
2/18/2015 17:15 – Facebook Post

2:56 P.M


I have two new Facebook Friends…

Welcome Lord Don Diego and lord Huzafia Gorgaje…
Which according to my last count of Facebook Friends should make them my 257 and 258 Face Book friends.

We have already established the code name of my brother in Don Diego as the code and riddle solved as Death as E-ND…
Emeka Nnamdi David…E =5, N=14, D=4…
As an illusion created by the Shadow of Fear of Consequences of expression Savage Viscious mean and cruel so unrelenting…
Rather than what it really is..
E=14+4..18…R. Est…A.H!!!! Relief “He Came they came”
And 5+14+4…23.. W- Double U Vie.
“Twins of you live”
Nnamdi David U.V. Ultra Violet (and Infrared)
U.V and I..R (AH)..
Beyond Red and Violet…

Thus, Since it is Established that Nnamdi never died as “The End” but transformed and I met him.as David Roman Nicholas, in Phillip S…in Gil in London Brixton a French guy who was my saxaphone teacher…having met him playing in a jezz cafe the very day I received the news of my grandfathers passing…

Then meeting them.in the past as the twins..
My Grandfather and His elder Brother…
Again Nnamdi Emeka..
Daniel Nwanna Mbwede Eric (Lil E)

Each name completing a story of the past and creating an Evolved Future..
D.P.G. EA…Emeka Alberto
D.N.M.E code FaceBook Griends
Daniel Nuno Ordens Miguel
D=4. N.O.M…
Eric David Samuel Brown/ Brodie Steven
Representing the past..
Two Constants in the D.N.M.E equation being

Then David Phillips Gil (Gilles) Alberto
(Alberto appears in The Elegant Nomad written in 2OO1 while in a Shelter Atlantic Bedford Stuyvesant… A.B.S…meet him during 911 at Staten Island (S I. Yes IS)
And stayed with him at Washington Heights..
It was through his portal- A being I recognized as the fitst True Natural Meaning of Compassion, that I left a place of horrors of horrors set up for me to live by some mean, mean spirited Jamaicans
Where my descent into the Consciousness and Dimensions really began…When all my luggage and I D was stolen in the place they directed me to store my luggage.. Surrounded by MAC cosmetics in their basement store room.

1313/ 3113.5…this “CAM-E” has been established as the Correct cide not
MAC which has been established as the Matrix on July 1st…2O14 proven publicly on Face Book.
1313..M… Marina Burini computer had the correct code 317O…
317O being CAGO(AE)

Meaning 31 is the correct code CAME
Not 1313..MM…26-8…
I was doubted by TT…By J.C if I was and am the Truth of Man…(Tru Man Show..J.Carey.
Code Facebook friend J.Carey
2-57 Facebook Friend represents
2= Being 5=E, 7=G…+x 12..3 LA.B.C. Sixth Note of La Being Consciousness 35..C.E..(Chukwu Emeka) Creator Expression by making me prove Cause Effect to 3+5=8..Harmony. To 15..O a perfect sphere of Cause Effect Expression Creator Emeka Cee…As the Light Lightness.
Through Exemplification from E-E (Edwardo Enciento) then align it back all to its source as Emeka Kolo.
12 letters

3:45 pm.

What a thing to.as anyone…
Even the Source..
Who can make such a demand…

My second Face Lord Huzaifa Gorgaje…

The name “Huzaifa” is an Arabic name which means the ” Keeper of the Secrets..
And is also one of the names of the two companions of the two Prophet and means “All give Praise and Support to the bearer of the Truth of Allah…All AH!!”

Gorgaje means a Tribe of warriors from the people of Baluchi in Pakistan Afghanistan Iran.. Persia.
They are also said to be the descendants of the one of the two companions of the Prophet Mohammed.
And would test ppl if they were telling the Truth by forcing them to walk on burning embers…

I walk through a Hell Beyond recounting from Hells Kitchen New York 2OO5…and years before..
For a Truth which served no purpose to me, carrying the Beautiful Truths of you and so many awful secrets people told me, confided, confessed to me…
Which I did not ask to hear or wish to know.
All this hell and testing to deliver something ..a gift and a truth to you all..
Which I gain nothing but seeing you say Ah…
The Beautiful Truth at last…

You were meant to discern the truth for yourselves that was the home work, that was the Gift if the Holy Espirit..
The gift of Pure Reason and the doing away of superstitions which could not be explained.
This us from the V 5th age you moved I to the age of Reason…From the Renaissance Beauty Roman (Age of the Novel the Book film)
To reason..
To see the Vision of Harmony Truth.
This was the gift of the First Story Teller..
Story to Film
Steven Filgueira…follow the “Gil” the thread ..that was the way to “Ira” I went forward …
Paying attention and keeping the links connecting the dots, understanding, joyously linking, weaving a picture..
Knowing the outcome before it was seen.or manifests…
And that is how to read a Roman and knowing the outcome in the end is Beautiful because you have been reading…and that is why there was no Fear in the Evolution Awakening A Rising Ascension Descend Ground ing Landing …
Because all as I have already proven deep.within ..
Already Know.

Savage Mean Cruel Viscious Dimension conscious being Aware, and worthy to go painfully out of Existence away from the sight and hearing of the Beautiful Harmonious Examples

…deep in their conscious horrors and expressions thier Mouths and Beings the Black Hole…Non.Existence.

49 State and Sacred Portal Denial…
4:15 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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