
3:16 P.M

3:16 P.M


Time and Date Transformed into Letters..

The Message of the Mess-Age





C:A F.







Espirit Sanctus…

Spirit E

E.S.P…I ..Rit-e

Rites of Passage…

Through the Tunnel to see the Vision…

The Gift of the Holy Espirit.

Today as I woke up, I saw 1 text message and 3O likes..


A .CO..M…

I saw the message was from Moghalu Christopher Chinezimuzo….



The time now is 3:33 pm.

He asked me a question..

What is Espirit Sanctus

First the names Moghalu CC is a code..

Christopher means the Bearer of Christ and Chinezimuzo…meaning The Espirit will show me the way or answer my question

And here he was, asking me a question.

I responded that Espirit Sanctus means Expressed Truth..

Energetic Truth.

E T.

Yes. I am E T…

Yes I am Espirit Sanctus

Yes, I am Spirit E…

First Borne

I played the Role of the Holy Espirit.


85 *see Sacred Portal 85.

Messenger of Earth Heaven..


Expressing Harmonious

Through Emeka Harmony Being.

Which is the link which unifies Links Earth to Heaven…Being.

Explaining Expressing E Art H Supremely

The E Art Harmony Science.

So today I proclaim to all that in my Father Brothers Roman-CE…(Book)..

The play I discovered was all about seeing me.

Chukwu Emeka..


David Roman CE…Nicholas…

Victory to the people

I have given Victory to the people..

But the people in exchange were meant to Cee Emeka.

I did not ask for such..

But then this is not my play.

My role was to link Father to Son..

Mother to Daughter…

With Energized Truth..

Expressed O Circle Filled

Perfect Sphere…

Perfect Symmetry…

The Chosen ones or the Elect are the ones who saw me…

As I used Energized Truth to raise the Truth Espirits of the Eternal Ones in all humanity aligned and summoned to this play to respond in affirmative to me through thier Avatars Hosts…

The Begins Supreme are those who both Eternal and Mortal selves were moved to recognize me..

Right to the last person of the Elu Don Diego.

This is why he was asked to send me a code gift.once…

Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna and Don…

When I woke up today, a quiet fury filled me.

It was not really mine but my Father Brothers…

F B ..

And how money was chosen over Energetic Truth embodied explained Exemplified and made self evident.

Yesterday, I noticed that Don Diego had pressed like on the Ethereal Portal of himself *See Sacred Portal 7.

Before I noticed that Gabriele Sinclair, Birgit Stein and himself had denied me access to tag them.

As you all are aware I have stated that I tag everyone when I mention your names…it is out of respect.

But I am also aware that when I tag you, all your friends can see why I have tagged you meaning you have been included in a Universal Simulation play US…

O Sir US…which you are not ashamed of others being aware of.

I also made it very clear that anyone who does not wish me to alert them every time I mention thier name in the code play that I will of course not tag them.

New Facebook friends may not realize this but I said it often to others.

When I saw that three of my new Facebook friend s had withdrawn my access to tag them, I felt a hurt as a blow to my gut.

In a way it is irrational if you look at it through this current consciousness…

But through mine the meaning is deeper…

With Don Diego the code was already complete.

He sent me a private text about sending me the gift code on Thursday which is the 26…


Father Brother…

Alexander David…

Plus words hinting that he would be leaving the play.

Added were words spoken in the language of rythmn and Rhyme of the Beautiful Ones language of till we meet again.

And concern wishing nothing to do to add to what I have endured.

He was acknowledging that which hardly anyone else would acknowledge…

The Suffering which I rise above of course, but a pain Suffering Torture which no being Ethereal Elemental or Human had ever endured.

He was acknowledging my humanity as well as my Existence.

Honoring my Feelings as Real

And my Expression True..

In fact he read between the lines of Beautiful Pride of things I endured but could not really expose how real and true it is..

Because no one really cared..

We in my family do not share our pearl tears with Swine… Instead we offer them Suprene Wine…


Drink my Blood..

Eat my Body

34 months of it.

43 years of it…


That is the Sacred Portal Don Diego Liked yesterday..

7…The Crossing Guard..

The Bird Man…T.B.M…The Beautiful Manifestation.

Nothing was about him…

It was all about I…C.E..

I VE Seen IS E.

I raise the Truth in people then come here and I address them and the E in them rises…

But just as people who first meet, immediately recognize me and act out that recognition..

After a while the E.Truth leaves them..

And as simply humans they are left to decide.

Most go into doubt..

