
2/21/2015 15:08 – Facebook Post

12:33 pm.

From Birgit Stein

Please note the Time 12:33 am
Now please note the poem.
The two half’s…
Two Cees which become One
Please note the codes I have been weaving since Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna who is actually Nnaemeka Chinwuba Charles Ezeufonna…
Then recall the weaving which moved us to Alfie Ndubuisi Nze…
“Lost way of Grace and Favor”and the Sacred passage way..
Represented by Lord Orien Laplante and Prince Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula…
Moving and aligning the Clark Narayana meaning the ” Scribe of Nara Narayana.. Nature Naturalness…(NN= 14+14= 28…B.H. The Consciousness of being harmonious through the sacred portal)..Narayana Means “The residing place of Lord Vishnu who pervades through everything, the Divine resting place of the Divine beings which most in New York have seen rise non stop in me and (which I thought I would be on TV and treated as a freak but Nada except they make ppl feel happy…).
Thus all pervading is of course water..
Narayana also means ” The Path of man” meaning “Age of Aquarius- the Water Bearer”
Which is of course, the human body..the H B
The Harmonious Being (28)
Which is of course, what this Facebook play represented in FaceBook friends being moved by thier E line to become my Facebook Friends.
As all recall I am not allowed to send out Facebook request.
Only ppl can ask to be my Facebook friends because it is the weave of the “Victory of the People”
I did the weave by myself from memory of the Birth of Existence and the solving the riddles of this realm publicly for the first half of this 34 months which was all made public and Transparent before the whole world (though few knew what I was doing, though I explained that the Divine me within as well as my walk through seven countries and hundreds of human portals had led me to Facebook… By a Powerful Divine force which is named in the meaning of Facebook Friend Divya Dharsini…
Who aligns to Lord Prince (L.P…as in album music) of Don Diego..
Who appeared in perfect Harmony when L.P Don Diego appeared as my Facebook Friend..

I had been shocked that I was being to share not only my home work with the whole world but to make public my conversation with the two I call Jay and Joy or Feminine Masculine -Father Mother. -The FM Frequency of the inner music of how I hear them and remembered them from beyond the womb.
And how we dance.
I used to call them Sadness and Joy. .
But really its Beautiful Pride and Joy.
I have spoken to them all my life recorded my adventures undercover in the Matrix and when I went down in 1989, to Investigate what was wrong human consciousness…
And why they could not be Natural…
But I kept this to myself..
I had been called “Strange” Special all my life and had encountered jealousy Competition love hate because of my consciousness..
I wished to celebrate life but my perception of it kept on pushing me further and further from getting a life.
So when I went undercover in 1989 to Investigate (and find my family the line of E whom I recalled would incarnate on Earth in human form in this play..
After all this is why I remembered I came down)
It was exasperation to find what the devil is wrong with these peoples perception.

But I also began to put together the pieces of my vision and memory of the first dimension of Being which I wrote in a small book at age seven eight…
Which told the story of Father and Mother dropping me off here in this dimension on a Space ship made of Transparent light for a mission they did not tell me.
I always remembered when I existed as the only E line with a body.
When there was just myself.. Father Wind and Mother as Natures Expression.. The Cee.

They did not have bodies just Awareness and Consciousness
It was bliss…
There is a post Obiorah KANU posted saying this was me..
It was
It shows a Youth with a bird and all these colors around him…
Mother and Father..
Not as you call them here..
They were my Guides Companion’s
G C. 7 3…1O ..21…
But I recalled thier curiosity desire to have a body…

I have been putting together fragments of memories of this play to get them embodied
And thier desire..
And they not asking me
But thier desire manifesting moving me when I had already made the plan.
Thier desire interfered with the plan I already had
And it brought chaos…
This play.

So after completing the play of the I..
The Individual.
Exposing my most private conversation with Ah Toms Sphere (The Twins. Thomas Means “Twins”)
I found myself weaving with you.
The public who are each Individuals as well as the Collection…
Snow Flakes and
B-Eau TI Full.
Water and Vessels..
And the Vessel is the Body which is made of Air…
And Water is Air and Wind
The H B.O.
The Harmonies of 2 Perfect Spheres
28= 2+8…1 ..
Planet 1+6=7.
Code Facebook Friend David Philipe Gil..

So you see why I had to now weave with each Facebook Friend sent by N and N now moving to N=14= 1+4=5= E.
This is the Unification of Being. Evolution.
2×8 to 16-7 is Expansion of E T Extra Terrestrial
Planet and Plan ET aligned through Evolution of Consciousness by Expanded nature of being..
Through Energetic Truth
Of Emekas Truths
Universe E.

Recall the Affirmation from Ladies Shubhi Gautama Sarah Lagrange Safter Taskent Siththy Ameena Eshe Chuki Asale Raz Berry etc
Time 12:43 pm..
*Sacred portal of True Life.

Then finally reaching through lady Dina Singh through a great battle of the child woman line to finally reach Treana Skarpias.
Truth Supreme.. Or the shore.

What this weave I am completing is linking with my family within and outside..
And they got all of you to be part of the play Script.
And created a mess…age.
Mess of Age.
It is a message from them …

Through Birgit S.

See the Poem..

See G.C..Sin-Claire.
Sin Clair.
A sin in Clarity
Sine Chair…(Flesh)
DE Sir E..

To touch Existence Being E

The Double U V-I E -V-U.E
Emeka..Well Done.

But what they did not realize
It was all taken care of in the very begining
Before they were born.
I.E Harmony Eternity Infinity
I.E H.E.I.

First Grace and G-Ode to Existence
Was, is Me

2:O7-8 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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