
1/25/2015 2:08 – Facebook Post

11:O3 P.M.

11:O5 P.M.

Nnamdi Responds III…I C

We had now walked to Balthazar, then to 78 Spring Street, all led by Carlito Giancarlo Thiago without him being remotely aware that this had been my daily route for over a month.

We continued walking…
I coffee in hand talking, Carlito feeling “Energized” to quote him.
He looked a thousand times better.

“Something just clicked” he said as I spoke about talking to not just him but a to a tunnel of full circles of him.
I saw him morph into a Royal Elf…
I recognized him…

We continued walking towards Wall street.
He spoke of his codes of walking a certain route.
I told him as he quoted the codes of the route that his others selves were giving me indications that they were awake and aware..
CCHBB3 he quoted as the Intials of the streets he walked each day back from work.

2C H.B 3…

We walked towards down town further downtown than I normally go.

I knew when he had told me months before that he worked in Church Street that it was a portal..but I had refused to go.
I posted it.
No more the Church…
But suddenly, I was at Starbucks Church and Murray…
The same name as his friend I Murray…

I passed through the portal, was offered a coffee by one of the servers there and went outside to vent a little that even now, I was still being made to work.

We soon left and he spoke of his true Father Tom..
I had already spoken to him about Atom and how Energy manifested the Unseen to the seen.

I knew I was listening to the truth alignment to.me as 17 (Code for the transformer as Death not as negation but as transformation) mirrored by his Transformation of a life that should have been in the movies…
25-26 years old..
The same age I was when I went to Death in Paris to visit “Nnamdi Light of the full circle and was asked to come back not by him but by the lights illusion..the blackness of not Knowing..
To finish clarifying proving that the ” Masses as Matter did matter and that they were not empty space…
That was they as the illusion of themselves..non existence…Transformed into Neel Akash Open Space..Air to breath.
And the consciousness so naturally embodied in Carlito…
Recognizing his true mother as his Grandmother Marina…
Pls recall that after 4 yrs waiting for my portal to open at 268 I went to Pelham Park with Fritz Venneiq in 2O1O…where he recently affirmed what he experienced..
And from there I lived in Tompkins Square Park…where I met Isaac Calvin McCullough..
I.C.M….(I.M..I Murray)
Then to I meet Marina Burini who had a pet Dove.

*Carlito Grandmother Marina lived in Columbia which means “Dove” and recall that my own “Bio Father had claimed in the hospital in London at my Birth that I was from my Grandmothers ppl and not his son, just as he later called Nnamdi…
Was of the same although my grandfather ppl claimed Nnamdi as Umeano..of Thiers…
But he was of my Grandmother Lucy line and my grandmother was, is Supernatural and was even given the tile Ogbu Efi…the highest title in recognition of her able to see through deaths wall.

Marina and then Tom Truman….
Marina as Carlito ” Mother” and Tom His Father who was not biological but a Guide ( the true meaning of a Father)..
I had arrived in New York sent by a friend called Nicholas in London, to his friends place in Columbia…And was asked to leave the very next day because of his girlfriend…
And ended up being hosted by a complete stranger in Queens where my journey began as The Elegant Nomad- the article written to see if Dianne Sawyer would interview me based on my journals “Talking to the Silence”

Carlito lived and grew up in Queens.

In 2O1O when I left 268, 4th street and The Cafe Bean, then on 1st and 3rd, Carlito informed me he worked there…!

I spoke to him of Nenad M. Djurdjevic scholarship on D.NA all written here on Facebook and the Mitochondria Bean shaped cell..
And of he and I representing in this simulation the truth that D.N A as a physically indented programming was a lie.
That it is an E.T link and connection not of the body..which Car Lit O was quick to point out that the Body is not the Body.
It is Energetic I beamed made of Light
We both grinned.

Thus the Indention of a programming comes from Beyond the physical Manifestation but its Energetic.
The twins were represented in the illusion of Marina Tom…M.T (Emptiness) yet Marina and Tom in both our stories represented a Mother Father as Children principle which were both were linked to a play from beyond which both Carlito and Chukwuemeka myself are symbolical embodying the truth that the true Body (Being Natural Lit the Full Circle – manifested perfection by simply being Natural and then looking back could explain through creating a Book through a Look and a Universe University of reflections of exactly how from the Unseeen …the true twins E and Open Space (E et O.S./ So et E…So; Fifth Note E..Expression had manifested..
Everything )

