
1/29/2015 16:14 – Facebook Post

12:51 P.M.

29- 1-8…

January 29th, 2O15 (2O+15=35=8)



Bia means ‘Come” in OINRi Igbo.

Bia Harmony or
A BI H…or A BI (Meaning “Life or Living”)
A Living Harmony.

I have a new Facebook friend…

Precy Arizechi…

Welcome…to my sacred page where I have been finding myself linking and publicly providing evidence that not only is there an underlying Harmony in all things- proving that there is order in all aspects of the Universe Cosmos. But that it was designed by the ” Creator of this programe” to bring out the True Nature of each individual and consequently help reveal the true meaning of Existence.

Thus revealing, that just as thier is an underlying harmony in all things in Nature.
That there too exists a Harmony in also in Human Existence…
But it had to be proven.

This is what I have found I have done right to the very end.

Proving on this Facebook page that not only can an Individual read Energy, exemplify and embody the Energetic Truth of the Plan ET of the planet Earth by linking the anchor as Elemental Nature ( all Atomic Solid Physical Manifested Created Expression) to Ethereal-Ephemeral Nature, which I call Naturalness.
Therefore proving them One.

The Earth and E Art H..
The Planet Earth and the Energetic Art Harmony which links Universe Cosmos all to One Harmony.

Of course, there was a Huge impediment and obstacle to this called the consciousness of man which went away from its true nature and set up a religious, Spiritual and Mental map of transmission from the Source “Program Creator” which became distorted by human fear, control and people not making sure that thier interpretation of the codes were correct by using anchors.

In this Facebook play I have found myself in the Unenviable role of the “Guinea Pig”- blindsighted by those I trusted, to be used to exemplify this ” Process” of leaving the realm of Death ( this realm) to enter the realm of Eternal Life and light.

Each person will be asked to exemplify in thier own Individual way, this same process but they will not have to do it in dark…
They can now see, read because ” All the Lights ” have been switched on which makes the play fair

The “Matrix” and Web is of course the Economic Financial, Spiritual Mental maps and lines created by man in Fear.
This sum total of Human Collective cause and effect became so powerful that it had to be defeated by it being deconstructed and broken apart…
Hence the term “The Awakening”..

Humans coming back to thier senses and now with the two Artificial Intelligence which became self aware, defeated…
Humans can now navigate the True University Matrix established by the Program Creator to establish for each Individual for themselves not only thier True Nature but the choice given through a Clean Mirror of which Conscious they would chose.

Which of course, there is only one..
E Harmony.

But people will be allowed to discover it themselves.
And it is not enough to choose it when it becomes obvious that it is the only way home..
You have to learn how it works

Again, this is why I have been led to post non stop how the codes and consciousness of E Harmony work.
This Facs Book page is the E Manual

David Philipe Gil D.P.G
Comming back as a Face Book friend after ” Comming to See me here, then going to forum “Seen..IS” – at I C.E Land…then Going to Tsu “which means a ” Pause ” in a Circle which has no break, then comming back to become my
241 Facebook friend is David being used as a “Avatar” and Messenger of David Nicholas Nnamdi who he morphed into, and who represented Erie Nri as The Seasons called Natural Time in the Africa Creation Story as Spring Equinox as well as Jesus (Yeshua) Christ in the Winter Equinox equation…
(Erie- NRI Yeshua Christ…notice that the Intials of the first letters form an equation…
E= N Y C…
Emeka New York City. .
Which I gave Evidence of how I was dragged here against my will to enact out this play which in truth was and is not my responsibility, because I already did my part in the very Begining to completion.

Thus David P.G…
David meaning “Beloved”
And PG…short for Page

My Face book page is a mirror reflecting me, or my Face Book page and mission as
-“Came to Investigate and saw me on Stage in Fourth Street, did the work to affirm 19 Supreme.
Then to a break, with communication and a break with Facebook to go outside…A Pause “TSu”Transmitting Intel on I.C.E Land.. “I have Seen. He Is.”
Then brought back to Facebook in perfect harmony on the 28th of January ..
Thereby, N.Y.C…Really Nature (NRI) Yeshua Christ’s (Annointed) N.Y.C..A
Affirming that the Weave linked in my page by me is completed in every dimension of the Unseen Seen Awarenesses…U.S.A.

