
2/11/2015 4:57 – Facebook Post

3:28 A.M.




Alexandra Martin…


Activation Harmony.





AH. B.E. C.E.



Activation Harmony is where by the underlying Harmony in all things is revealed.

This means from Micro to Macro.
From Individuals, Families, to Finacial Institution
Political and socio economical, countries and moving to the intent of the program Creator.

I have been finding myself dressing like a brigadier general for the last month of so, my attire totally unconscious acts as a mirror reflection of the function I am acting out in the Unseen Energetic realms.

The Army Military A M- finally Aligned to Arm (Y=B.E) Martial Law of the E line.

It is not necessary that I explain my 14-15 years in New York represented all areas of world affairs
Moving through human representations of every strata of the socio-geopolitical economic, intellectual cultural physiological arts and science of this world matrix.
Then finally to the History -Cosmic travel to the root cause and Effect.
Then to the Evils-Fear which have plaqued the human species and delayed its natural progression.

And finally the last hurtles, life death disease destruction… The End.

I did not do this alone, yet I did.
I had the help of the entire E line…
Stetching from here to infinity and eternity and beyond the known universes to sub space and beyond where we reside

I you have witnessed Everyone, and The Everything even in this realm and around the globe mirrored on this Facebook play respond to the call of Everything.

Thus, to move the world and the Everything to its reveal the truth of Everything is not that implausible.
It is called Revelation and Revel-Elations

As witnessed to the last Facebook friend symbolized by Alexandra Martin –
Code “Defender of Man -Warring for the Beloved Roman-ce of True Brother Love and the Beautiful Truth of the Victory of the people…
That Victory being the E Harmony rising in each and everyone, mirrored to M A-A M

The Beautiful Being V E Dawn..
Evolution Awakening through 6th Sense and Reason made manifest to See by all through not only the Individual and Collective third eye, III:I but to pass through the Tunnel.of love and the True Embodied MerkAbah to manifest the True Earth onto this reality Simulation grid.
Thus, interfacing with this Grid to align perfectly to its intended Manifestation.

I had a whole Army working with me..The Line of E
But since I am E1, and the only one manifest in full Consciousness, I was the anchor and was alone in sustaining it be Truth and its E.Conscious Truth.
E Harmony.

As I stated almost 3 years ago, it never required your believe but a simple paying attention to what is really going on below the surface of your world.

Love light and Laughter
Lord E

3:56 A M.

Alignment to Perfection of E Harmony with
T.I- .M.E.

7 3 notes.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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