
2/22/2015 22:55 – Facebook Post

9:15 pm

22-2-8…(2O+15=35 CE=8 Infinity Harmony…)

C-ode or G-ODE….
Numbers to letters…

Time: I:O….(A E…Atomic Expression-Energy)
Date: V-B.H.

1 O
One Perfect Sphere.

Victorious Being Harmonious

Beauteous BE-AM Being Harmony Infinity


I have a New Facebook Friend.

26O is the correct number
Best Friend Perfect Symmetry.

Welcome Lady Gabrielle C.Sinclair…

Author of the Poem Infinity shared by Lady Birgit Stein…
And from the Rainbow Heart of Gabe Brutal…
Through Lord Orien Laplante…

Welcome to this 34 months (34=7/ 43=7)
Facebook play.
We are almost there.
The full circle of Expression complete brings Manifestation into being sight and touch the Ah Tom IC Truth made manifest ….
Finally !!!!

In the Old Story in the Good Book used to Create so much Evil.
Gabriel represent one of the seven Arch Angels who came to herald the birh of Christ on earth through the Virgin birth of Mother Mary….

I went down stairs for a smoke earlier and saw two statues of the Virgin Mary stuffed in the garbage along with a pair of Black leather Boots and a pair of sneakers..

“Huh”, I grunted. ” Finallllly ending that Biblical Story and realigned it back to the “Umbilical Chord Accord”

Older Facebook friend will recall the frustration as I move the Starship Enterprise Evolution Awakening how often I, we were sucked back into that child like and then evil translation of the Subconscious telling Humanity a story.

My David and my mother C all were contained in that story and could not rise until it was aligned and translated back into its true meaning before we could evolve to the E T link Umbilical Suprene Accord…Universal Simulation Awareness…

7 Arch Angels…
Seven Colors of the Rainbow..
7th Color Royal Purple…
3-4 Colors
Yellow…( Hello- Elohim..HE)

See Gabe (Masculine) Brutal…Rainbow..
7th Color is Royal Purple

This Time it heralds
The Beautiful Truth…
The Birth of E True Consciousnes.
E T.C…

E.Yeshues ah Christ Anointed.

Gabrielle means Godes Guy..
Sinclair means a Pool of Clear Bright reflection
Erik EbrightEbright
Eric Lile BrownBrown
Of the Eternal Ruler.
E.R.(AH) I C.
9:53 pm

I.E C…

Chukwuemeka Emeka Ikemefuna

I Emeka VI.




ohimElohimElohimwElohimElohimwElohimElohimwElohimElohiElohimElohimwElohimElohimwElohimElohimwElohimElohimElohimElohimwElohimElohimwElohimElohimwElohimElohwElohimElohimwElohimElohimwElohimElohim(Hello Elohim)

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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