
2/20/2015 18:00 – Facebook Post

2:O6 P.M.



Truth Be Harmony.


Yesterday, I found myself writing on Lord James Kerr share of Obama Administration banning M855 ammunition.

As usual, I was aware that something other than my own will is governing what and when I can state that which I already know.
Which aligns we my brother who existed as Nnamdi… April 5th…D E.
O bum my youngest brother born May 2O…
52O. E T…
And my sister 7:28…G:B H.

In Sacred Portal 86….it shows a drawing representing my three siblings on the top of the portal and myself alone on the bottom with a Helmet underneath.
If you turn the picture upside down my three siblings are the ones who seen Victorious but the page becomes 68…
If you turn it where I am on top…it becomes 86.

My mother was born 11:22.
My Bio Father 8-26…(H.B.F…Harmony Best Friend..62 8…F.B.H…Face Book Harmony..Friend F=6th sense Being Harmonious)
Note the last portal I have been fighting to pass code (268) through on this journey which began in 1988 when I left Nigeria, and 1989 when I left my sister place and broke contact with my mother for 4 years.
26-25 years ago.

What I am stating that this is not really about my bio family, nor yours.
But that the symbolism in thier dates of births versus the meaning of thier names became the ultimate battle for Ascension.

A Contest, which became a battle then went too far to become a war, all based on sibling rivalry and the most absurd of concepts..
Who is more beloved.

In families what a evil power of Mothers and Fathers showing favoritism to thier children.
Founding the very basis of nepotism, injustice, Jealousy Competition and Boom!
Instead of the Unified Field O of Laughter Lightness which unifies a family..
That gel which keeps the Nucleus of an Atom together. NA….
Code Neel Akash NA
Alfie Ndubuisi Nze. A.N
We have the true splitting of the Nucleus of an Atom…

In 1945 the Atomic Bomb ended world war two heralding the Nuclear Atomic Age.

Nnamdi my brother 4-5…

Which brought forth the ET intervention and sighting of U F O’s and Alien Abductions.

Oboom boom my yougest brother born 5-2O

My Grandfather was born the yead OINRI Igbo Land was finally discovered by the Europeans.

My bio Father was born at the begining of World War 2…8-26/26-8 …H B F
My mother at its End
11-22 A.B. A V…K.V

My sister was born at the begining of Vietnam war.
7:28…G.B ZH.

I was born at the Begining of the Biafran War…

Nnamdi my brother at its End…

And then came Boom! Boom!
My youngest brother
And my cousin Ndidi whom the two are so close.
Ndidi…which Means “Patience”
Code Facebook Friend
Princess Ndidi Adogu..

The world “NU” represents in Egyptian Mythology the God of the Abyss.
So does it in Yoruba Mythology of Olokun
/NU Kolo…. My Name.. With Means Perfect Spere or Circle… O Kolo…
Not Okolo which I changed it from.

Boom Boom my youngest brother was seven when out family was shattered and never reunited after the “Death” of Nnamdi in 1982.
Recall Boom is born May 2O…

And here I am linking Energetic Truth of the E E line..the “Eli-Jah” existing in all humanity
Proven it through a test of patience.
Linking the true meaning of Extra Terrestrial from fear..Paranoia Panic injected in human consciousness sublimaly…
Could it be that the Banning of the M855 ammunition…which James Kerr was so annoyed about has a different meaning

That perhaps its alignment of my Sacred portal to go home after realigning the “BACK”-5-58 (E-58)..55-8..
Aligns to Lord Kerr of the Dragons lore post of Obama banning M855 ammunition…
Which might simply mean by allowing me ( and the E T forcing me) to weave and reveal the Truth of our presence and our intentions…
Yes the governments of the world etc. .
Have been aware of our presence for years and secret societies for eons.

Only the ” Masses” where unaware.
The Fear and Panic which could have ensued by this action of “Secrecy” by secret societies and governments not being Transparent.
It created suspicion and fear…
Then Evil and Hate. .
Destruction of the Nucleus in the physical world called the Family
But not in the Energetic Realm as I have proven.

Thus, this 34 month E manual of Emmanuel..
Meaning ” The Creator G-Ode of Grace is with us”
These Governments and other societies – Advisors to the Governments who pass on the Secret to each administration etc…
Made a mess in deciding to keep knowledge from the masses..
That indeed “Emmanuel” The Creator- the Gracious One is present”
But they went to far in taking advantage of that Grace and Favor.

