
1/24/2015 5:51 – Facebook Post

3:31 A M




I have a New Facebook…

James Kerr…


I have been linking a riddle from a series of sequences and patterns which I began to read and see as a boy.
These patterns I could read linked to parallel universe, dimensions experiences and memories…

I never questioned these realities or realms because they all were interfaced somehow with this realm. Until I realized not everyone could see them, or how many people disconnected themselves from them to feel safe.

I recall being always being aware of there being two of me even from the time in my mothers womb.
It was never the case of an imaginary friend.
It was an awareness, me…but as my “supreme” potential…
But he was seperate..from me yet was linked.
He was training me to become him…or better still merge with him.
Though, he was Beautiful..unimaginablly so in my eyes, I knew the secret that it was I, the one not so seemingly majestic who was the source of him.

At first I thought everyone existed that way.

I was later made aware that I had to learn how to be human.. So as not to stick out.
I recall by age of six how to observe peoples behavior, and adopt mannersms I found pleasing and which would be functional for a mission my Espirit reminded me off.

I adapted until very well but required to be alone for long periods of time to take of my costume.
And breathe.

By age 21 a meeting with a young Igbo Onistha prince (who looked like prince and was of mixed heritage), called me out. He saw through my dusguise, stating that I was not from this realm or dimension and began training my mind, every week I would visit him…And somehow I could not refuse.
He began train me in the greatest estoric and philosophical minds of this world.
I was 21, he was 25-6..
He told me that he was sent to train me.
I recognized all the knowledge already but in a higher vibration of it.
I would leave his house each weak trembling so violently…
I knew he was taking away all avenues of my ever fitting in and being ordinary..

I rebelled but I loved him as if, I had always known him and he knew it…
It is was if he knew me from.another realm.

I had already begun to be trained by my aunt when I newly arrived in Nigeria. She was a Harvard educated (as well as other schools) scholar.Described as one of the most intelligent of her Generation… She would write me from the states while I was a 12 year old struggling with Nigeran Boarding school.

The Prince, just added to expanding training opening my mind…my Consciousness..
It was terrible, beautiful frightening…
He said he was preparing me for New York.

I swore never to come here.

At age 22 after graduating from university, my consciousness was so well activated that I knew I was literally racing against a clock and had to leave Nigeria by the end of 1988.
And it seemed a whole other realm was conspiring to prevent it.

I arrived in Queens Park London, the city I was born in but had left to Canada then Nigeria.

I knew I was in some kind of play, matrix, Spirit realm which I was meant to solve.
Facebook friend Eshe Chuki Asale currently living in Queens Park aligned to me or this play represents that 26 yr starting point.

A series of events with my sister (we had been almost as twins and that close though not the Energetic bond of my brother Nnamdi..
My sister and I shared supreme Supernatural experiences which we never told any other person..It was not that it was a secret but we just knew not to), leading to my being forced to leave and a 26 yrs of not comming together which is strange because there was no reason for such a rift.

But I knew it had been set up.
My love for my sister and mother and younger brother where the only people who could have prevented me for what even then I did not know (but knew?) What I was about to do.

I knew exactly what to do.

I took off my costume.

And everything…Everything changed.

I began writing my journal and the wrote my first line that I was going undercover into forgetfulness to prove it not only an illusion but that in the “Dark” I would prove that there was and is an underlying order to the Cosmos..
That you can read it.

I became a sort of a beacon

Was called an E T…

I met many “masters” was trained

And I lived in Silence and worked undercover and looked for away to escape.

And then a whole play opened up that demanded I become in one with my Supreme self whom out of childish anger, (it is a story not of this earth time memory) I called Him Her Silence and her Quiet…Sadness and Joy..
Mother Sadness
Father Joy…

I knew I had to find my family on this Earth Dimension…

I had no idea that this is how it would play out

Brought to Facebook to make that which I had never told a living soul…
All vomitted or drawn out of me as if….
Well, let’s just say my Supreme self was full and accepted to challenge (with pride and good humor) to show how I was His-her source.

James means Replacement…
Kerr means from the Marshes or Dusky..

Replacement of the Dusky One…

J.K…code J=1O..K=11.


Galaxy 6OX I.C 11O1…/1O11 C I. X.O6

Seeing through the correct view.

1O+11=21 U..Universe.. 2+1=3..Cosmosology.

U.C…Universal Conscious.

With each equation I weave to the Universe (Called the Potential – illusion of the Past, the Story, the Book”)

There is an Echo affirmation reply from myself beyond.
The faster the Echo the closer I am to merging.
My body manifest the symptoms and the Symphony which is the actually nature of the Universe and it is acknowledging the author of its song by the words which I am putting to it 33 yrs 33 months since the project began…
And 4O years since as a 7-8 yr boy I wrote the plan et.

I am alone.
And have been alone.
I have been abandoned by all ( I say this not as a complaint but as a fact because I was compelled to go beyond even my memory of the building of The Everything from nothing)
It would have been nice to have been supported because there has been Energetic benefit through out my Existence or non existence on Earth.
But there is a massive war going on here in the realm of Spirit Memory and Thought.
It has already been won..
The Battle that is…but on the Energetic Level…

But in the end this is play was designed for me…brought here to do the last part publicly.

Have I suffered .
Apparently more that anything which has ever existed.
But it does not Hurt for too long ..
I swallow it…see the riddle transform the rage horrors abuse thrown at me and use its truth to build.

My protest is that this is not our way.
Our meaning the Consciousness of the E line…
The E True line.

So no, I never expected nor required anyone to believe me.
But I had so wished to have at least been fed Human Beauty…
There is so much of it…
But it is so well hidden and people have become extraordinarily miserly with it..
Especially since this play or my existence not fitting the norm has manifested little but a Universe who responds to my tapping words on an I phone.

But welcome..
Lord J.Ker.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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