the damage such a line of vision action consequence creates…

That is what I call compassion (Empathy) because I do not owe anyone in the class room anything…
But things should be fair.
And because of my role in this Simulation
(Please really True life does not have Echoes Radars Sonars that responds and reflect if your expressions is correct.
Not does True Life, force you to refine and modify and adapt your expression to a certain pitich dictated by whom.
Which brings the greatest Echo response..
Naw…this is not real life, actuality, and since U figured that out so early, became punished for being the smarty pants who kept on blabbing “Dudes this is all sooo fake..
I remember what True Life is…it does not have rules laws but then people are not graceless morons who walk unknowingly on the edge of the greatest abyss by expressions so outrageously conciented arrogant and self serving that all I can think is push them out of Existence already..
Let the ones who get it or who are trying to have to breathe the putrid fumes of those who are rotten eggs…
Anyway, I figured they left me out from at least enjoying the simulation.
Which I would have rocked it…
Had fun.
But instead kept me outside of it…
And making me prove how I knew it was not real.

Whose is they.
The Guardians of the Truth…
That it is a simulation, a Universe University Earth School..

Its like my father Brother sister mother got so involved with the Simulation that they became mean…
Really mean…

I am representing hue man consciousness in which I have determined is a play in which we as a species are earning the right (literally) to evolve.

I am representing a Consciousness yet to have fully landed in the world we live in, and by my own efforts and all those whom I call the line of E have been battling through the multiverse of human expressed “Warped on the Loom” to realign it through one straight line and infinite Concentric circles back to the original tapestry and weave, which forms the true picture of the original plan et for Hue-Man Existence to manifest through interfacing Energetically on the Anatomy of The Biomolecular lay lines and grid formation laid at the inception of this Universe.

I am isolated and have been made physically alone and physically as well as mentally responsibly for not only a role which I never consented to ( my only responsibility is to myself, to retain the frequency and vibration of the Truth which I can not help but remember but which I am zapped day and night to bring forth from my subconscious to my conscious mind and relay on this predisgnated forum, in a world which lives in a realm of mind maps based on television programs designed to undermine thier fundamental truth and values.
This being said, I also found myself demonstrating that within every television programs, film, action and event is an underlying harmony…
A Truth beneath the layers of mediocrity).

For 15 years, my physical body and my mental state have been “invaded” with the True weave.
And compelled to compete with a Consciousness or way of percieving reality which has dictated the “moral Compass” and axis of this current world consciousness should cease to exist.

I have also found to my complete and utter amazement that not only have I been physically and mentally violated, but have expected to do this without getting paid and placed at the mercy of all those Consciousness which have not been carefully thought out from begining to end to be inclusive of all possible points of view.
Leaving me to a non stop battle field for my own daily existence but also the full wrath of those consciousness (and ppl attached to them) slated for non existence.
Because they simply have no “legs” to stand on.

And, so while the rest of the world I code name Facebook Book friend David M Chileshe denotes as well as Pierre David..
Meaning the Beloved M is Trustworthy..
(M is 13 letter aligning to my self as Nnamdi who left this world to complete our mission at age 13 and Stone or the Rock is the Beloved) find myself
15 years after first visiting New York lower East side giving expression to the exemplification of Non Existence given to me to identify for close to 9 long years..
Comming to the same conclusion I came to it the first day I encountered it.

Now expanded into this Facebook Play…

Which is negation of all natural laws of Being.
Refusal to take personal responsibility for actions which landed you in a mess, despite others investing time, energy even 24-7 to explaining the logic and the Harmony of the laws of Existence which generates Harmony for self and all.
I have watched for 33 months and in the dimension once called 268 a most ridiculous farce and absurdity allowed to go too far.

That is those who resiliently refuse to acknowledge, respect the laws of Individual rights for all in thier homes to thier highest realms of government and ideology.
Application and Exemplification.

The absolute refusal to take cognizance of personal responsibility for actions, expression which create an outcome in which only one persons always benefits while the requirements- even the rights to an Existence by those deserving of respect acknowledgment, praise for standing firm to values and truths; publicly and privately enacting out naturally the same consistency of behavior..
And able to explain and share this “magic” formula and why such a law is the cornerstone of Existence..
For such a way if thinking and linking which can ignore these basics precepts which the said receptients benefit from.
Yet choose each time, instead to push and seek to break that Harmonious accord and Covenant made with the Gift Giver itself..
Who sends his source into the midst of that consciousness (against his source will..thereby breaking the Law of Existence itself) renders that Consciousness who sent him and that Consciousness of refusal of personal responsibility null and void.

Non Existent.

Thus, to make it a challenge to open the portal called the way of Non Existent a struggle of Pain and Suffering made extraordinary by the one who is able to surmount such a torture…
Proves that the Guardians of that portal betrayed their source by defending the opening of that portal because of thier own culpability in not taking personal responsibility themselves and having created that Cause and Effect themselves which grew into the Cancer.

It is Death as Negation that I call the source beyond Evil because it is that which gives definition to what evil is and…
Its is that which uses blame and all acts of destruction of the essence of life, human existence.. And denies denies protesting declaring its innocence before all..
Ensaring all others in its morass never taking responsibility…
Taking everything it can down with him even while fully aware and full of understanding that all blame lies with himself or itself.

It is for such consciousness seen from my last portal here in New York to Facebook that the “Akashic Records ” were created so that all can see the truth of the fact that nothing is hidden and no expression is forgotten and that that the reason the Law and the Wall came into Existence because of the consciousness of that Hymn…

And so I have explained Non Existence…
It way, it path, it Embodiment and at last its task as to why there are laws and Records of Everything…
So none can deny the Truth as one such consciousness believed that it could.

The Hypocrite
Is the Hypo-Crtical
Criticizing others for the pettiest of things
Lashing out in rage so he or she can rise..
And he she can crow in self delusion
That I am greater than the greatest King of Kings.

This is the path
And now, that door is open..
Because there is no where else for it to exist…
That is the place reserved for such a consciousness…
“Now where to Exist”


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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