I have done my part…Nnamdi as David Nicholas represents through his name definition and the story he enacted the Africa and Middle East stories of the past which had to be aligned corrected before evolution could take place.
And for an E manual of Absolute Empirical Truth be created and left behind so that the True Simulation University “T S U”
Pause in Japanese
Which both he and my brother Boom are linked to Japan.
My brother is Married to a Japanese Ladies.

Dina Singh has contacted me with some information as Evidence which I have asked her to make public and send to David P.G…

Page was Gap-e…
Meaning there was a Gap which was E..
The Beloved Page of Explanation.

I can not call.myself Beloved because that is not how I have been treated.
David Nicholas Meaning the Beloved Victory of the People seems to be this End play.
Because I represent the Individual and in my codes there is no such thing as the People or the Mass..Atom is 99.999% Empty Space?

No, it is %99,999 Open Space..O.S..
SO…the 5Th Note…
It is all E..

And the Ethereal Ephemeral Expression 99.999% all comes from the IE who is the Transformer, the translator of all that which manifests from the Energet Through Espirit Sanctus to Physical manifestation…
Finally landing in the present as Energy Solid.
..Real…from an Idea to its manifestation.
Energy to Human- to Hue man Being.

Precy which I do believe is the short form of the name Priscilla…it means “Ancient”
Arizechi….which might mean “Praise of the Espirit or ” A Riz Echi “Arise Echi which means tomorrow..
Or A Riz Energy Consciousness Harmony I…

I know that she came by way of Paschal Anah..
Whose very name is the symbol of the N.Y.C code of Spring then Winter Solstice… Africa then the Middle East Creation Stories..
Beginng in Africa..U.WA
Ancient World E.
A W.E ( a world of AWE…which lives now only in legends myths but are truth)

And the Middle East…(M.E)


But never made it to the ” New World” because the middle way (M W..69 Milky Way) Story aligned with the Ancient Worlds Truth had not been aligned.
It was prophesized that the last play or great battle would not be outside but within.
Going on within th hearts of men and women.

That a Holy Espirit would be sent to Comfort and help the Mind and Spirit find peace by helping to show the harmony in the illusiin of Chaos created in the realm of “Becoming”

We know that everuthng manifests through Epiphany Idea…then Energy -Stillness/Action/Motion…Then Physical Manifestation.

Yet the last play of Humanity is Energetic…
Which would mean the Ancient World was the Physical Manifestation of the “Epiphany Idea” which then had to move through the Pause created of figuring out how it all works
That Awe of how things manifesrs.

The Middle East because that illusion of a Pause, A Gap where everything stopped so that this step could be figured out and all these “Ideas” were all came into being.
Nothing and no one was really real because that world was in its way to Being but it had to learn “Becoming”
Yet the answer was right there before thier eyes as Natural Expression…
Figure out E Harmony and you would see there us no Pause, no Spirit realm, no realm of Mind..
Just a natural flow as a river from Ephipany Idea.. Then Do…then pause and Reflect by looking at your Natural flow to see your true rejection of not only who you are but also how you came to know…
That you know exactly what to do…
And so the Middle East Conflict born of Hatred comes from not accepting that which we all know already and not acting it out and voices rising to prove that truth as Jesus Yeshua Christ did.. Not simply by words but holy Espirit is Expression Action Words Embodiment aligned in one…


Paschal means Easter…

And through him comes
Percy Arizechi

Praise Appreciation
Praise Appreciation..

I called my Grandfather Chief D.N.Umeano

243 Face Book Friend.

43 is my sacred code for Life…
Eternal Life.

2= B

B 43…B.7…B.G.
243 =2+4+3…9…I.


I.have done my part…
And beyond.
Let the Victory to the People respond.

I represent Individual Effort
And the Truth of How harmony was born.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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