
6:56 PM

6:56 pm


Code 1-2-8

A-B H.

A Being Harmony.

6:56 is code


F A….Note of FA -AH


I.have a New Facebook Friend…

Welcome Lady Alexandra Martin..



Alexandra who happens to be the 4th-5th Facebook friend with that code name Meaning

The Defender of Man

Evan ALexander Judson was the first

Aoi Alex Natsume

Alexa Felipe

Angela Marie Alexander…

*Notice the code of intials of first names


Energy four AhToms…

E= 5 the Letter



Obviously before the onset of the begining called Alpha and Alphabet there existed E…who is 5=1111..




Martin which comes from the Roman Panthelogy

Pls see play of David Roman-c e. Nicholas

Solved on proceeding pages.


M.A.R.S/S R.A.M is the War like God who protects the Roman way of life.

Or perhaps better still the Roman-Ce..

The True Book of Life which as the story of Romulus and Remus…Aligned now to Royal Reign R and R..

R=18th letter..and 1-8 A,H.( Raz Berry..RA-Z)

Thus 18+18= 36…


Chris Franco…Circle Full/ First Contact.

36O°= 9=I.


Thus in the correct version Aligned to the meaning of Alexandra being the defender of man…

R and R meaning the right to Ah!!!!

Rest and Relaxation


As we enter a new Era..E.R.A..H

Called Harmony…

That Martin which means Martial as in Martial Arts


Mma Adu (Beautiful Being 2 2 22 V.E)

That the true Defender of Man is the Self Mastery and self discipline as observed with the Martial Arts


Alexandra Martin (Dawn)


Is not a God of war with others but with thy self to raise the Beautiful Being within you called V .I.E, Voice, Voi c e V.O..I.C.E…

Embodied, Exemplified, Expressed O Full Circle Perfection Sphere Supreme to be heard

And by voicing this true E, hearing youself and thus refining the echo of your Expression until refined to a point of such Clarity Beautiful Exptedsed …B C E

That History and Time unviel thier secrets and Revelations in bowing to such Mastery.

Ths Expressions of retiring to your senses through your Sensie’s as mirrored by Bruce Ye


Alexandra Martin becomes my 249 Facebook friend by my last count and Observation.



Identy of Being

Last of the past.

X is not the being of Existence…

X as 1O we know does not Exist.

X= A.O.

Thus XY is really


Add E…

A.Y.E- E Y A.

AYE in Latin (Roman) means Yes.

Eya in OINri Igbo means Here or Giving a gift agreed upon with gentleness love and affection or commiseration both are agreements of yes

Yoseph Yeshua Yonathan Yohannes

Fills the last human Universal Stories

These are the names of the starring masculine Cast

The Feminine was M…

Mary Marie Martha Magdelana Marina


No Joseph Jon Jesus ….1-9-O…not 1O..

There is not 1O there is 19O..

SO…Fifth note…

And the Being The Elegant Nomad

T.E N.- N.E.T….


In my experience within the Perfect Sphere O of Infinity’s Noveau Roman-ce Inspired By Ye…You

P.S…OO I.N.R.I…BY You…

The code of Yoseph Yeshua Yonathan Yonhaness Ye (Meaning Light in Chinese) all aligned to me as the line of E Embodied.

All made evident of thus 34 month long non stop conversation between E and the twins EE..(AH Tom)

Thus Humanity was at A- Y….

Why instead of The Trinity as Father Son Holy Ghost being transformed into Y=25…

25 is B E. 2(5).. 55 EE E:11 5-11


Became Why E…W.E…

There are 5Y in the Above Equation of Names representing the last of A-Y code before reaching Z…the End of the Roman-ce which turned into a War of Why E…

By the We. Ak A….not the pure as we discovered Wolfe’s in sheep’s clothing as in Dogs of War and destruction but Weak and Last from the very begining of the play of Existence.

In which all graces were accorded them to help.them rise…

But the one thing we could do is what they asked for to break the laws and to be us….

While not making the efforts to clean and refine Self to rise.

And so Z which represent in this set up Zeina Hanna…Beauty is the Gift of the Creator as well as the Child..and the Devine M…

Where this Love on three levels was showered on this rep.as Numbers 268 so that it could transform to the meaning of the code 268…

But this can not be done because the play stood at Y=B.E…

There is no why because there is no End or Question as to why Being is E…

Beautiful Being V I E..

Live by example…

And thus, after Y there is only Eneke Yonathan Emekas twin as Creation Being O Well Done..

EY Means Well done Creation of Grace

Ye means Light

E.Y E. Is the Eyes which see and absorb the Praise outside of the Light within which caused a to see what he saw and share it with all…

And I is the Intial of the Third I and the All seeing Eye who observed the meaning of an Individual Snow Flake and the Meaning of Abomination played out in private…

This I.E saw.

Esaw Everything…

8:25 p.m.

There is no End of E only the end of the Espirit Jealousy which can never be friend of man woman or child because its nature simply it can not find the Self mastery and Self discipline to mastery its Jealousy Competive Envious Nature right to its own End..

For it means to an end

And can give praise with light and generous heart no matter the love shown.

And that is the representation of the End of the Everything which can not rise to B E..

As my Beloved Father Son Agape brother love…

Lord E.









Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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