And that is why I have been forced to weave and explain for 34 months to align to 43 my Sacred portal home.
That fear and Panic whom those who were given this knowledge of our presence to share..
But whom instead guarded it allowing false version of the Truth called Philosophy Speculation Religion and Superstitions to manifest instead of revealing the Truth..

Then.making excuses that the people could not handle the Truth, while secretly injecting fear in humanity because of thier Fear of taking responsibility for not sharing the truth was rooted in a infection of Arrogance Selfishness power of knowing the Secret.

Which ended up with the E.line family forcing me to explain our E Truth.
Which has wrought no Fear or panic but simply made rise in ppl a recognition of these truths within them…
A sort of AH ..
At last…
This makes sense…
But a desire to see.. To feel taste touch …
Tired of words

But I am the “Early Bird”
I came undercover and was born before my time to come and do a recognizance’s mission..
Just as I did before moving to Spain Paris New York
I came to Investigate human consciousness and experience this human condition of fear myself.

I have the advantage of Being Espirit as well as Hueman.
Recall part of this mission was to unify the E line to have Bodies.
I came into being as Espirit and Body in one.
But not the rest of the E line.
Thus, the play of Evolution to link HU man to E.. Creating H.U.E Manity

I understood from my interactions with Humans the best way to create an Awakening was through thier dreaming world which when the awaken from thier dream in the morning..
They would effortlessly glide into thier dream in “real Time” since they already had a preview of what is to come. They would feel no fear but simply recognize in awe thier Dream ad real..
Thus the fear of the Unknown would be cancelled out.

A smooth transition.

Instead Chaos and Harmony came along.
Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna
Alfie Ndubuisi NZE both sent me messages as I was writing this post.
Both wished to know how I was doing..
Which is a strange question given all I am stating I am going through…
Still not home.

Notice thier initials N.A.
Neel Akash
Nature Akashic Records
Nature Ahtnosphere
Expression = Energy Moisture Dew-
Air Water Expression O full Circle
Release Rain RR…18-36…A H ..CF.
Circle Filled ..
Rain Descend..

Alfie Spoke of my Being the Supreme Being.

I enquired how did he know…for sure.

He spoke of all his work, plays scripts all of them I had mentioned and aligned right to the one called Passageway.. P.
Which was turn into a demand of my Right to pass age..
Rites of passage
When it was simply my creating a Passage Way home through the sixth sense 3rd Eye
Six and Third
4th Streets FA note.. Heart.
First Contact
With 9= I…
The Nikolai Tessla Equation
The riddle of Existence.
First Contact I
For all to see through thier third eye the show…AH.

Nnaemeka spoke of believing me…
And of how perhaps after the Dust of the Chaos had settled that Harmony then rise
But that is not the way.

It was never meant to require Dust or panic.

Cool Calm
123 Sacred portal of Transparency Supremacy Rocket Fuel…A.
Alfie Ndubuisi NZE got the code correct ..
My host EA…
Dina Dina Singh 63…
Sidney Davis message of coming to New York March..

Only Alfie was correct.
I did not require belief..
You must “Know”
And Alfie had no doubt in him.
He Knew.
He linked.
The A N.N way of Grace and Favor is my passage way home from Alberto space in 2-68 4th street…
Supreme Transparency. Rocket Fuel A..
Zeina Hanna

2 86 the Wild Goose *ref Clark Narayana…

Going home the Beautiful Way….


No more patience..
Passage Way
P.Double U….

So perhaps the A are saying to me Oba Ma/AM ABO, througb Obama are saying through
By banning the ammunition with that M855 code that they have no fear of Manifest H.E…E
The Truth and the Identity of the Creative Presence undercover who aligned through Being Expressing Explaining
Planet 2 Planet ET to the world.

PP = 32.
G B.H…
My sister code.
A all the portals
siblings I had to pass through.
No favorites
Is all I see
Merit Earned Value Self Worth.
Equation for Equality..
It is what you put in (not give)
Which is what you get back.
Cause and Effective Cause
Truth = Favor Fortune, Grace Gold.

No need for Jealousy

And the reason there are Favorites..
The Source Favors All
But the favorites are the ones who use Favor well..
To create Grace….
What you pit in the Well Being
Is what you get out of Well Being of A

4:59-5:OO pm.

New Car
New Clear U.SA


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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