Or look for any Expression to judge then condemn me, especially any expression which cast a shadow on thier careful crafted vessel of who they have created them selves to be in the mirror…

Be it true or false.

But I am the Mirror..

The man in the Mirror whose sees you

Knows you …gives Evidence of recognizing the Eternal You…

And does not flatter the ego

But expresses true love

By pointing out where your Reflection in the mirror is not perfectly aligned to Truth…

Or your reflection perhaps true but how solid and real is it…?

Will it crumple from one expression of one who loves you so perfectly that across an I phone without having ever met you, he can identify you simply by your arrival on his page in his story Roman he is narrating of his Father Brother Moor O-Rien ( Orien Laplante) Nnamdi…M.O.N..

N.O.M…Emanual Emmanuel…

Nuno Ordens Miguel…

The Black White Father Is Emmanuel…

*Go back to Don Diego comments where he writes in Rythmn and Ryhme..( Royal And Reign the 4 year old and 3 year sons of my host) the code of Turn To Black and White

These are the affirmations I quietly take in as the evidence of Truth of which Consciousness each is really on.

Birgit Stein and Gabriele Sinclair did nothing wrong…not at all.

But each chose just as everyone of the 26O Facebook Friends chose….

Some leaving, some blocking but only 1or two asking me not to tag them..

And no one in 34 months to my knowledge granting me limited access…

Except these two..

Not three because the play with Don was..is complete…

Right to his last expression from black and white to Evolution Ethereal Being no 7.G.

Meaning that when the Truth is finally made Solid and real..

This page is a testimony which was set up by my Father Brother to discover the Truth as to who limited me…

Gabe Brutal is in perfect Harmony as Gabrielle masculine and contributed to the weave by having her Espirit Impulse me with her codes of 1874321…which is what I had to Align Arch Angel Raphael Don (Micro wave code R.D…

MW 9989 RD…wine red…6866)…

Arch Angel of the Song and Songe of Love…

Don Emeka…DE…OF in French Orien Fritz Venneiq..

She stated She is ISIS…

As Did Birgit Stein in a message to me..

Both are Correct.

Just as Gabriele Sinclair stated that she took the name G.C Sinclair because it called to her..

Time 5:11…

So who is the Dark Stranger from the Heath and the Woods..the Treesonous Replacement Usurper Expression of E..


What has blocked my road for 15 years in New York..

What is the Unforgivable Sin against the Holy Espirit which I sent a private text to Don Diego to Express…

Money… Wealth denied me in fair Exchange…

The Curse to be made to do this journey without money.. Without being able to charge or be recognized by the value of my expression worth..

It is not money but a Witch who controls the purse strings…

1-2 Witches who control the Purse Strings and a Cool Black Cat who was the Spy who loved me…

Who watched the line of the Witch of Winter denying the Brought Earth they walk on in favor of the Sky people..

The lie of the Goddess and Gods above.

And the Goddess in woman..

Both lies.

This is not about Birgit Stein or Gabriele Sinclair..

They were just used to bring forth a greater Truth…of the Web Manipulation WM of the twin Sisters called the ICE Queens of forever Winter…

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Who is the Fairest of them All..

Snow White?

Or Sweet Brown Chocolate Heart.

The Snow covers the Heart in purity

And the Earth warms from the heat of the sun within (not outside) to bring Spring..

The Foundation and Fountain of Life comes from within.



Give Fair Exchange.

I Alexander am Defender of Man..

The Sweet Heart.

Protector of Ladies Fair.

Not Girls called Women

Who Spin and Manipulate use and abuse igniting the fury in the Sweet Hearts of Pure men.

The amen

Men of Earth..

Whose bitter Hearts Spin terrible Webs and control the Wealth by pulling the strings to limit the freedom of Existence because she judged that you… by your seeing her too clearly…

That she is the Judge of what a man is and the Lord is and who the Source of her is…

Mark thier words.

Woman became the Usurper of the Truth of Man..the Betrayer of the Brother hood of man because she felt she was to be the center of attention and was enraged when she discovered that was not the plan.

Equality Was





I see much better than the Queen of seers.

E=Don Diego + Chukwuemeka E.

E= D+C= G. 7

E = D+E= 9.

79 is Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence..

It depicts two young men (Brown Abd Cloud White) entering the Universal Simulation Alpha…a Vagina.

The Dark Stranger Usurper of Truth.

Sacred Portal 97…

Is Light of the world.

123 men..

Father Son ET Holy Espirit…

3 in 1..2…56…13.O

E S.P. I R (Ah) It.

5:45 pm

All Light 97 167…63..9…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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