The Journey of Giancarlo Thiago was Nnamdi in a simulation called Universe University (U U Double U Vie Vie) Took a Look at the Book of Kolo…E.K..5-11..55 Body of reflections…
He explored my body as Castuel did in my vision early this morning.
Shield is the Skin, the Biggest self which changes and yet remains the same…it is the shield of the O Penis and the SWord…

S.AD…The Book of S-E X..and De Sir E..
Castuel is the Cover of the book..
Carlito Giancarlo Thiago Nnamdi code…

As I walked back from the Star Bucks with Carlito he showed me a picture of his Grandmother..Beautiful she looked like an even better version of Lena Horne…
The code 12:12 appeared every as the time date on the photo he pointed out..
I saw the time 12:12 As I was writing this..
Oh that is beyond 11:11…AA:AA..
A.B:A B..
The address of his work place street was 124…and his grandmother 4-11-23…
4-1123…D AABC…
Meaning I was sent back to the realm of X to teach the children their ABC..

But as I paused in front of a Window of a shop, I noticed a display in the window
I knew our natural compass “D.N.A” had set led us there..
All it required for me to do was take notice.
There were some Jars and a Horse linked to an elephant and a boy with a bird on his shoulder…

“Can you read that for me!” I asked Carlito.
He did not blink…
Movement of Energy of memory towards seeing all alit full circle…Seeing all clearly in the correct light…

There was no problem about ppl knowing how to read..they were just too lazy and prefered to read things as they wished them to be and thus, get away with murder by reinventing the Truth.

But that us just delusional.
The Book Exists.
The Truth Exists.
You can not twist the Truth to suit your Abomination of defying it to do as you please.

The Book rises instead as its Embodiment alive pays you a visit, gives you a chance and then teaches you a lesson that you will never forget..
It denies you access to it..
And yet everyone else will have access to it and the part you played.
And no one will ever believe a word you ever say..
And with that you cease to Exist because only E.T…
Expression True..
Beautiful Expression
Zeina Harmony
Beautiful Harmony is the Shield Protector
The Sacred Portal which can lead you home and protect you from that with now exists in that Devoid of Truth you Expressed.
Your lies..
That is the Cancer Beyond human meaning of Cancer who eats you alive out of Existence one bite savoured slowly at a time but to you a blink of an eye which lasts literally for Eternity.

No fate based on Cause and Effect is worst than this..
It is for those who call the Source of Love Truth True Nature Consciousness, Being Clarity Direction, Expression of Grace…
Author of Harmony and Hue Manity a Liar to his Face while aware that His Shield Protector the God like Teddy Bear and his Victorious Family the Line of E have watched everything from begining to end AZA!

Carlito stopped as my body started loosing control..
What does it look like?”
I asked him, the form and expression taking over me in the middle of the street…
“Hurry” I stated to him as I beheld Hus amazed but delighted eyes.
Only by acknowledgment does it go away and I get to be in control of my body..
A Bird its a Bird.

The sound of a bird triumphant voice exulted from my throat…
We were right on Canal Street in the middle of passersbyes..
I finally gained compsure..
Yes it felt like one Supernatural Dove was acknowledging another.

We continued walking..
Past Cafe Noir ..
Soho …
A guy in a Hoodie walked by..

“Hey!” Carlito exclaimed..” That was Jonah Hill from that movie with Leonardo DiCaprio..
The Wolf of Wall Street..

Ah..I smiled..a Mirror I was Born the Day of the Wolf and look at you..You look like Wolverine right now (a younger more beautiful version I said to myself)..
I swear he literal grinned and he turned into a Wolf…
James Kerr…I almost posted the Wolfs on his page..

Finally he took me to a kiosk just behind 268 4th street.
I already knew Carlito was Beauty.
“Isn’t that all there is?”
Everywhere we walked he had pointed out objects things of quiet Elegant startling beauty..
Even the room in which “Castuel” appeared to me he pointed out a shop which seemed identical.

He began speaking of nutrition.. Food how to eat why he ate, recipes and I smiled Ahhh..
He bought bananas and I took one..
Then realized this had been my brothers favorite food…

“The guy always gives me 2 dollar bills” he smiled, “look my wallet is full of them…
Here for you…”

I told him I would put the code on F B and already knew what it meant…

And so we parted with the corrected code of his journey home as CC M H BBB 3..
2C O M H.B (BBB 222. V.V) 3..V.C.

2 dollar Bill

D 1 66 O5 34 O A

D 16 6O 53 4O A

D A 66.. O.E CD O A

D. P F.O. EC. D.O. A

1:O8 A.M.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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